Programming Section
Welcome to the programming section of my page.

I appologize, it seems my site is quite out-dated, and needs a few touchups, so i will speak of new things, and not old things.

Previous Programming Page

Semeir Encryption

Currently my encryption project is going well, however i have certain concerns that have made me pull it from the open for a little while. Once i am ready, it will come out again, or perhaps you will only ever see the 2.1.3 - 2.1.4.

In other things, i have worked and built up a few misc programs that i find essential to everyone, or almost everyone. But nothing that can hurt. I will now give those out and tell you how to use each.

Credit Card Debt Calculator

This program will take all your credit cards, with interest amounts, and calculate a suggested route to pay them off. (sorry, need to update it so it rounds it to whole Dollars). But no matter, it does quite well, and lets you know how much leeway you are making on your debts. Don't EVER pay the minimum. Actually, don't get debts at all.
WHEN USING THE PROGRAM. The name needs to be one word, or use underscores for it. Interest is per year, and MAX charability put 0 (or any number, unfinnished feature)

Days Left Calculator

This program will calculate properly all of the days from one date to another, includes the leap year, each month, and you can modify the output with the hour offsets (for timezones, yours or someone else's)

BULK APFT calculator

anyone that's in the army will get an APFT test. it's based on your age, gender, and how many pushups, situps, and how fast you can do a two mile run. (in that order). This will allow you to calculate all of it quite easily, for an entire group of 20-30 or just 2-3 if you want.

All programs are in one file, so you need to just take stride and enjoy the free programs as they are given out.

DOWNLOAD - Get all these programs in one easy to find place.
That's all for now.