Moulin Rouge


June 3, 2001


I went to see Moulin Rouge on Friday. For the most part I enjoyed it, although at times the movie was dragged down by the director's vaulting ambitions. My favourite critic, Rick Groen of the Globe and Mail, sums up the experience nicely:

"The musical is the most delicate of movie genres -- the fragile magic either works or it doesn't. Although hardly perfect, Moulin Rouge is a must-see if only because Baz Luhrmann, drawing upon every directorial trick in his vast arsenal, goes to impressive lengths to reinvigorate the movie musical. And yet, when all is sung and done, the poor thing remains as fragile as ever. Here, the magic flickers on and off like alternating current, and the result is a film as giddily unpredictable as the love it celebrates -- enervating one moment, thrilling the next."

Oddly enough, I went to see this movie with me ex-girlfriend. The last movie we saw on the big screen was Titanic, which turned out to be a miserable experience for the both of us, given the sinking ship and all.