Welcome to My Home page
(This is an unguided project practice for sunjava)
This site has been developed by Ms. Kavita S Sarma for an utopian firm named Tebisco Inc.This an unguided practice for java.I have also mentioned some interesting links to other websites and sites of my friends.Do visit them if you have any suggestions or comments regarding this site please E mail me at kavitasarma@hotmail.com
I will keep updating this site regularly .I have posted some java applets for this company you can use them if you please.
We were given a case study regarding an utopian firm named Tebisco Inc.a cookie company.The Recruitment dept. planned to go global and they required an Internet based application which could provide acess to Tebisco from any where in the world.Since they decided to recruit international candidates also a web based application was developed in java2 for Tebisco's recruitment dept.
Using this facility candidates could apply online for jobs.What I have made is basically a web site of Tebisco Inc. which provides links to jobs and various other stuff.
Thank you for visiting my site do come back again.
Tebicso is a global enterprise that has reached across 23 companies worldwide .This site provides links to Tebisco Inc.
Tebisco employees Schedule a factory visit
Recipe of the day Tebiscos Branch offices
Employee mailing list Travel and Vacation
Check your mail Medical Insurance Policy
Interesting links to other favorite sites :
www.sunjava.com or www.sun.com
Links to websites of my other java batchmates
Don Almeida www.geocities.com/donalmeida
Laique www.geocities.com/laique23
Vinod Kumar www.geocities.com/tvvinodkumar
Nilesh Khoont www.geocities.com/niitnilesh
Sunil www.geocities.com/
Pallavi www.geocities.com/pallusetty
Alpa www.geocities.com/alpa_ashar
Saanchi www.geocities.com/Saanchi_id
Vinaya www.geocities.com/vinaya karkera
John www.geocities.com/johnbond72
Gayatri www.geocities.com/gaypalraj
I would like to thank
for helping me put up my site.