Welcome to the Palmer-Reid Picture Gallery

These are some of my favorite pictures of my family

This page has the most recent pictures

For previously posted pictures, see the links at the bottom of this page

Snow Day

It was a particularly bad snow season this year in Arizona and we left it pretty late, so I wasn't very optimistic about our annual snow trip. We drove up to Payson and luckily there were patches of snow left. Like slash and burn farmers, we wandered around from patch to patch, used up the snow for snowballs and moved on to the next patch. We also made a little snowman.

Corky Carroll's Surf School

I turned 40 in December and it was time for my mid-life crisis. I decided to have a foreign adventure by spending a week at Corky Carroll's surf school in Costa Rica. My first night there I stayed at the Hotel Buena Vista, which was located on a hillside surrounded by coffee plantations. It was very peaceful and scenic.

The scariest part of my trip was my flight from San Jose to Nosara on the local airline, Sansa. This building is the Sansa air terminal. It didn't look any better on the inside than it did from the outside. They weighed every passenger with his or her luggage to make sure the plane could take off. The pilots looked like they were about 22 years old.

Despite my misgivings, I survived my flight to Nosara. This picture shows the Nosara Aerodromo (airport), which consisted of an airstrip, this sign, and a little shed that people could sit under to get away from the sun. The airport staff consisted of local boys who would carry your luggage from the airplane to the shed for a fee.

After waiting just long enough to wonder if anyone was coming to pick us up, Kiersten, the surf school coordinator, drove up and picked up myself and two other students, Katy and Cory. This picture shows the road leading to downtown Nosara. The roads weren't paved, but it wasn't a bad little town. There were no gas stations or banks but there were a number of little markets and a nightclub.

This is Katy and Cory the two other students who were on my Sansa flight. They were young lawyers from Virginia. I hung out with Katy and Cory most of the week. They are standing in front of the entrance to the surf school.

The Surf School compound consisted of six rather nice hotel rooms, a pool, and a Mexican restaurant where we ate our meals. The rooms were large and kept very clean, but they didn't have any windows (only screens). It would get very windy at night and it was pretty noisy inside the rooms.

Nosara Beach is actually a nature preserve and there is no building allowed within 200 yards of the beach. To get to the beach from the Surf School, we had to walk down this dirt road and then wind through a jungle path. We were surfing on 9 foot longboards, which got pretty heavy lugging them back and forth from the beach.

Here is a picture of the beach. One of the things I was surprised about concerning where I was in Costa Rica was that it was rather dry and dusty. I was expected more of a lush, steamy jungle environment. March was towards the end of the dry season and the vegetation was rather brown.

This picture shows the beach from the other direction. It wasn't always this empty of people. The time I was there was the beginning of the Spring Break period and there might be up to 30-40 surfers in the water at any given time.

This is Calle, the Surf School dog. There were quite a few dogs wandering around Nosara. Most seemed relatively well-fed and healthy. Calle would follow Rick,the Surf School owner, out to the beach. She liked to dig for crabs. She also liked having her front paws scratched, just like Bailey does.

There were four young surf instructors at the school. Every day each student would get a private lesson with one of them. Karen (aka the Surf Goddess) is on the left. Next to her is Pat who came to the school after being convicted of "intent to distribute marijuana". Behind me is Collin, the son of the owner. At the far right is Brandon who sliced his foot on a surfboard fin the week before and was out of action.

The day we were supposed to leave Nosara it was a little windy and the Sansa pilot chickened out and wouldn't land his plane. We wound up taking a six hour taxi bus ride from Nosara back to San Jose. The taxi bus basically had no air conditioning and it was hot. We stopped once at a rest stop where this picture was taken. I look pretty grungy.

Jackson's Birthday

It's hard to believe, but Jackson turned 9 in March. One good thing about having far-flung relatives is that the presents arrive over the course of a week or so. Grandma Palmer sent him a dinosaur excavation project. Two dinosaur carcasses were encased in a sandstone block and it was up to Jackson and Zachary to uncover them. They had a lot of fun with it.

Jackson had a sleepover birthday party with Ben, Bradley, and Nischay. It was a whole lot easier than trying to reserve Peter Piper Pizza or some such thing. In case you were wondering, the kids were not naked. They had just gone swimming. Lisa and I have learned after many sleepovers to not make the kids go to bed at any set time. When it was 11:00, we just locked the doors and told the kids to keep it down.

Springtime Sports

This was our last spring in Arizona, so I took the boys to one last spring training game. As usual, they were much more interested in ballpark food than they were in the ballgame. I think I spent more on food than I did on the tickets

Jackson played soccer in the spring on a team called the Sharks. Following our recent trend in sports, Jackson's team lost every game they played. They did score a couple of goals, however, and in one game Jackson took a shot at the opponent's goal. It was a good shot too. It would have been cool if it would have gone in.

It was March, but it was also Arizona which meant it was 90 degrees outside. One afternoon the Shades put up a slip-slide on their front lawn. The neighborhood kids were drawn to it like moths to a flame. I was just happy to get Jackson and Zachary out of the house for a few hours.

I think Jackson has a bright future ahead of him as a telecommuter. He's got the slouch, the casual air, the t-shirt and shorts. The boys have gotten pretty sophisticated when it comes to computers. They download demo versions of games from the Internet and when the demo period expires, they download another game. Lisa's PC has gotten pretty cluttered.

Links to Other Photo Pages

Ancient Grant pictures
Lisa and Grant Before Kids pictures
1995 pictures
1996 pictures
1997 pictures
Spring 1998 pictures
Summer 1998 pictures
Fall 1998 pictures
Halloween 1998 pictures
Winter 1998 pictures
Christmas 1998 pictures
January 1999 pictures
February,March 1999 pictures
April, May 1999 pictures
Summer 1999 pictures
Fall 1999 pictures
Winter 1999 pictures
Spring 2000 pictures
Summer 2000 pictures
Fall 2000 pictures
Winter 2000 pictures
Spring 2001 pictures
Summer 2001 pictures
Fall 2001 pictures
Spring 2002 pictures
Summer 2002 pictures
Fall 2002 pictures
Winter 2002 pictures
Spring 2003 pictures
Summer 2003 pictures
Fall 2003 pictures

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