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Coleco History
Before you go on, I'd like to tell you a bit about Coleco
and their products. A long time ago in the early to mid 1900's
CoLeCo (Connecticut Leather Company) was a leather maker. Then
after video games were invented, they entered the field and produced a system called Telstar , there were several kinds of telstar systems Combat (Combat Type System), Pong Systems (pong :)) etc. Soon after that in 1982, Coleco released a system called , Colecovision, which was very popular and was a great system for its time. Coleco then decided in 1983 to enter the Computer industry, thus releasing "Coleco Adam". This little bug-ridden pile of horse poo :) caused Coleco to file for bankrupcy soon after. Hope you liked my What is Coleco Interpretation..Thank you for your time :).