The Deep End


August 20, 2001


What would happen if a family from a J.Crew catalog were suddenly involved in a seedy murder mystery with gay swindlers and blackmailers with foreign accents?

That is the premise of "The Deep End" which, as JanJon's subconscious hinted at, should be called The Dead End.

This movie has been hyped as a thriller and a film noir when it is neither. It is really more of a melodrama, but an edgy one.

The first half hour or so, I was 'mesmorized' and deeply involved. It's nothing like you've ever seen, and for those moments alone, it is probably worth it. Yet, about mid-way I suddenly felt restless and disassociated from it, and was only curious as to how it would play out. I kept waiting for the thriller part of the film to begin but was disappointed. I was not alone, though,judging by the grumbling from the audience on the way out. I really think the expectation was that this film was supposed to be frightening. It was quite mannered if anything.

David Edelstein's review in Slate has been the only negative one I've read so far.