The New HTML Zone
The Ultimate Board - Forum 9
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creating this page, I'm trying to bring you a number of things...a little basic
HTML instruction, and some useful utilities you can use in your web page
creation. And some links to some of the best, most useful sites on the World
Wide Web. Geocities is growing at an enormous rate, and everyone wants their own
little space on the Web. Fortunately Geocities provides some great Home Page
creation tools, but not everyone that signs up feels comfortable with them. They
can be intimidating for a First-Time Webmaster. Hopefully, these pages and the
ones I'm going to direct you to, will help you make an award-winning Home Page.
Heck, I may even offer an award myself in the near future...and the future is now!
Apply for the Wonderful Website Award from me today!
And now, an explanation of
what you might find at this site...
Newly added, a special area for our WebTV Geocitizens. check this out for some important help.
An introduction to beginning HTML. It is by no means complete, since I see no need to build a better mousetrap when some of the best already exist. There will be links on this page for further reading, with a strong recommendation that you follow them, and learn as much about HTML before you begin. One of the best ways to learn, though, is by using your browser. How? By studying HTML document source codes. How to do this? Just select from your Browser's menu at the top, the View selection. From the choices presented, select Document Source. Or Frame Source if you're in a frame. Study as many as you can...both good pages, bad pages and mediocre pages. Why the bad pages? To see what NOT to do.
An introductory tutorial to that dreaded word...Tables. Tables are one of the prime ways to layout your page, but so many people have questions on how to do them, or are just plain intimidated by them. This tutorial will be enough to get you started, and hopefully take away some of the "fear" of them. More will be added later.
On this page, I will share with you some hints, tips and tricks to create an eye-catching, quickly loading, viewable by the most people, and maybe even award-winning site. We don't create a page just for ourselves...if that were the case, leaving it on our computers at home would be enough. We work hard, and we want the world to see it and admire it. This will help you create a site that people want to come back and visit again and again, tell their friends about, and get great letters and guestbook entries. Who am I to tell you how to make your page? After having designed several pages, and spending inordinate hours on the web, I know what works and what doesn't. My main site has won several non-solicited and prestigious EMS awards, top ratings from directories, and numerous letters of praise from repeat visitors.
A Web Page isn't a web page without graphics, right? Here you will find some information and directions on how to put backgrounds and graphics on the page, what works and what doesn't, how to line them up just right, and so on. There are also links to some other help sites (again, why build a better mousetrap?) and to collections available on the Web. Also, very important information about copyrights will be found here. And as time and ambition permits, I will also offer some of my own backgrounds for your use.
This page will attempt to answer all the most commonly asked questions I've seen in the Geocities Help Forums. I've been assisting/answering questions in there for well over a year now, and the same questions keep getting asked again and again. Hopefully this will answer Your questions, also.
This utility is here to help you choose the perfect font for your pages. Keep in mind, however, that unless the person viewing the page has the font installed on their computer, and their browser is compatible with reading the FONT FACE Tags, it will not be seen. Make sure you use different fonts very sparingly in your documents. A far better way is to get a graphic utility, such as Paint Shop Pro, and make transparent gifs out of the Fonts you want to use.
That's right...available at this very site is the one of the amazing functions of the VRL Imaging Machine - the "Filters." Improve jog quality, add bevels, blur, crop, contrast, convert, and more. This is only one set of the functions available at their main site. For more options, visit them...they're great!
Looking for that perfect color for your page, text or links? Frustrated by that silly "Custom Color Maker" that comes with most graphics programs? I was, until I found this handy little color chart. Give it a little while to load, as it is a large .gif file, but you won't be sorry. The six letter codes are next to the color, so after you choose, write it down, and then just add it to your document.
Not sure what color text looks good against which color background? Try it out here. You do need to have a java-enabled browser to use this handy little utility. Directions are on the page, and don't forget to copy the numbers down so you can incorporate them into your page.
Music on our many people want it, but so many questions in the Help Forums. This page will show you, step-by-step, how to get midis and wavs on your page, and how to make them start automatically. It also will show you how to make the HTML Jukebox for frames, like the one on this page, along with another style of HTML jukebox for a non-framed page (a true random HTML jukebox, by the way). Also, how to do a random play midi jukebox with javascript. By the way, if you don't like the music that's playing, you have four other choices. Just scroll down in the music frame and make your selection.
A Pagebuilder? At Geocities? There's already three editors available. Why is it here? Because it's neat. You can create a simple page in a hurry with it, copy and paste the source code to a text editor, and upload it to your site. You can even preview your page with it. It's not as sophisticated as the EZ Editor, but it certainly does a quick job, and a nice one, too. Try it out. And hey, it works with Microsoft Internet Explorer, too.
Occasionally, there are such great programs available on the net that I just have to grab them and offer them on one of my pages. Expect to find downloads here that you can use in Page Building. These are the ones that I use, and strongly recommend. Full descriptions of each program are provided on the page.
What page is complete without a set of links, right? Well, the only ones you'll find here will be to Page Building Help Sites. All of these places either provide a free service, offer downloads, or are so informative they just beg to be listed here. Bookmark this site before you go, though.
Website Award
Leave your questions and
in the HTML Helpbook
what others have said or asked
Soon to come...more pages at this site, including one on making frames, and how to promote your web page so the visitors will come. You can't rely on just the search engines to find it.
Do you like these pages? Do you need a banner to link to this site? Here's a small one for your use, but please save it to your own directory. Practice good netiquette and don't link to it from here. Thanks. :-)
Here's the code to link it to these pages:
<A HREF="/SiliconValley/Haven/2474/"><IMG SRC="blue2.jpg" ALT="Sue's HTML Help" BORDER="0" WIDTH="225" HEIGHT="50"></A>
Newsletter - Beginning to Intermediate HTML Tips and Tricks
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Content Design and Graphics
Sue Hunter EMT-S/IC
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| The Basics | Basics Page 2 | Basics Part 3 | Basics Part 4 | Color Chart | Color Tester | Downloads | Geocities FAQ's | Font Viewer | Graphics Help | Gif Wizard | Helpful Links | Midi Tips and Tricks | Page Builder | Good Page Design Tips | Intro Page | Tables Tutorial | Simple Frames |