Welcome to my library page. Obviously it's not a real library, you can tell by the lack of shelves and chairs and books and things. But I have put up some poems and stuff, lots of which are written by me. It is my page after all. However, I'm also hoping to start displaying stuff by my friends as well and maybe I'll even get some off people who visit this page. If you want to share your work with anyone who happens to wander by you can mail it to me here. (And if you could give me a name to go with it then it would be much appreciated).

Non Sense
Written by me, all rights held by me (and same goes for all my other works on this page), etc...
Remembrance of Heroes
Another one by, you guessed it, me :)
Once again, MINE!
Of Having Fun
On why I consider fun to be of paramount importance...
Waiting for the Bus
I consider this my best piece of work - Josh
Manifold Messiah
I consider *this* my strangest piece of work - Josh

Guess what, I've finally got some works sent into me! It's by one of my brothers friends, but we won't hold that against her *grin*

I give you the works of Tami Gadir, enjoy.

only musicians would understand:) - Tami
This one is about theological confusion - Tami

You have my assurance as a gentleman that this in no way involves custard or pickled herring. Same to you budy!' just doesn't have the ring to it that some of the ones in here do, why not check it out? Hey, where did the Library button go? Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist. ahhhhhhhh, so THIS is the person to blame....... You'll laugh, you'll cry........ I'm just not going to tell you why. I'd give you my real address so you could send ordinary snail mail............. but I won't.