Coyote Ugly

Reviewed by: RubberDucky

August 9,2000


well, i was able to duck Coyote Ugly once but not twice. the new boy wanted to see it. i tried not to roll my eyes as i said "sure".

that's the key, btw, to seeing this movie. expect horrible dreck and come away from it thinking "hmm, that coulda been a lot worse". yes, it was cliché riddled pap that was sappy and condescending, but then everyone (except for Goodman) was very pretty to look at. especially her boyfriend. yowza! whatta cutie. also, this stunning lead girl (or whoever sang for her, if not her) did a great job singing - she has a wonderful voice!

anyway, the story centers on a New Jersey gal going to New York (because, evidently, they aren't the same "new" state - as if anyone cared) to be a song writer. only, gasp she has stage fright that her yummy boyfriend has to fuck out of her - or something.

fast forward past the slutty-bartenders (the mean bitch one, the tramp one, the owner-bitch one, the black one)-with-a-heart-of-gold and you have something that appeals to ... straight couples from the looks of the audience. oh well. if you are a straight man and owe your wife/girlfriend/mistress for sitting thru so many shitty "summer blockbusters", then this is a good make-up movie. you won't hate it. you won't like it, but then, do you expect to?