JavaScript--Finding More Info

Official Netscape JavaScript Book

Netscape Authoring Guide

Netscape Authoring Guide, 2.0
Netscape Authoring Guide, 2.0
Netscape Authoring Guide, 3.0
Download the documentation (.ZIP format)
Download the documentation (WinHelp format)
Download the documentation (Adobe Acrobat [PDF] format)

Other Documentation

Introduction to JavaScript by Stefan Koch (was known as "Voodoo")
or get Intro to JavaScript here
or get Intro to JavaScript here
Persistent Client State HTTP Cookies Preliminary Specifications
The JavaScript FAQ
Web Interactivity--JavaScript, CGI facilitate Dynamic Web Pages

JavaScript Libraries

JavaScript 411
The JavaScript Library at the JavaScript Index
JavaScript--Simple Little Things To Add To Your Pages
JavaScript Sweden, JavaScript Source Codes
The JavaScript Archive
JavaScript Applets
Timothy’s JavaScript Page
Find more libraries at the JavaScript Index

Resource Sites

Gamelan JavaScript List
The JavaScript Index
Yahoo’s JavaScript Category
Netscape’s JavaScript Introduction page
Netscape’s JavaScript Resources page
Unofficial JavaScript Resource Center
LiveSoftware’s JavaScript Resource Center
JavaScript 411
JavaScript Sweden
TeamJava’s Home Page
Eric’s JavaScript Page

Discussion Groups

The JavaScript Mailing List
Java Message Exchange
Netscape’s JavaScript and LiveWire Newsgroups: for more information
The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup
LiveSoftware’s JavaScript Development Group
LiveSoftware's JavaScript Examples Group
For more information, go to the LiveSoftware site
LiveSoftware’s JavaScript Chat Room