This Page is Dedicated to My Mother

My Mother always did love Angels ,AS a matter

of fact she had a very large collection which when she died I became

owner of .She was always loved by my friends , they all called

her Momma. I remember her telling all of them

that the first time in her house they were a guest

any time after that they were family and could get what they

wanted them selves. She was loving like that ,She accepted any one

Despite their falts.

My Mother was always there for her Children ,

Reguardless of how much she would bitch and groan.

During her last years , she had a very hard time ,

She was always in pain ,Even the medication they

had her on wasnt working.

They worked on her so many times and it just made it worse.

She suffered for years with the pain , I watched her

cry her slef to sleep on may occasions.

It's very hard to watch your Mother cry from pain and not be

able to help.

The day Momma died was the hardest day of my life,

I recall everyone going to work and me at home watching my

neice & nephew

The phone rang and when I answered it I knew something was wrong.

My stepfather was frantic

telling me my Mother had just shot herself.

I began pacing the floor saying ,Oh God ,Oh God,

not knowing what to do .

My Mother never intended to kill herself, she only intended

to paralize herslef .

She felt if she couldnt feel ,she wouldnt hurt anymore.

So she put a gun to her spine and pulled the trigger,

Missing her spine and hitting a main artery, causing her death.

The feeling that came over me is one I'll never forget,

and never stop feeling.


If you havent told your Mother you Love her nows the time


pick up the phone or just go make a special trip

just to say I Love you Mom

You never know when it will be too late.

May GOD watch over us while we wait to see the ones we Love

Allow the Dove to carry you Home

Page Design by Goddess