This is where you can make yourself heard. Don't like the site? Do like the site? Want more info? Something Missing? Got a gripe on any topic? Leave your message here. If you're trying to get more hits on your website by leaving a message here, and you have no interest in the topic of this website, please don't bother leaving a message. Sorry if this offends anyone, but I'm not in the business of supporting other websites which have absolutely no connection (ito Website content) to this one. So, don't leave a message simply to get more hits on your nude-pictures website :-)

PJ - 12/09/00 16:43:45
My URL:http://pj112575.tripod.com

I like your web-site. I've been looking on the net for music creation software and FREEWARE is definitely a way for people like me to figure out what I need and how badly I need it. Thanks for the awesome software! Check out my mp3 mixes if you get a chance. See ya'll in the NYC clubs!

Per - 11/07/00 10:01:10
My Email:perviberg@hotmail.com

interesting about waveform rendering.. An improvement would be explaining a bit of fourier transform-theory and frequency<->time respresentation of signals. Thinking about creating a rendering-machine for "real" instruments using wavelet-transform. Although, I didn't think about the problem with all too many sinewaves, d*mn. Feedback seems to be a solution, now if it only existed a mathematical theory behind t...

Jim - 10/31/00 02:57:02
My Email:jimgore@peoplepc.com

Thanks. Your website(s) have been very helpful to me. I am a guitar player who has been using a trusty analog 4 track up until about a month or so ago when I bought Cakewalk Guitar Studio 2. It has been a bit of a hassle, but I think I'm getting the hang of it, especially the SoundFonts -thanks in part to you.

Karl Llander - 10/20/00 19:26:48
My Email:karlsoft@ukexecutives.com

Great sounds. Some Moog please.

mat jones - 10/18/00 23:25:52
My URL:http://www.groovedealer.com
My Email:mat@groovedealer.com

u r 1 top bloke!!! check our site in a few weeks for some free stuff too, keep up the good work, the web needs more ppl like u! d;-) mat j

Jorge Ramírez - 10/09/00 09:06:52
My URL:http://www.mp3.com/nombre
My Email:nombredospuntos@yahoo.com

Good attitude, go ahead man... Right now, I am downloading your bass fonts from Hammersound...once I'll hear it I'll send the rating and comments while I have to say that people like you make the world a nice place...Thanks and hurraa¡

Max - 09/16/00 20:11:04
My Email:fm-division@mtu-net.ru


elliot howard - 07/12/00 05:45:35
My Email:eldog56


Detective "Rusk" - 06/01/00 23:22:42
My URL:http://Clusterfuck.com
My Email:Maggot

After pestering Mr. Wilson about the availability of his commercial SoundFonts, I learned that his business venture is being thwarted by those who issue "Green Cards" (Why 'green'?). Vexed, ashamed of our Governement and beyond the pale of being enraged, I urge the entire nation to throw rocks as hard as you can at the Immigration and Naturalisation Service! And yell, "Fuckers!" when you hit them! How long should we have to wait for these delecious SoundFonts?

implant - 05/16/00 22:06:56
My URL:http://www.techno-trip.mtl.pl/implant
My Email:implant@kki.net.pl

WOW!!! site is great, i must be offline to read all of these texts :) [dextryna]

antonio - 04/27/00 00:35:25
My URL:http://utenti.tripod.it/Marygold
My Email:avazza@hotmail.it


Brian Burke - 04/12/00 05:26:49
My Email:brianb@wizzards.net

Thanks much for making this xlnt. info and program available. I plan to spend quite a few hours with this baby!

Space Boy 1 (Tommy) - 04/10/00 12:52:13
My URL:http://www6.50megs.com/manchoa
My Email:space.boys@mail.ee

Thank You for existing in this Planet ! One more REALLY GREAT SOUNDFONT on the Net. The "Vintage Dreames" soundfont is one of the internet-soundfonts we used in our songs, like "Gypsys of the Universe", "Starlover" and "Smile!". Thanks to the author. If Y u want to listen, how we used it, got to "Cosmic music network" (http://cosmic.cdnow.com), type a k-word analog and klick on the name Space Boys :-) Thanks

david - 04/01/00 18:19:00
My Email:david.houldsworth@cableint.co.uk

exellent work..please keep up!!

roberto wolcott vázquez - 02/19/00 02:43:59
My Email:hackerw@hotmail.com

Congratulations, very interesting and more confortable

Martin Rushent - 02/17/00 00:29:00
My URL:http://none
My Email:martinrushent@netscape.net

What an excellent site - enjoyed visiting immensly

nick felix - 02/11/00 02:21:43
My Email:4thd@altavista.net


Neil Burne - 01/24/00 20:46:44
My Email:neil@geometer.demon.co.uk

Brilliant site!, lots of great sounds. I was looking for some DM style sounds and have found them here! Nice One

jim redmond - 01/06/00 05:13:57
My Email:jgredmond@oceanfree.net

I found this site whilst searching for information about soundfonts. I'm a "real" musician getting started in computer music and find it all very confusing. I have recently bought a Live! card which I think has enormous potential if I can ever learn to us it properly

Ernesto CEDILLO-ARIAS - 01/04/00 19:18:43
My Email:ollidec@mailandnews.com

The best drum soundfonts I have found. Thanks

cat - 12/22/99 11:08:06
My URL:http://node1007b.a2000.nl/cat
My Email:katt@dds.nl

nice site with some usefull soundfonts I have one question though how do I combine different soundfonts into one? so I can use vintage dreams and drums together for example all the best,CAT

Mark D. - 12/10/99 15:46:32
My Email:a.dingemanse@solcon.nl

Very nice page; relaxed and much free soundfonts (i don't wanna pay for stuff)

Richard - 11/20/99 22:30:50

Yes!!!!!... I have been looking for really punchy basses all day. These are definately the best complete FM-patches I have found on the net. Thanks!

Emily - 10/31/99 04:31:50
My Email:eburrows@tartarus.uwa.edu.au

Does 'Air' count as Electro - Pop?

Holger Klimek - 10/14/99 00:30:00
My URL:http://--under construction....
My Email:holgerk@spacemail.com

Thanks for creating the great "vintage dreams waves", an incredible piece of sound out of 0,25 megs.I work on my own page and hope to manage the upload till end of November, would be glad if you visit me then.... (URL follows when I choiced a provider) Greetings from Germany, Holger

Rosario Jermano - 10/05/99 23:07:23
My URL:http://www.dervent.com/personali/jermano
My Email:jermano@uni.net

Tomorrow install the software and after write you my comments, for now thank you for download.

Danielo Raiche - 09/29/99 20:30:21
My Email:daniel.raiche@tek.com

Alan Holdsworth. Cool synth guitar

Eternal Advancement - 09/12/99 03:14:38
My Email:Eternal_Adv@yahoo.com

I love this site. I've been reading it on and off for the past year now. I for one like to thank you immensely for showing how an old subject can bring something as small as the awe32 back to life. Without your Vintage Dreams soundfont, I don't think that I would have tried to press the limits of my Awew64 gold to the limits to create all types of sounds. By utilizing the techniques you've bought to life, I can now do what I always wanted to do... create my own sounds(snares, base drums, fat base sounds, s nth sounds, strings, etc.) from simple wave forms! :-) I am interested in any more topics that you'll bring to this website in the future. Whenever you get a chance email me at Eternal_Adv@yahoo.com, I read how you purchased an Alesis qs6 and are going to apply the vintage synth knowledge there as well. I have an Alesis qs8 and would like to learn how to do this as well. I am especially interested in learning how to get the filters and the resonance dsp to sound really blippy and loud! Thanks again Ian and keep up the awesome work! :-) later!

Bob Tousley - 08/19/99 19:07:58
My Email:BGTousley@pinacor.com

Boy, do I wish I had your brainpower for designing software synthesis platforms! At any rate, thanks for the offering. I know this must have taken you some time. (The 4 op FM Synth) If (When) I come up with some good patches, I'll get back to you! God Bless!

David - 07/14/99 02:54:33
My Email:Platerev@aol.com

It is good to show the the potential of the awe32 and awe64 and live soundcards. Also to show that People do not have to invest in excesive amounts of hardware to explore and enjoy electronic music. Your info liberates us all.

Toni Wilder - 06/19/99 17:32:50
My Email:Makaken@t-online.de

Greate Site !!

Ian Francisco - 06/14/99 05:31:10
My Email:ianfrancisco@compuserve.com

Thanks for the trouble. Keep up the good work. Still looking for the elusive piano soundfont that actually makes me feel like playing it...

Guy Kaye - 06/07/99 17:02:35
My Email:guyk@portalnet.com

I very much enjoyed the tutorial with Jess-Skov Nielson. And now, i can't seem to get to it. It says "construction" on one of the pages, maybe this wonderful step-by-step guide has just dissapeared temporarily....

Daniel Peddle - 05/30/99 00:58:19
My Email:98064417@brookes.ac.uk

Funky stuff! Glad there are peole out there who like bands such as mentioned, damn sight better than cast/oasis arsiness. Come the revolution etc. Pergas! (bit of latin for ya'll... :)

Guy Kaye - 05/26/99 06:18:44
My Email:guyk@portalnet.com

Just wanted to say that the step-by-step guide on soundfonts is very helpful. In fact it's amazing! Just a few hours ago I knew nothing at all about soundfonts and now I have a good idea of what I can do with them and know where I can go to get more info. . Thanx, Guy K

Paolo Vicari - 05/10/99 11:07:09
My Email:vicari@tin.it

Dear Ian, Thank you for your Vintage Synthesis pages and soundfonts (they're great) and for the FM renderer too. Your work has helped me (a sincere sound synthesis fan) get the AWE32 behave as it should. Don't stop the show! We're all eager..

eric colin - 05/09/99 17:57:06

hi - we found it - well done!!!! - are you piciking us up???

tamir gal - 05/07/99 21:53:46
My Email:tamirgal@yahoo.com

thank you for the soundfonts please let me know if ther are any updates

Life - 04/27/99 12:26:21
My URL:http://home.bip.net/leifwiik
My Email:leifwiik@mail.bip.net

you have a great site here, as I think I´ve mentioned before... I have linked your site without asking you. I hope you don´t mind ?? Check my site out !! P.S. Silicon 39 = very good stuff !! see ya !!

Larry - 04/18/99 04:35:20
My Email:Techno21@MSN.com

Vintage Dreams are an awesome SF bank! Thanks for taking the time to create them and making them available to the rest of us. I'm also impressed with your MIDI files. Please continue to share your quest with some of us less talented mortals.

doesn't matter - 03/24/99 15:04:30
My URL:http://www.sesamstrasse.de
My Email:tiffy@sesamstrasse.de

Quit a cool site! Would be cooler if more of that Programming stuff was in. Well done indeed.

Hostile Refuser - 03/24/99 02:38:04
My URL:http://Clusterfuck.com
My Email:bk77@worldnet.att.net

Rat heads everywhere...dolls head ambush...Doc wants to increase the Depakote to 666mg bid. I said, "Look, I've got vintage dreams, kick-ass bass, 4OPL percussion fuggum...I don't even need the Cogentin anymore." Thanks Ian, your friend Flicka.

Artie Miller - 03/18/99 17:40:12
My Email:millera@ameritech.net

Just downloaded 'synthv','iw_vint', 'Casio_pt68'. Looks great, will e-mail after test-drive. Thanks alot.

Darron - 03/06/99 12:50:53
My URL:http://www.dvds.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:Darron@dvds.freeserve.co.uk

Very well done. Got any dance?

PlayersLight - 03/02/99 02:54:28
My Email:PlayersLight77@hotmail.com

Good clean efficient site, I will spend more time here. One band I thought should be mentioned in your list of Electronic Gods is relatively new, called VAST (Visual Audio Sensory Theatre). May pass as Ambient but he is too good with a guitar to just be a keyboard jockey. Listen to Touch and flames, and the last song on the CD that I can not remember the name of at this moment, and you will agree this guy knows how to use samples and Soundfonts. Give him a listen :-) Best of luck in the future...L8R

Mista "C" - 02/27/99 08:22:23
My Email:caesargarcia@hotmail.com

I LOVE YOU GUYS, THIS PLACE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LUIS CORREIA - 02/17/99 14:37:34

FABULASTIK!!!!! Loved the synth....wave sf2 i use it all the time... Keep up the good work!!!!

Claude Kaber - 02/02/99 02:39:41
My URL:http://webplaza.pt.lu/public/ckaber
My Email:ckaber@pt.lu

Hello Ian, I am using an AWE32 for several years now. I got quickly tired of downloading huge Soundfonts containing only a few instruments. The idea of vintage synthesis and notably your fantastic vintage dreams renewed my enthousiasm. I am a great fan of synthesizer music and your soundfont(s) now enable me to create synth-midi files on my AWE. Many thanks for your awesome work !!! Claude Kaber

Brad - 12/04/98 01:19:03
My URL:http://home.wxs.nl/~brad.p
My Email:brad.p@wxs.nl

Hi there - kewl midi files! ThanX for the help

Amad Mairaj - 12/02/98 15:45:54
My URL:http://www.zenweb.com/music
My Email:amad@ftn.com

Nice Web-page - Good Job Ian. How come your E-GOD do not include "Pet Shop Boys"? Remember West-end Girls? They did lots of good songs in 80s and all E-music...

Brian Kelley - 12/01/98 21:09:41
My Email:Brian.Kelley7@gte.net

I'm very pleased with the soundfonts you have created, they have a great musical value. I recently bought a Live! and am getting used to desktop music. I've used ESQ 1s to create music and sounds in the past and I'm analyzing your usage of wave samples in soundfonts and applying the same principles (hopefully) to create my own soundfonts based on the ESQ sounds I've used. Best wishes--Brian

- 10/26/98 17:27:39
My Email:lecb.otorres@aena.es

The best vintage sound collection I've ever seen.

silky stylus - 10/24/98 03:55:14
My Email:jaynaked@pacbell.net

hey, i just d-loaded and can't wait to try. I will e mail you any crazy patches. l8

Leslie - 10/22/98 05:58:29

This is one of the best web pages concerning synthesis I've run accross in a long time. It's excellent. Keep up the good work!

Accidental Surgery - 10/21/98 03:21:50

THANK YOU very much for taking the time and effort to create and maintain this page.

David - 10/19/98 21:24:35
My URL:http://come.to/kraak
My Email:dufbil@skynet.be

Great stuff you're doing. Can't wait to see the 'Real' VB code appearing on the wave rendering pages! =)

Andrew Todd - 10/16/98 11:48:01
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Stage/6292
My Email:u7k59@keele.ac.uk

Really useful site. Your vintage synths fonts are the best I've ever seen and I use them all the time!!!! Thanks for the good work.

Evil Paul - 10/10/98 06:01:55
My Email:x@x.xom

Thank you a million times over for making Vintage Dreams available - it is truly brilliant.

Markus Maelo - 09/29/98 14:16:32
My Email:
This is a very good site, and especially I like the soundfonts a lot. The Vintage soundfont is the best I have ever heard, and it stays always in my cards memory because I use it in every song I do. I think CL should hire you :-)

Matthias Eckart - 09/26/98 20:21:12
My Email:eckart@uni-duesseldorf.de

Great Soundfonts! I'll try to make soundfonts the same way!

Timo Tossavainen - 05/03/98 13:11:42
My URL:http://www.uta.fi/~tt56361
My Email:tt56361@uta.fi

Very good soundfonts, especially vintage dreams! Keep up the good work. Timo

Six - 05/01/98 02:06:48
My Email:Cloudsix@aol.com

FM WILL RETURN!!!!!!!!!!!!

WebMaster - 04/29/98 17:22:30

Yup, this is the first comment in the Guestbook :-)
Watch this space for further soundfont releases, including favourites from old analog and digital synths. These soundfonts will mostly be based around emulations of these old synths, but in most cases the sound-quality will be a lot higher, and perhaps a little less cliche.


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