Rosa T.

Web Designer



"A Life Without Passion



Is No Life At All"



A wise woman once told me "Be sure you love what you do for a living.  The worst thing in the world is to be in a job where every morning you dread having  to get up to go  to work."  I always felt that a job should be more than just a weekly paycheck.  It should be intellectually stimulating, emotionaly rewarding and fun. Unfortunately, back in the late 80s-early 90s, when I was fresh out of college, no such animal even existed. 

As a child, I would doodle and sketch for fun, but was never encouraged to get formal training and  develop it.  Instead, I was steered toward a career in Office Technology, where I learned different office software applications.  So there  I was - a "right-brained" person in a "left-brained" environment; and there I remained for ten years.  

Then one day in July of 1998, after one HTML class, it happened.   I  finally found my passion - Web Designing.   Just when I was my company did away with the Internet Department. 





