The rules that I am about to state now will be followed to the "T".
I am sorry for having to be this way but I need to have some sort of
control (more than I have had in the past games). This is not to be a
dictator just to make the game more fun for all who play. I hope that
you all understand this.
Sysop Rules:
#1 Polling will be done twice a day. I should receive packs from
your boards twice a day. I send packs out at every 4 hours & I poll for
packs every 10 minutes. This is fully automated. When I am at home
I send whatever is waiting and pick up whatever is waiting. The times
throughout the day that I send out packs automatically are at 0030-0100,
0430-0500, 0830-0900, 1230-1300, 1630-1700, 2030-2100, 2310-2350.
I tell you this so you can (if you want) set up your systems to
accomodate these times to better your travel times. Long distance
boards will only have to poll once a day (mandoratory). If your system
is down during the time frame of your call, then call again once the
system is up to get your game packets. Hubs for other BBS are
required to run BRE planetary at least 3 times a day (every 8 hrs). All
others must run BRE Planetary at least twice a day (every 12hrs). This
is to ensure packets are sent to your hubs at least twice a day. The
reason for this to keep down the travel times.
#2 Missing In Transits will be reported to the League Coordinator on the
2nd MIT to the same BBS. This way he can determine the problem. MIT's
can effect the game for a player. We need to watch this carefully. Look
at your problems.log at least once a week to make sure problems are not
happening to your game.
#3 Each BBS is required to enable two message areas they both are:
The reason behind this is because all messages by me will put in these
areas. If the messages pertain only to sysop's then of course it will be
in the sysop only area. All scores that will be posted weekly are put in
the IBBS_283 areas. Upon receipt of these new rules if you havnt already
got the 2 message echos set up then you will do so and send me a test
test message. All others that are set up please send me a test message as
well so I can check it off that you have it set up properly.
#4 All suggestions will be submitted in the InterBBS 283 Chat area or
to your sysop for forwarding to me. We are always looking to improve the
game. Let's keep the messages in the game related to playing the game.
#5 The following will be added or changed in your resource.dat file.
ReconUpdate 2
OldestRecon 2
TimingCheck 2
#6 Setup in the game is limited to 15 players with 15 turns. You must be
using the latest version of BRE as well. Right now it is v0.988.
#7 In no way shall the game data files be manipulated. I run a program that
monitors the daily growth of each BBS. It gives warnings when growth is
irregular. On the first notice you will be questioned. On the second
notice you will be deleted from the game & a message will be sent to you
when the next reset is. You will be allowed to join the league again but
after deletion the next game will be considered a probationary period.
If a there is a second game occurance you will be deleted from the league
#8 I frequently send out 1 trooper attacks to all boards to make sure that
the MIT rate stays down to a minimal. Also with this in no way shall any
empire/BBS attack board 1. Make sure all players know this.
#9 Cheating: Of course this is strictly prohibited. Now I can't catch every-
thing so when it is found that in some way there is cheating you will be
warned (ONCE). The next time your board is "gone" from the league.
#10 Files: If asked to send some of your data files to me you must do so. If
you fail to do so I will assume you are trying to hide some form of cheating
& I will delete you from the league. The files that I request will only
be files pertaining to the game not keys or anything like that.
#11 Recons: It is my opinion that is doesn't really hurt anyone to put bre recon
in their nightly maintenance. This is not really a mandoratory thing but
when I look at my travel times I should have everyone under 24 hours. The
rest of the boards in the league should then follow with respectable travel
times. There is no way I should have travel times over 1 day except for
maybe the hubbed boards. Each case will be looked at individually.
I am sorry for
those boards that have played fairly that you must be put through
this as well but I see no other way to control the cheating and missuse of the
game. This game is for fun ladies and gentlemen so lets all act like adults &
play fairly. If for any reason that any sysop decides they no longer want to play
under these rules then I fully understand. I really enjoyed having you in the
league & I hope there are no hard feelings.
Don Neal
League 283 Coordinator