Stuart Terashita's
Japanese-American Genealogy Home Page
Back To Japan

For a Japanese-American genealogist the koseki should be their main objective in transitioning their search from the US to Japan. The family registry (koseki) is a record of births, deaths, parents, marriage, marital status, and other information (emigrate from Japan or move to a different area in Japan). Hopefully the initial background search in the US has turned up enough information to lead to the proper ward office in Japan.
*****To the detailed koseki description page! *****

Genealogical Societies in Japan
Nihon Keifu Gakkai
3, 2-chome Nakatsu Hondori
Oyodo-ku, Osaka, Japan

Nihon Kakei Kyokai
8-4, Ginza 3 chome
Chuo-ku, Tokyo
104-0061, Japan

I have written to the above in the past, and neither responded. Maybe because I wrote them in English or maybe because they are outdated addresses. Can anyone tell me more about the above? (6/18/99) I have updated the address to the Nihon Kakei Kyokai. It was suggest that write any letters to the above in Japanese and included a self-addressed and stamped envelope.

Yahoo Japan A link to the genealogy section on the Japan Yahoo WWW page. You need a browser that can read Japanese to make use of this page!

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My Search So Far
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|Author: TERA-S |
|Date of Last Update: 7-11-06|©2005 Stuart Terashita|
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