Welcome to my home page.

I am Vicente Camarillo. I work as Senior Analyist at the Penoles Power Dispatch Center. My main duty is analyzing data and presenting optimal (or near-optimal) scenarios for the power dispatching process.

I studied a Masters Degree in Computer Science in Artificial Intelligence, at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Advanced Studies. I have published a couple of articles belonging to past subjects about this matter.

I live at Lerdo, in Durango state, Mexico. I was born in Gomez Palacio, the same state, on September 26th., 1970. I married Elsa Castro on July 2nd., 1994 and we currently have four children.

I love opera and, of course, sharing as much time as I can with my family.

You can get in touch with me at any time by e-mailing me at


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Last updated January 9, 2005