Short chronological CV for Odd Trondal
Pål Helge Grønhaug April 13th 2009.
First kindergarten then nuclear physicist, or in more details :
1974 - 1982 Cand.Real in the field of Nuclear Physics. "Embets exam" at University of Oslo
1982 - 1983 Computer programmer at Bloms Oppmåling ( Surveying company ) reference Tore Thørud
1983 - 1986 Computer programmer at Selmer Furuholmen ( Construction company ) reference Oscar Pushmann
1986 - 1992 Computer consultant at Institute for Geology, University of Oslo
Berit Barkley, 1.kons. Bioteknologisenteret i Oslo UiO tlf. 22840500
1992 - 2000
He rent his old apartment to different people and bought a new house
together with mother, he got the chance to build the largest telescope in Norway, then in 1999
discovering the first Norwegian Supernova. See links under.
Me on the news
More on discovery
2000 - Present.
Working at Tenagra Observatories Supernova Search project. Main instrument is in Arizona U.S.A.- Reference Michael Schwartz Director.
In april 2009 he got his first asteroid named after him recommended to IAU by Michael Schwartz.
Asteroid 2005 TF152 is now also (149968) Trondal
Interests :
Odd Trondal has been a member of Norwegian Astronomical Society from the start ( 1968 )
when the society reemerged after the Second World War.
He has contributed with articles to the society's papers like
Astronomisk Tidsskrift, Amatørastronomen and the present Astronomi.
As mentioned he is educated physicist at the University of Oslo with
degree Cand. Real. in the field of nuclear physics. He is therefore
employed at Tenagra Observatories in Arizona U.S.A. where he among
other tasks have developed computer programs for automatic detection
of Supernovae. -
- About Tenagra Observatories
Discoveries made with different equipment and techniques.
He also contribute with Photomertry Reference Images to the worlds leading web-page on Supernovae.
And is a member of Honor of the Norwegian Astronomical Association.
Norsk versjon.