Academic Policies 

Athletics & Activities 

Student Organizations 

School Curriculums

Academic Eligibility - In order to be eligible to participate in sports and other extracurricular activities, students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and have no grades of "F" during the preceding quarter. Eligibility for fall quarter is determined by the grades for spring quarter of the previous year.Seniors student who is repeatedly academically ineligible will be placed on academic probation and must meet specific conditions relative to the probation. If a student does not meet the conditions, the student and his/her parents will be requested to meet with the principal. Students may also be placed on probation for failing to meet behavioral or attendance expectations. 

ADD/DROP PROCEDURES - During the first week of the first semester and the first week of the second semester, students may request course changes. The student will complete an add/drop request form available from the counselor's office. This form must be signed by each teacher involved in the change and the parents. The completed form is returned to the counselor for approval. Course changes at any other time of the year are discouraged. A course change after the designated add/drop period, must be recommended by the teacher and approved by the principal. A parent conference may be required with the teacher and principal. 

FINAL EXAMINATIONS - Final exams are given during the last week of each semester in Grades 9 - 12. No early exams will be given. Students missing exams first semester will make them up In January and students missing exams second semester will make them up in August. Students who withdraw during the semester will normally be graded on work completed up to the date of withdrawal and will not have the opportunity to take the final or earn credit for the semester.  

GPA AND CLASS RANK - The GPA is calculated at the end of each semester for high school students. All courses are used in calculating the GPA with Advanced Placement courses weighted an additional .25 per semester when the GPA is calculated. Grades below a C" In an Advanced Placement Course does not receive the weighted calculation. Rank in class is determined by the GPA and is not computed until the Junior year. Students who transfer to ACS during their Senior year will not be ranked with the Senior class. 

GRADES AND CREDIT - Grades 6-12 use the following grading system: 
A+  98% - 100%  D+  68% - 69% 
A  93% - 97%  D  63% - 67% 
A-  90% - 92%  D-  60% - 62% 
B+  88% - 89%  F  Below 60% 
B  83% - 87%  E  Excellent 
B-  80% - 825  S  Satisfactory 
C+  78% - 79%  U  Unsatisfactory 
C  73% - 77%  NG  No Grade 
C-  70% - 725  I  Incomplete 
Point Equivalents: 
A  4 
B  3 
C  2 
D  1 
F  0 
Credits: 1 subject taken for 1 academic year = 1 credit. 

HOMEWORK - Homework forms an important part of a student's education because it reinforces the work covered during class. It is recommended that parents remain aware of their children's homework, course work and project commitments. Parents can help their children establish good study habits by insuring that time is set aside and that there is a quiet place to study. For ACS students homework is an expectation, although the amount and nature will vary according to grade level. Students are provided with a homework agenda book and they are expected to record assignments and due dates in the agenda book on a daily basis. On the average middle school students can expect to have approximately l-2 hours of homework or individual study each night. High school students can expect to have approximately 1-3 hours each night. Students taking AP courses can expect to have additional study needs due to the nature of the courses. 

HONOR ROLL - Students attaining a GPA of 3.75 or higher will be placed on the Highest Honor Roll. Students with a GPA of 3.5 to 3.74 will he placed on the High Honor Roll. Students with a GPA of 3.25 to 3.44 will be placed on the Honor Roll. All Honor Roll students will he recognized at the end of each quarter. Advanced Placement courses are weighted by an additional .25 when calculating GPA for Honor Roll. 

INCOMPLETE GRADES - Students who receive an Incomplete "I" grade for a marking period are allowed a maximum of two weeks 10 school days) to complete the missing work and have the grade changed. If the incomplete is not removed within the time period the grade will change to an "F". It is the student’s responsibility to insure that the work is completed and turned in to the teacher for grading within the two weeks. 

MAKE-UP WORK - Students are allowed one day for each day absent to makeup missed work. Work for unexcused absences can he made up at the discretion of the teacher, but will not be given credit. Students traveling on a school sponsored trip should collect assignments and due dates before leaving. 

PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES - A scheduled day is set aside for parent/teacher conferences after receipt of report cards for the first and third quarters. See the school calendar for exact dates. Parent/teacher conferences may be arranged at any time of the year. 

PROBATION - Students may be placed on probation at any time during the school year for failing to meet academic (see academic eligibility), behavioral, and/or attendance expectations. A student on probation will be expected to meet specific conditions relative to the probation. If at any time the student fails to meet the conditions, she/he and/or her/his parents will he requested to meet with the principal and may be subject to disciplinary action. 

PROGRESS REPORTS AND REPORT CARDS - Progress reports are issued in the middle of each quarter. Progress reports are to he taken home by the student, signed by the parent, and returned to the teacher within two days. Teachers may issue a progress report to a student at any time during the quarter if the student is not making satisfactory progress. Teachers are also encouraged to issue positive progress reports for performance well done. Report cards are issued at the end of each quarter and indicate the student’s progress during the quarter. Semester grades are issued at the end of the second and fourth quarter. In order for a student to receive her/his report card, all obligations must be cleared. 

WITHDRAWAL - Students leaving school permanently during the school year must clear with their teachers, the librarian, accountant, nurse, administrative assistant and registrar. Withdrawal forms are available from the Middle School Office and registrar's office. Failure to clear all accounts will delay the sending of transcripts and records.