Francis' Webpage up since 2-17-98

Isn't he cute?
This dog is a pure-bred Maltese
He's quite old now. After a long
time of training, he now knows
how to sit, jump, lie down and
come when called for.

Airplane Project R V - 4

Click if you think this site suck.
Letter from the webmaster: So you've managed to somehow stumbled into my personal webpage where I will just post random stuff that may be interesting. If you know me and you got pics you wanna post, just send them right over or just give it to me in person. This site has been around for about 6 years now and pics that gets posted will stick around for quite a while. And btw, the dogs here likes to be clicked and dragged around.

Trip to the Getty Center

Link to my UCLA webpage

And soon to be EE ucla grad webpage

Please take time to fill out my guestbook which is located on the banner on top of this page also. Or if you're lazy and don't feel like filling out that stupid guestbook, just view it.

Project Go-kart frame welding.

Go-Kart Pics. The pics there are rather large and takes long to download. Pictures from JHR Racing are here. There is nothing that pumps more adrenaline than zooming across the track 2 inches off the ground at 60+ mph! FEEL THE Gs BABY!!!!

Check out these other links to my page.

TI-85 Assembly Language
TI-86 Assembly Language
Irvington Cheats Plus! That is not all! Check out my pics of the Sears Point Raceway

Netscape Acrobat


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