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Fastback's N64 page

Are these games hot, or not?

This is Fastback's video game page! Find out which video games are hot and which are not in the world of Nintendo. Note: Due to me not being able to keep up with ALL the games that are coming out, I'll be reviewing all the Wrestling games that come out for the n64.

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First off is WWF No Mercy. Man, just read the review of WWF Wrestlemania 2000 below and multiply that by 3. I wrote that review almost a year ago, and everything said can be applied to this game, which is single-handedly the best wrestling game ever made to date. Now, THQ's next wrestling game will probably blow this one out of the water, but for now...this rules. Only minor complaint is that the wrestlers aren't actually shown entering the ring like they do in WM2K in the opening sequences, and the videos are even worse than WM2K's...but the graphics, music, sound, and backstage areas, not to mention the create-a-wrestler, are all vastly improved. Definitely recommended.

Now comes WWF Wrestlemania 2000. THQ tops themselves with every single wrestling game they ever make! This is the best wrestling game, best sports game, and almost the best GAME I have ever played! There's create-a-wreslter, Royal Rumble, cage matches, King of the Ring tournaments, hardcore matches, hidden characters...this game has it all!! Stunning graphics, too. The one thing that isn't superb in this game is the sound, but the somewhat poor theme music quality can be forgiven due to the fact that the game is on a cartridge, and not a digital CD. In fact, that makes the fact that this game has ALL the wrestlers' theme music even more amazing! I recommend this game to EVERYONE. If you don't like wrestling, at least RENT IT. If you like wrestling, BUY IT!! I bought it with no prior playing of it, and I was not dissappointed. It rocks!

And then there's WWF Attitude from Acclaim. This game is very good, but it lacks overall. It's got great music, but the graphics are not a step up from Warzone at all. The play control is horrible, and the computer is constantly blocking and reversing your every move. It does have a superb create-a-wrestler mode, and as I stated before, great music, but overall, I wouldn't buy it. It's worth a rental, but THQ's games are consistently better.

Next, we've got "WCW/NWO Revenge." Truly spectacular. A vast improvement over THQ's last wrestling game, WCW vs. NWO, World Tour, even though that game was, as well, a great game. Revenge features a huge amount of wrestlers, and most of them are either nWo or WCW wrestlers! (Yay! Not as many stupid wrestlers from other organizations!) There's a battle royal mode, like World Tour, however, there can be up to FORTY men participating, with four in the ring at once. You can choose the arenas you want to fight at, and you can fight up and down the entranceway. Cool! On the *minor* downside, there's no Create-A-Player mode, but there IS a costume change mode which helps make up for that. What's that, you say? You want Rey Mysterio Junior in the Wolfpac? No Problem! Give him a Wolfpac shirt and you're all set! There really is no big downside to this game at all. The graphics are incredible, most wreslters have a personalized finishing move, new taunts, an instant replay feature...In fact, the only thing off the top of my head that I didn't like about this game was the lack of theme music and the fact that sometimes, even in a high-pace match, Revenge plays some slow music that doesn't help the whole fast-paced atmosphere. But hey, its no big problem, and on a scale of one through ten, this is an ELEVEN AND A HALF!

Next, we've got WWF Warzone. This is a truly spectacular wrestling game, definetely my new favorite sports game and also one of my all-time favorite games. If you hate wrestling, there's still good reason to at least rent this game. You can make your own player, a definite plus, but there's one downside on the create-a-player mode, there's no truly long hair. Other than that, the create-a-player mode is the best thing to happen to wrestling since the nWo split. The actual game is extremely fun, too, especially when you get your friends to join in on the fun. The controls are easy to learn, nearly impossible to master. Each player has so many moves, it's hard to remember how to do them! Luckily, there is an in-game moves list to help you out. The only real downside to the actual game is the fact that your opponents block too much; even with the no blocking mode on, they still sidestep your every move, and it gets frustrating. But other than a few minor details, this game rocks to the highest extent. Definetely check it out.

Then, there's "WCW vs. NWO".
This game is definitely cool. The graphics are great, and the sound is very cool. It's easy to learn, too. The multiplayer is probably the best part, with up to 4 players rumbling at the same time. Even if you're not a wrestling fan, check it out.

Fastback's all-time favorite N64 game list:
WWF Warzone
WWF Wresltemania 2000
WCW Vs. NWO: Revenge
Mission Impossible
Starfox 64
Mario Kart 64
San Francisco Rush
Mario 64
Top Gear Rally

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