<2/13/02> Right, I just had a sweet ass idea for このページです。 Heh, sorry, Bursting into Japanese at inopportune times is quite a bad habit of mine (です).
Ah, so my idea: i make music, so i'm gonna put some sort o' frame uptop (unless i decide against frames, which i probably will, as they're annoying as hell... i really need to get up to par on my html skills...) that's like a guidebar thingie. Or i could make a popup window that has kind of a guide... bunch o' links in a remote control format... that'd be cool. Anyway, I'm gonna put stuff about my music (and my music) up, definitely something about japan, as it's the coolest place ever and it has good food, maybe something in the programming department, although i'm reluctant to do so for two reasons: 1) it takes hella time, and would mostly be in c++ that would run on a command prompt. 2) c++ is not embedable on pages, and even so, I don't really have any good ideas for programs that would enhance the site (at this time... maybe later if i choose to brush up on my java as well). You might see somehting up here in that department sometime, but first i'm gonna work on getting a respectable UI to the page. Maybe this bit will be in a frame off to the right that you can resize depending on how much you like listening to me talk (aha! another idea! somehow embed a text to speech program in this piece so that i can bombard you with my pointless banter through two media!). Then I'll have the remote thingie, then the body o' the page. I have to be careful not to make everything appear in the frames all the time though... That can get kinda nasty if you gثt recursive frames... Ah, but I'm gonna have to work on this thingie hardcore, and maybe get hosted somewhere, as geocities = wack (agh! helicopters encircling house... depriving right to free speech... must... escape...). If anyone has any ideas about this site, or visits it at all, and is reading this, drop me a line.
Heh, but I have to pry myself away from the computer, as it's 1:00 am, and I still have plenty o' work to do. Y'all come back reeeeal soon now, y'hear?

<2/7/02> I'm Backis, and this time it's personal. Some things have changed since my last update, and I just got back from the annual crawfish eating contest at the local fishmarket. I'm up 13 from last year, but I still need lots o' practice. I'm gonna have to go to the all you can eat thingie and inhale some shellfish on sunday.
In the time that I've been gone, I've done lots of stuff, most of which I'm too lazy to describe right now, but might later if you pester me. I auditioned for another show at my school, and failed once again, but I'm starting to believe that the reason I'm not getting in is because I'm not in the exclusive "acting group", and that I have to stop trying to be so wacky during these things (probably the true part...). Right, I'm gonna write for YAMO (the super wacky comedy show that's put on at my school every year), and pump out some neat scenes. Hmm, life's pretty normal right now; I'm in a pretty good mood after tonight's events, and considering that tomorrow's friday. I feel slightly like my relationship with my girlfriend's stagnating, but don't want to do anything... idunno. It could last for many more months, or a few more weeks, I'm not really sure. Whatever comes comes though.
Right, anyway, onto a brighter topic. I'm probably gonna put some real meat on this site, which will hide this little inconsequential page in piles o' stuff that you very probably might hate. In such a case, I've got one thing to say to you: "Nurl."
So I'm thinking of putting something on the site called "Nurl of the Week," which will be similar to "Survey of the Week" on my previous page, except not offensive to homosexuals. Instead it will focus on people who deserve to be Nurled. I'm starting to have ideas for other cool stuff too, so stay tuned, kiddies, I've got a whole bunch o' tricks up my sleeves.

<12/15/01, late> Heh, it's been about four or five years since I made my first web page here, way back in the day when I had time to spend on stuff like this.
I guess the fact that I'm doing this now shows that I have time again...
Tonight I auditioned for a comedy show, just showed up - I have a friend on the board - and read a monologue. I thought it was ok, seemed kind of funny, my delivery was ok, they laughed, were real nice. Afterward, my friend told me I hadn't made it.
Guess it just made me think. I consider myself a funny guy. I think I'm smart, good at karate, programming, school, I'm a good writer (got stuff into a show last year...), people like me, all that great stuff. I don't know whether any of it's true though. Sure, people tell me I'm great, everything seems cool, and something like this is probably a stone in my path, can't have everything, Nick, type thing, but it's really making me think about who I really am, and how others see me.
Everyone seems to have some sort of project, something they dedicate their whole existance to while they're working on it. They live for it, or at least care about it.
Anyway, this is my new site, which I'll put more ... relevant stuff onto, and hopefully, it'll be kinda artistic and interesting.
Heh, but Morpheous calls, so I must go.