Polish Wedding

Reviewed by: Marshame

August 4, 1998


Save yourself six bucks and skip this film. Unless of course, you like movies that can't decide whether they're a comedy, a drama, a slice of life, or what. You might like this movie if you really want to see 90 minutes of Claire Dain's hair.

I have not seen a movie in a long time where there was not a single sympathetic character. Here's the rundown:

Claire Dain - (she has some Polish name that they continuously alter with obvious Polish idiomacy) She is a slut who is way too fond of her father, mimics her slut mother, teaches her younger brother to smoke and about sex and sneaking out/in at night, and likes to play Catch Me If You Can with her Pursuing Males in Heat. She is cold and uncaring about her infant nephew who she's supposed to take care of. She has a chance to redeem herself by telling the priest she can't be Lead Virgin in the Parade of the Virgins since she is pregnant. But she bypasses that opportunity to cause a scene at the Parade of the Virgins when she refuses to leave the alter (or whatever it is that the statue is on) and when she has her moment of truth, she crowns herself with the wreath meant for the statue and announces "put this in your pipe and smoke it."

Claire's mother - played by I don't know who. Mother Slut. She dresses up in a Salvation Army Uniform on her husband's night off to go have sex with one of the corporate executives for whom she is a custodian in charge of cleaning the mens bathroom floor on her hand and knees. Plus she wears high heals to work. Yeah, sure.

Mother Slut does make piorgnies (the Polish little stuffed dumplings) but we can't even like her for that since she conscripts labor to get them done.

Weakling Father - a baker who works nights and choses to be oblivious to his wife's philanderings, even when he follows her one time and watches through the window. Spineless wimp. Plus he smokes incessantly. Whatever possessed Bryne to take this role!

Policeman Boyfriend - for this guy I had some hope, especially when I saw his "six pack" whilst washing windows (the obvious vehicle to display his attributes.) But he, too, proves to be a butt-hole. In the last scene, when Claire Dain and her hair are giving the baby a bath in the birdbath on the back lawn while the grandparents look on, Officer SixPack digs dirt around them all, dressed in some sort of bib overall and shovel get up. Now let me get this straight: we'll bathe baby and read the paper on the patio while son-in-law lets the dirt fly with his shovel? I don't think so.

The rest of the motley crew was equally unlovable.

Plus, there was NO POLISH WEDDING! What a rip off.

I admit, I went to see it because the ad said it was the greatest romantic comedy since Moonstruck. Hah! I didn't have time to find/read the reviews. That'll teach me. At least the popcorn was decent.