Feel Powerless? Overwhelmed? What are you doing about it?e
There is a solution but it's up to you to cooperate/participate.
Join the efforts of Other Prisoner Families and Organizations in the

United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect

Power of Numbers is the only solution!

-Vote out bad laws and bad politicians

-Write letters to media and legislators

-Demonstrate with thousands of families

-Bring large crowds to key trials to show our numbers and strength

Twice a month the prisoner families will get a Call to Action listing our 3 or 4 ways to fight back! For example: your letter, attendance at an demonstration or your vote. We are building a communication system (now 3200 strong) and hoping to bring at least 90,000 devastated families together in the U.N.I.O.N. Legislators and media will understand 20,000 people at a demonstration. We cannot be ignored when we bombard with letters and bodies! The squeaky wheels get the grease!

-We assisted Senator John Vasconcellos with exposing prison abuses statewide

-We brought Amnesty International's attention to our abuse and inhumanity in California prisons.

- We elected Gray Davis and ended Lungren's reign of death.

-We bombarded Pete Wilson with letters to save Jay Siripongs.

-We are supported by mainstream organizations such as the Disabled Vets.

-We obtained more press of abuse issues statewide than anyone has in a decade.

-We publish a daily online newsletter to keep team leaders fully informed.

-We need you to help by bringing in other prisoner families to join us so that we can get more work accomplished.

-We are operated by prisoner families! Those not helping are slowing down reform!

You Can Do Nothing On Your Own!

The Power of Numbers is Your Only Hope!

Disabled Vets, Gladys Monji (805)366-5364 amerieg@aol.com

Database Coordinator HrMsBrooks@aol.com

Demonstration Coordinator (805)366-1975 Jesse Boyar@aol.com

Letter of abuse to B. Cayeene Bird, Journalist 7000 College Ave. #22 Bakersfield CA 93306 rightor1@aol.com

There are team leaders in your area who want to fax you the Calls to Action so that we can win prison reform. Send $30 in cash or money orders to receive the newsletter. Prisoners may be "adopted" to receive the Calls to Action so they can help notify other prisoner families. The movement needs computers, busses, printing, postage, money. 100% volunteer operation.

In July, 1998, Senator John Vasconcellos, Democrat from the 13th District, Santa Clara County, San Jose, made the following impassioned plea to the families and friends of the 160,000 prisoners in California: "...You have surrendered your life, your time and resources to the injustices and inhumanity now ruling the State of California. I dare you, I challenge you to resurrect your life by organizing and mobilizing to form a voting block larger than the one now controlling you. Only you can take control of your government by uniting with other kindred spirits into one voting block. Your voice has been missing." In response we have founded the U.N.I.O.N., with the following mission:

Mission Statement of U.N.I.O.N.

United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect

We are a statewide communication network, dedicated to reforming the criminal justice system in California. We believe that the prison industry is absorbing tax dollars which would be better spent on education, health care, job and other social programs. We are opposed to the incarceration of addicts, mandatory minimum sentencing and the incarceration for life of nonviolent offenders as required by the Three Strikes Law. We abhor the brutality practiced in California prisons.

We prefer to attack crime through a strong economy for everyone, prevention through education, free after school activities, adult supervision of youth, support of teen-age mothers, rehabilitation of incarcerated criminals, medical care for the mentally ill, restorative justice and other programs clearly proven to be more of a solution to crime than prisons. We believe this can be done through the political processes established in our democracy; by the power of the vote, by letter-writing and by demonstrating.


7000 College Ave. #22

Bakersfield, CA 93306

Attn: B. Cayenne Bird

e-mail to Rightor1@aol.com



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