The Telecommunications Systems Control Association welcomes you to participate.

The TSCA is an Association of telecommunications professionals whose goal is to keep in touch with each other and to keep each other employed.

Keeping in touch with each other.

Networking is the best way to find employment. Search our guest books for your old friends and coworkers.You may also find a few old friends on our internet address list.

Looking for employees.

Please provide us with your POC and what requirements you have. We will get the word out via email. Here are some resumes. We will be adding resumes to this homepage soon so please check back.

Conducting a job search.

Here are some openings that we know of. Feel free to send your resume to us at techcontrollers@yahoo.com. Make it an ASCII file. Please do not encrypt it. Do not make it too fancy as we will be changing it into a HTML file. The goal is to tell the employers what you know. Make sure you say when your available. Some good tools for locating employers are: Monster.com , Career Magazine , and Jobs.Net. Just use the word "Telecommunications" or "Network", and any other position you are interested in, to conduct your searches. Our Last Newsletter has some jobs listed also. We are leaving the Last Newsletter on the homepage for historical purposes. Also check out the Read File.

Here are some Historical items that we are sure you will enjoy.

"Flash from the Past", for you OLD WATERWALKERS

Here is the 1st Tech Control Graduation Class of December 1960.

Send us some old and new Tech Control PICS, or EMAIL JPG to JOHN_GLESSNER@YAHOO.COM

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

We are having to archieve our Guestbooks due to the large number of entries.This should speed things up when viewing the hundreds of entries below.

View Guestbook Archive 2/98 thru 12/98

View Guestbook Archive 12/98 thru 2/99

View Guestbook Archive 2/99 thru 8/99

View Guestbook Archive 8/99 thru 5/00

View Guestbook Archive 5/00 thru 11/00

View Guestbook Archive 12/00 thru 2/01

View Guestbook Archive 2/1/01 thru 2/14/01

View Guestbook Archive 2/15/01 thru 7/7/07

Don't forget to pass the word about the site. Don't assume others know about it.The more people that are involved, the better the site will be. Thanks for making the site a success. Hope you all have a successful future!

Visit the TechControl.org or Water Walker's Club web sites.

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Homepage updated byJohn Glessner and Don Stygar

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