My Compositions

Ok, to listen to the songs I put here (which will hopefully add up to more than one in the future), I offer a choice of two formats, .mp3 or .xm.

What's the difference? Which is better? Well, .xm is a module format, whereas .mp3 just stores the.. frequencies required to produce the sounds. Yeah, I'm kinda making stuff up there, but basically, the .xm will usually be smaller because it stores less wave information. Anyway, .xm isn't compressed like .mp3 so the .zip will almost definately be smaller :P.

(Note to self: check whether geocities allows .mp3 extensions yet)

OTOH, there is a downside to the .xm. Because it only stores the samples as opposed to all the sound frequencies, whatever you use to play it has to generate some of the sounds. Which means, depending on you the decoders me and you are using, we aren't necessarily hearing the same music. Winamp 5 seems to do a pretty good job on modules, though Winamp 2 played some of them really bad ;)

For those interested, the .mp3 was created by recording the .xm to a .wav using ModPlug Player, and encoding the .wav as a .mp3 using CDEx

Here's the songs!:

Title Length Formats Comments
sqweek's first Song! (0:20) xm(178 KB)
mp3(290 KB)
So it's lame. So sue me. I'm just getting used to MadTracker :)