Express Software Logo

The new evolution of software.

Getting Started

To someone who is just getting used to using the Internet, this site can be somewhat confusing. All of the hyperlinks (links that take you to a different page) are displayed in either red or blue text. The text is blue if you haven't been to the page yet, and red if you have already been there. All of the hyperlinks aren't underlined, as they are in most of the other sites, but if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, and move your mouse over them, an underline will appear below the link.

Why Was This Site Made?

This site was made, just like most others, to allow Express Software to advertise on the Internet. Also, just by coming to this page you have signified yourself as just one person out of millions that wants to see the systematic downfall and destruction of Microsoft.


Our web site, much like most of our products has gone under countless revisions. This site was originally posted in the beginning of March, 1998, and since then has gone under many revisions and even some reconstructions. If you have any ideas as to how this site could be better, please feel free to send them to Express Software and we will take your ideas into consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is this FAQ all about?
    This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) was written to benefit you. It answers the most commonly asked questions that we get every day, and it will, more than likely, give satisfactory answers to all of your questions too.

  • I've downloaded some of the files, but I don't know how to open them.
    Believe it or not, we get a lot of emails asking about this. Most of the files here are in ZIP format. This means that to open them, you need a program that opens and extracts the files from the zipfile to your computer. Some of these programs include Express Zip, WinZip, and PKUNZIP. If you don't know this, you really need to start reading some computer books.

  • Who runs this site?
    The Express Software website is run by Joseph Cosentino and the graphics were made by Rudy Ristich, both of whom have many years in software, web, and graphics development.

  • I emailed Express Software, but got no response...why?
    Either the question was already answered on this FAQ, was not related to software or the computer industry, was stated in an unclear manner, or sent to the wrong address. Make sure your question is related to either software or the computer industry and be sure to state it in a clear, readable manner. If you follow those simple guidelines your questions/comments/suggestions will receive a reply in a timely manner.

  • Can Express Software design my site?
    Yes, Express Software can design your site for you. Web and graphics design is one of the Internet services that we do offer for any type of site. Hopefully this site can speak for itself as far as our web and graphics design services are concerned, but regardless, we have a talented staff that are offering their design services to the public for a reasonable fee. Fees, like most development services, are based on a project-by-project basis. Order here When placing orders, make sure you give us your home phone number and address so we can contact you for more information on what you would like on your site.

  • This FAQ doesn't answer my question, what should I do?
    If this FAQ doesn't answer your question, you should e-mail us. Your question will more than likely be answered through the appropriate e-mail address.

    Questions and Comments
    Copyright © Express Software 1998.
    All Rights Reserved.