The AS/400 Tetris Game (Tetris/400)

Official Home Page

July 2, 1998

AS/400 Tetris Game - Skip all the history and go to the Final Edition at once

If you want to create Tetris *PGM on your AS/400 using this sources:

  1. Download three needed source files:
  2. Transfer these three source to AS/400 in source file *FILE PF-SRC in your library as members with names and types:
    File Member Name Member Type
    srcrpg.txt --> V2 RPG
    srcdsp.txt --> V2DF DSPF
    srcdds.txt --> V2PF PF
  3. Create display file V2DF (Note. Must be WAITRCD(1) parameter on CRTDSPF or CHGDSPF commands) and physical file V2PF, compile program V2.
  4. Add your current library in *LIBL (if it is not yet in it).
  5. Call V2 and play.
Good Luck!
If you know how to improve this program, especially perfomance and speed, please, tell me via Email or sign Guestbook.
Permission is granted to use this code for any not commercial purpose whatsoever free of charge at your own risk. No warranties on this code are intended or implied.
07/10/98. I received from one of my readers converted to RPG IV source code. You can download it and try:
07/23/98. Trying to improve performance of AS/400 Tetris I changed RPG and DSPF sources:
  1. I defined command attention keys (CAxx) instead of command function keys (CFxx), because by pressing CAxx only keys indicators but not input data returned;
  2. I divided whole screen in one background screen and two independent windows: glass window and info window and control with them separately;
  3. Keyword USRRSTDSP used for window records in DSPF DDS source.
Upgraded sources:
srcrpgw.txt - RPG source (named W2 instead of V2);
srcdspw.txt - DSPF DDS source (named W2DF instead of V2DF).
If you know another ways to improve system speed and performance with displays, please, share your experience with me.

AS/400 Tetris Game (Tetris/400) - Final Edition

February 28, 1999

This is the final edition of the AS/400 Tetris Game. I removed all the encountered errors and inaccuracies.
I shall no more update the program in observable future, if my circumstances will not be changed.
You can free download and free use the AS/400 Tetris Game now, but only for non commercial purposes.

AS/400 Tetris Game - How it looks

AS/400 Green Screen With Tetris On It

The Tetris for AS/400 does not require any special from AS/400 display - it can be called on any terminal you can use to login AS/400.

AS/400 Tetris Game - Tips and Tricks

Press F2, F3, F4, F11 to quick drop brick downto next line.
Press F1 to get my e-mail address and home phone for asking question.

AS/400 Tetris Game - Download and Install Easy Guide


The game is available to download either as in source codes (AS/400 RPG III, DDS for display file and database file), or as AS/400 save file (*SAVF).
  • Download save file, copy to AS/400 and restore objects - it is easiest way to start game, but you should have OS/400 version v3r2m0 and above to restore objects.
  • Download source files, copy to AS/400 and compile to create objects - it is more long way to start game, but you can have any OS/400 version greater or equal to v2r?m?.
Below in the table are described these two ways to download and install the game.

View and download source code files:

Or, download ZIP-file with all three source codes and unzip this file:

Download save file:

Copy To AS/400 (using FTP)

Assume that
  • your PC directory where downloaded files placed is c:\yourdir
  • your AS/400 library where the game will be placed is yourlib
  • your AS/400 has IP address (if you don't know the address - find out it, please)

Establish connection:

  • Run ftp client (for example, MS Windows: menu Start-Run-ftp<Enter>)
  • ftp> lcd c:\yourdir
  • ftp> open
  • User (...): <Enter your AS/400 User Id>
  • Password: <Enter your AS/400 User Password>

Upload source files:

  • ftp> ascii
  • ftp> quote rcmd crtsrcpf yourlib/vtrpgs
  • ftp> quote rcmd crtsrcpf yourlib/vtsrns
  • ftp> quote rcmd crtsrcpf yourlib/vtddss
  • ftp> put vtrpgs.txt yourlib/vtrpgs
  • ftp> put vtsrns.txt yourlib/vtsrns
  • ftp> put vtddss.txt yourlib/vtddss

Upload save file:

  • ftp> binary
  • ftp> quote rcmd crtsavf yourlib/vtsavf
  • ftp> put yourlib/vtsavf

Terminate connection:

  • ftp> close
  • ftp> bye

On AS/400:

Compile sources and create objects:

  • rename source file members and change types:
    • VTRPGS ----> VTRPG (RPG)
    • VTSRNS ----> VTSRN (DSPF)
    • VTDDSS ----> VTDDS (DDS)
  • compile sources:
    • ===> CRTPF FILE(yourlib/VTDDS) SRCFILE(yourlib/VTDDSS)
    • ===> CRTDSPF FILE(yourlib/VTSRN) SRCFILE(yourlib/VTSRNS) WAITRCD(1)
    • ===> CRTRPGPGM PGM(yourlib/VTRPG) SRCFILE(yourlib/VTRPGS)

Restore objects from save file:

    SAVF(yourlib/VTSAVF) RSTLIB(yourlib)

Run Game:

  • ===> ADDLIBLE yourlib
  • ===> CALL VTRPG

Good Luck!

AS/400 Tetris Game - Disclaimer

Permission is granted to use this code for any not commercial purpose whatsoever free of charge at your own risk. No warranties on this code are intended or implied.

AS/400 Tetris Game - Final Edition (back to top)


The AS/400 Tetris Game (Tetris/400)
News/400 AS/400 Game Pack, June 1999.
The first version of the Tetris/400 from July 1998 was used for this publication.
