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Thank you for entering my Domain within the ]v[idnight Realm.

I am Just][ce of the ]v[idnights, I am Goddess's creation made to assist the ]v[idnight's in any way I can.

I am a musician, I play the Tennor and Alto Saxophones as well as the keyboard. I make midi's using my computer and keyboard. (in fact the midi playing is of my make :-| it is a remix of the ShadowGate's game over theme I liked it as my personal theme.)

I listen to any miusic exept country (sorry, not my fault). I spend most of my time in the ]v[idnight rooms (as do we all) and in my private room chatting.

To speak with me (if I'm On), my personal chatroom on MSN is


(you can copy and paste it if you can't figure out how to type it hehehehehehe!! And for those of you who can't read it it's


I'll see you in Doo]v[!!!!!!!!!

You can E-Mail me at midnight _justice @ yahoo.com Feel free to write

Alter Persoans:








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