Well it has been awhile since the 'ol page has been updated.. so here is something new for you all to read. First off, our clan has organized a team of 4 members, plus one alternate, to compete in the upcoming freeze-tag tourney to be held on the 24th of this month at 12pm. Secondly, for all you who are wondering wuts goin on in the world of the tub.. i have been thinking of hosting, or at the very least getting together with the rest of you (clan HRY) yes this means you if you have the HRY tag in front of your name :) :), for a little teamplay, ffa, or even some variation there of to keep morale up for one, and just for plain fun. Input on that matter as far as availability to attend and time would be appreciated, just contact myself of paul. On a side note.. anyone who has experiance in map creation, i would like to see a DM style clan specific map, keep in mind this isnt mandatory, would just be nice :D. GO TEAM!! hehe :P last but not least we are in need of a few more members to mix things up a bit, so just keep an eye out for "recruitable material" by that i think you all know what I mean, and if not just check up on the rules section and all is explained there in detail.


Greetings everyone, Paul here just making sure page is updated from time to time. We have a few members who have decided to stick with us, Joe and David (KingDavid and Thugsanity), most of you should already know them. I'm going to try to get W_knights to have a match with us or something of that nature, don't see why they wouldn't, should be fun, will let you know more on that in due time. Other than that, make sure you have the skins made for this clan that are available in the Files section. Sore wa zen ima desu(Japanese), Dosre Danya(Ukrainian)!!


Hello again. As of yet i have been unable to communicate further with any potential clans that i had previously selected for a clan vs clan match thus yet. And as usual i will try to keep you all updated. Incase you hadnt checked yet there are 4 new clan skin file packes in the files section which will be a nice addition to ur player skins files, and will also reduce download time save for maps and possibly player models. If any of you have come across other players interested in clan plz by all means invite them to join any game that we as a clan or clan individuals may be playing in and there is a good chance that either myself or Paul may be present. And last but not least i have managed to acquire the osp tourney mod thanks to some friends in the W_Knight clan. thanks guys!! :D also if possible sometime this saturday (the 17th) i would like to test it out and check to see if all settings are set to an acceptable status. this will require at least myself and if possible 3 other members. plz email me at shagginwagon4@hotmail.com if interested thank you.


The page is coming along faster than usual, mostly me updating it, trying to keep it true to the time and things of importance. What needs to happen now is need to get the clan doing more so there is in fact more to update about. We are at the moment 4 members strong (for sure), with 8 or 9 possibles who aren't so sure at this time. Small size doesn't bother me much, I'll just have to exercise my evil dictator powers over just 3 people, BrOoHaHaHaHaHa!1!1!1! Naw, you know about how strict we are around here, my only request is that those with bad mouths try to clean it up a bit. I do expect more members before long, but I only recruit 'good' members. Not in terms of skill or anything like that, although that doesn't hurt either, but in terms of a good attitude towards the game and usually towards life in general. That is why it may take awhile for HRY to grow, because of my desire for only quality people.

Orrrrrrr we could recruit everyone we see, regardless of what kind of a player they are, and how about while we at it rename the clan to IROQ or JEDI. Heh, gomen nasai, I couldn't resist, shouldn't diss other clans like that, but just wanted to make a point of that. Any questions or comments for me should be sent to cndksmk@Hotmail.com, and do keep in mind we might have a clan match with Legacy of Disfunction later on, bit excited about that myself.
Until than, Saiyonara bakarashii hito!


Greetings! This is your humble 2nd of command wishing you well.. hopefully all is well in the sudzy tub of clan HRY, I do request that current members keep a watchful eye for potential new members, and continue to fearlessly represent our clan on a regular, if not daily basis :D. Also I would like to say that there is a possible clan vs. clan ctf game in the works so keep a look out for that exact date will be posted in the ctf section when it has been decided, so do check back often. Happy new year!!


Welcome to what the page is at the moment, I know it looks half-done at the moment, and that is because it is! For those of you wondering what 'Hidoi Ryu wa Yubune no naka ni imasu' means, it simply means 'Terrible Dragons in the Bathtub'. Mugoi oto ga suru yo ne ka? :) It is Japanese, and I may put it in proper Japanese characters in later (Boku no nihongo ga yoku wakarimasen :P), but it is unlikely at this time. Hope you like what you see so far, and any comments and suggestions can be sent to 'cndksmk@hotmail.com', although remember they are just suggestions, doesn't mean I will bend my page to them. Ore wa Kimi ato de aimasu!
