Objective To secure a programming position where my skills and experience
can be utilized to be mutually beneficial for growth and advancement.
Qualifications A lot of experience in the field of software development for the
industrial ventures and organizations in accounting, supply and
management information systems.
* MS DOS 6.22 * OS MVT, JCL * COBOL, CICS Command-level, PL/I
* MS WINDOWS 3.1/3.11 * NetWare 3.12 * ANSI C, HTML, MS SQL 6.5/7.0
* MS WINDOWS 95/98/NT/XP * FOXPRO 2.0/2.5, dBase 3+/4.0/5.0* SCO UNIX
* DataFlex 3.0, MS Office, PC Hardware
* Adobe Premiere 6.5 & Photoshop 7, Pinnacle Pro-ONE 1.5, Hollywood FX RT & Gold
Work History
11/2005 - present
* Computer class instructor, CompuSerge, Los Angeles, CA
2/2002 - present
* In Home Support Service Provider, Los Angeles County D.P.S.S., CA
9/2000 - 6/2001
* Software Developer, Marconi Commerce Systems, 230 N Maryland Ave., Glendale, CA 91206
Responsible for:
- programming and software customization;
Tools is used: Windows NT 4.0, MS DOS , DataFlex 3.0, Borland C/C++ 3.1, MS SQL 7.0, MS Office
* Census Enumerator, Bureau of the Census, Los Angeles, CA
Responsible for:
- collection the Census information from people for automatic processing;
Tools used: Office tools
1998 - 1999
* Lead Programmer, Administrative Services Co-op(National Staff Network), 2129 W. Rosecrans Ave., Gardena, CA 90249
Responsible for:
- designing, programming, data processing & creating reports for a taxi business;
Tools used: SCO UNIX, Windows95/98, MS DOS, Informix-SQL, MS SQL 6.5/7.0, dBase 5.0, ANSI C, Cobol, HTML, MS Office
1997 - 1998
* Full time student of Computer Learning Center(CLC), Los Angeles, CA.
Computer Programming and Systems course.
1996 - 1997
* Programmer/Chief of Sector, Small Venture "Infoplus", , Kiev, Ukraine,
Project leader.
Was responsible for:
- designing, programming & software implementation for business and
industrial ventures in accounting, supply, information & office systems;
participated in management information system projects for wholesale;
- computer users training.
Tool used: FoxPro 2.0/2.5.
1995 - 1996
* Programmer/Chief Economist, Kiev Regional Statistical Board, Kiev, Ukraine.
Was responsible for:
- designing, programming & software implementation for statistical and
information systems;
- selecting and installation software packages;
- computer users training.
Tools used: FoxPro 2.0, MS OFFICE 4 WINDOWS 3.1.
1983 - 1995
* Leading Programming Engineer, Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Kiev, Ukraine.
Responsibilities included: designing, coding, testing & software
implementation for industrial ventures and State Chemical Department.
Tools used: FoxPro 2.0, OS MVT/MVS, JCL, COBOL, PL/1 mainframe.
* Programmer/Chief of Group, Ukrainian Republican Office of the USSR State Bank.
Responsibilities included: designing, coding, testing & implementation
office & banking software.
Tools used: OS MVT, JCL, FORTRAN, PL/1 mainframe.
1975 - 1983
* Programmer.
Participated in the development of management information system projects for
the industrial ventures.
Tools used: DOS MFT, OS MVT, JCL, COBOL, PL/1 mainframe.
SQRIBE Technologies training class(SQRIBE Technologies), Long Beach, CA, 1998.
Computer Learning Center(CLC), Los Angeles, CA, 1998. GPA 3.86.
Kiev National Economics Institute, Kiev, Ukraine, 1978.
Economist of an Industrial Venture Diploma, B.S. in Industrial Economics. References Available upon request.