Out of the Office

Ever wonder why, when you post to a public mailing list, you get back a bunch of notes about people being out of their office? Easy! It's important information! Really important! So here's a compilation of the ones I've received lately. Because you never know when you'll need this critical information!

Well, it was a cute idea and it ran for a few years. But people have been accusing me of causing them to receive spam too often lately, so I've given up. These people don't seem to understand that the email lists their "out of the offce" messages were posted to are publicly indexed, and seem to think it's my fault that their annoying emails are making them targets for spam. After 24 years of using email and 20 years of managing email systems, I know better, but I've gotten tired of explaining to folks that it's their own darn problem.

Ross Patterson

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