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Welcome to Geometry Class!


Welcome to Geometry Class!


Best Project


Best Project

Course Outline/Syllabus

Room 230

The goal of this course is to help students develop major geometrical skills. In Geometry you will be introduced to building blocks of geometry, lines and angles, triangles and polygons, area and volume, similarity, and more…

 General rules

Students must realize that the classroom is a learning environment and not for social gatherings. Students are expected to be ready at the start of class with their completed assignments, pencils, compass, ruler, protractor and book. Bring your textbook to class daily! Book has to be covered.

All school rules must be followed. No eating, drinking or chewing is allowed in the classroom. Students are not allowed out of their seats without permission. Students have a triple responsibility to work in class, complete their assignments, and pass the tests!


Students must make every possible effort to be in class every day. Tardiness to class is not permitted. Detention will be assigned for the third and all subsequent tardiness.

Tests and Quizzes

Students will be evaluated with chapter tests, frequent quizzes and final exam.


All assignments are expected to be completed prior to the next class meeting. Homework is assigned every night. Homework will be collected every day.


A = 90% –100%            B = 80% –89%            C = 70% –79%            D = 60% – 69%