
To Loves Dungeon 

This page is Dedicated to Midnight_Master

As I kneel before you my Love

I want to show you my Loyality comes from the

Heavens above

My Love is for real and will always remain

This I vow to show you no shame

Not Bound by shackels or chains

But Love within our hearts that burns as hot as the


Within these flames lies red hot coals

Coals that breath of Love and Boundaries


Within this Realm of Love and faith

Is Trust and Compassion that can no longer wait

For the Love and Devotion that burns

within my heart

Is something that will not die even though we are apart

The vows that I have made before our

Family and Friends

Comes from deep within my Heart

Where the circle of Love has no ends

To feel your Breath upon my skin, your Gentle

Kiss upon my Neck,

Your Loving arms around me so tight

Is what my Dreams are made of deep in the Night

I long to have you hold me,

I long to have you near,

Can this Love withstand the distance

This is something I will always fear

I will stand beside you Night and Day

I will kneel and wait for you while you are


This is a vow that I have made to you

Look into my eyes you will see it is


For my Love has no walls to hold it within

They've crumbled and fall'n

Time and Again

Your Love is what I long for,I know that this is


It's your touch,your Kiss,your whispers

That keep me warm all through the


I Love you Master & This Love will never


Trust in the Flames within your Heart to carry your Home

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