 I am Midnight_Assult

Well I'd first off Like to say......
I'm one the newest MidnightzZz
And I can feel the Love that  they have shared...
MOMMA Goddess I Love you...Anna Your a sweetheart....

Kid and Warrior and WarGod
Yall are the bestest Brothers this world could ever give someone....
and for the rest of the family I love you all very much and
hope this love continues to grow

Now For Me
Im 17/m/Puerto Rican (asian)
I Like to Rap and Chat....
Becareful when messing with the Family
Ima a sworn Protector....   :oŽ
WeLL If Ya wanna KNow More...

Being a Midnight has MAde my Internet Experience worth while.....

LoVe Ya All         X0X0X0

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