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News and information about the family Sidyel'nikov
Welcome !
Get to know everything about us. We are Elena, Valentin and Erik. We're a mixed Ukrainian-Belgian family and we're living in Belgium.
On our website you can find information about ourselves, about our interests, our country... And you can use our links-page to get interested in the things we do. Click on the icons on the left side to browse the pages in our site.
Through this website we would like to get in contact with all people all over the world who share our interests and concerns.
Especially we hope to meet Russian and Ukrainian people who also emigrated to Western Europe. But we also like to get in contact with Europeans who are just interested in Russian language and culture.
Finally, Erik would like to get in contact with people who just like him like to work with Filemaker Pro, since he is developping in this package for over seven years.
Have fun on our website !
We are very much interested in your opinion. Please mail us !
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