ABAP/4 compendium.

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Under construction.
The Tower of Babel. 
                  Pieter Bruegel (about 1525-69)
Not yet:
Open and Native SQL;
Logical Databases;
Data Clusters;
Dialog Programming;
Extract Datasets and Field Groups;
Working with Files;
Dynamic Generation of Programs;
ABAP Objects;
ABAP Data and Communication Interfaces (CPIC, RFC, OLE2).

Here is very compact but full in details ABAP/4 Reference.


Preliminaries. Data Declaration. Data Processing. List Processing.
Internal Tables Processing. Selection Screens. Field Symbols. Modularization.

Declaring Data:
Data Processing:
Lists Processing:
Internal Tables Processing:
Selection Screens:
Field Symbols:



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<fn>, <f> Field of any type.
<o> Offset (Numeric variable or literal).
<l> Length (Numeric variable or literal).
<n>, <m>, <p> Numeric field.
<c>, <str> Character string.
<m> Argument.
<fstring> Field String (in other words - structure).
FSTRING-<component> Component of field string (in other words - field of structure).
<g> Code Page (Conversion table).
<sc> Sort code.
<N> Number format.
<itab> Internal table.
<wa> Separate work area (can be used instead of header line for internal table).
<idx> Index (for internal table).
<parm> Parameter (for selection screen).
<selopt> Selection Option (for selection screen).
<range> Range.
<sel> Selection (Selection Option or Range).
<pid> SAP memory ID (up to 3 characters).
<mobj> Matchcode object (Data Dictionary) (4 characters).
<FS> Field Symbol (angle brackets are part of the syntax).
<dbtab> Table of Logical Database.


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A literal is a fixed value.

Text Literals
Text literals are sequences of alphanumeric characters enclosed in single quotation marks: Can be up to 254 characters long. If a text literal contains a quotation mark, you must repeat it to enable the system to recognize the contents as a text literal and not as the end of the literal.
Numbers Literals
Number literals are sequences of digits that may contain a leading sign. They can contain up to 15 digits: Non-integer values or a longer numbers can be defined as text literals which is converted to the correct type automatically (see Conversion Rules): Likewise, text literal represents a floating-point value. This must have the following format:

Elementary Data Types.

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Data type Initial size Valid size Initial value Description Comments
C 1 1-65535 SPACE Character  
N 1 1-65535 '00..0' Numeric text  
D 8 8 '00000000' Date YYYYMMDD  
T 6 6 '000000' Time HHMMSS  
I 4 4 0 Integer Range from -2**31 to 2**31-1. Rounded, not truncated.
F 8 8 0 Float Range is 1x10**-307 to 1x10**308.
P 8 1-16 0 Packed Two decimal digits are packed into one byte, while the last byte contains one digit and the sign. Up to 14 digits are allowed after the decimal point. If the program attribute Fixed point arithmetic is not set, type P fields are interpreted as integers without decimal places. The DECIMALS parameter of the DATA statement only affects the format of the WRITE output.
X 1 1-65535 X'00' Hexadecimal  

Correspondence between ABAP/4 Dictionary Data Types and Elementary Data Types.

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ABAP/4 Dictionary Data Type Derived Elementary Data Type Comments
ACCP N(6)  
CHAR n C(n)  
CLNT C(3)  
CUKY C(5)  
CURR n, m, s P((n+2)/2) DECIMALS m [NO-SIGN]  
DEC n, m, s P((n+2)/2) DECIMALS m [NO-SIGN]  
INT1 No correspondence  
INT2 No correspondence  
INT4 I  
LCHR n C(n)  
LRAW n X(n)  
LANG C(1)  
NUMC n N(n)  
PREC X(2)  
QUAN n, m, s P((n+2)/2) DECIMALS m [NO-SIGN]  
RAW n X(n)  
UNIT n C(n)  
VARC n C(n)  

Specifying Offset Values for Data Objects.

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Offset/Length Extensions for the Assignment/MOVE/WRITE TO Operators:
where o=offset and l=length of the field portion.
Can be on both the left and right parts of an operator.
Can be variables in MOVE or WRITE TO or assignment statement and must be literals in mathematical expressions.

Conversion Rules.

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Elementary Data Types:
Source: Target:
C Left-justified. Padded with blanks or truncated. Only 'YYYMMDD' Only valid F-literal Only digits are copied. Compressed on the right and padded with zeros. Source must contain the representation of a decimal number, i.e. a sequence of digits with an optional sign and no more than one decimal point. Source can contain blanks. If the target is too short, an overflow may occur. This may cause the system to terminate the program. Only 'HHMMSS' Valid characters are 0..9,A..F. Left-justified, padded with zeros or truncated.
D Left-justified. No conversion. No conversion. ->P->F. ->C->N. ->number of days since 01.01.0001. Not supported. Syntax check or Runtime error. ->number of days since 01.01.0001.
F Converted to the <mantissa>E<exponent> format. Mantissa lies between 1 and 10 unless the number is zero. Exponent is always signed. If the target field is too short, the mantissa is rounded. The length of the character field should be at least 6 bytes.. ->P->D. No conversion. ->P->N. ->I and rounded, if necessary. ->P->T. ->P->X.
N No conversion. ->C->D. ->P->F. Right-justified. Padded with zeros or truncated. Packed, right-justified with a positive sign. If the target field is too short, the program may be terminated. ->C->T. ->P->X.
P Right-justified to the character field, if required with a decimal point. The first position is reserved for the sign. Leading zeros appear as blanks. If the target field is too short, the sign is omitted for positive numbers. If this is still not sufficient, the field is truncated on the left. ABAP/4 indicates the truncation with an asterisk (*). If you want the leading zeros to appear in the character field, use UNPACK instead of MOVE. Represents the number of days since 01.01.0001 and is converted to a date in YYYYMMDD format. Accepted as F. Rounded if necessary, unpacked, and then transported right-justified. The sign is omitted. If required, the target field is padded with zeros on the left. Right-justified. If the target field is too short, an overflow occurs. Represents the number of seconds since midnight and is converted to a time in HHMMSS format. Rounded if necessary and then converted to a hexadecimal number. Negative numbers are represented by the two's complement. If the target field is too short, the number is truncated on the left.
T Right-justified. No conversion. Not supported. Syntax check or Runtime error. ->P->F. ->C->N. Converted to the number of seconds since midnight. No conversion. Converted to the number of seconds since midnight.
X Left-justified. Padded with zeros. Represents the number of days since 01.01.0001 and is converted to a date in YYYYMMDD format. ->P->F. ->P->N. Interpreted as a hexadecimal number. It is converted to a packed decimal number and transported right-justified to the target field. If the hexadecimal field is longer than 4 bytes, only the last four bytes are converted. If it is too short, a runtime error may occur. Represents the number of seconds since midnight and is converted to a time in HHMMSS format. Left-justified and filled with X'00' on the right, if necessary.
Type I is always treated in the same way as type P without decimal places..
Field Strings:
Component by Component.
Non-Compatible Field Strings and Elementary Fields:
System first converts all the field strings concerned to type C fields and then performs the conversion between the two remaining elementary fields.
Field Strings with Internal Tables as Components:
Field strings which contain internal tables as components are convertible only if they are compatible.
Internal Tables:
Internal tables are only convertibles to other internal tables. Internal tables are not convertibles to field strings or elementary fields. Internal tables are convertible if their line types are convertible.
Alignment of Data Objects:
Fields of type I or F are aligned. Field strings containing type I or F components are also aligned and filler fields may be inserted in front of them. The system normally aligns fields and structures automatically during their declaration.

Formatting Options.

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All Data Types Numeric Types Date
Starts outputting field in the same column from which field <f> was started.
Currency <c> in table TCURX. System sets the number of decimal places according to the entry CURRDEC in TCURX, ignoring real decimal places in the number. If <c> not found, default setting of 2 used.
<unit> in table T006 (column MSEHI) for type P. The entry in column DECAN then determines the number of decimal places of the field to be displayed. If the system does not find the entry <unit> in T006, it ignores the option. Restrictions:
  • field to be displayed must be a packed number (type P);
  • If field has less decimal places than the <unit>, option ignored;
  • If field has more decimal places than the <unit>, option used only, if the operation does not truncate any digits unequal to 0.
(blanks instead of 0)
Mask: Meaning:
==mask ABAP/4 Dictionary Edit Mask
'_' one character or one digit
'V' leading sign for types I, P
'LL' left-justified (at beginnig of template)
'RR' right-justified (at beginnig of template)
':', ... separator
  all other characters
Date separators as defined in user's master record.
Can be used also the formatting options of the FORMAT statement (intensity and color).

Declaring Data.

Types Definition.

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ABAP/4 Data Types:
Introduces user-defined data types. Variants:
TYPE-POOLS <name>.
Allows to use all the data types and constants defined in the type group <name>. Type groups store user-defined data types or constants in the ABAP/4 Dictionary for cross-program use.

Data Definition.

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TABLES <databasetable>.
Makes the database table, view or structure known to the program. Defines the identical field string - the table work area - in the program. The names and the sequence of the fields of the table work area correspond exactly to the names and the sequence of the fields when declaring the database table or view in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. The ABAP/4 data type and the length of the fields are derived from the data types in the ABAP/4 Dictionary as follows.
the DATA statement has the same form as TYPES, plus optional additions:
To create an internal table data object without referring either to an existing object or to an existing line structure, use the DATA statement as follows:
the CONSTANTS statement has the same form as DATA, but addition ... VALUE <value> is obligatory.
the STATICS statement has the same form as DATA.
Retains the value of a variable beyond the runtime of a procedure (subroutine or function module).
Determining the Attributes of Data Objects:
The attributes of the data object <f> specified by the parameters of the statement are written to the variables following the parameters:
  • <l> - length of the field;
  • <type> - type of the field:
    C, N, D, T, I, F, P, XElementary Data Type
    h Internal table
    s 2-byte integer with leading sign
    b 1-byte integer without leading sign
    u Field string without internal table
    v Field string containing at least one internal table
    Note. If ... COMPONENTS <n> not present then ... TYPE <type> returns C rather than u or v with structures.
  • <n> - number of structure components or 0 if <f> is not a structure;
  • <lo> - length required when outputting <f> with WRITE. A max value is therefore defined by the maximum line length for lists. For internal tables and structures which contain internal tables, the value 0 is returned because these cannot be output with WRITE either.
  • <nd> - number of decimal places;
  • <mask> - if the field <f> has a conversion routine in the ABAP/4 Dictionary, this is placed in the field <mask> (a C(10) field) in the form "==conv". "conv" stands for the name of the conversion routine, e.g. "==ALPHA" in the conversion routine "ALPHA". The ABAP/4 conversion routines have names CONVERSION_EXIT_name_OUTPUT (and ..._INPUT). In this form, <mask> can then be used in the addition USING EDIT MASK mask of the WRITE statement.
DESCRIBE TABLE <itab> [LINES <nl>] [OCCURS <no>].
  • <nl> - number of filled lines;
  • <no> - value of OCCURS.
Determines the distance between the fields <f1> and <f2> and places the result (in bytes) in <n>.

Data Processing.

Assignment Operations.

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Assignment Operator:
<fn> = ... <f3> = <f2> = <f1>.
Equivalent to MOVE. Executed from right to left.
MOVE <f1> TO <f2>.
Follows the Conversion Rules.
See also MOVE PERCENTAGE for character string.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fstring1> TO <fstring2>.
This statement assigns the contents of components of field string fstring1 to those components of field string fstring2 which have the same names.
WRITE <f1> TO <f2> [<options>].
Does NOT follow the Conversion Rules. The target field is interpreted as a type C field.
Option - all Formatting Options except UNDER and NO-GAP.
Always checks the settings in the user's master record, e.g. whether the decimal point appears as a period (.) or a comma (,).
Specifying the Source field at Runtime with WRITE TO:
WRITE (<f1>) TO <f2>.
The system places the value of the data object assigned to <f1> in <f2>.
SOURCE(10) VALUE 'Antony',
This produces the output:
CLEAR <f>|<fstring> [WITH <g>|NULL].
Resets the contents to initial values (or to a first byte of <g> or to X'00').
FREE <f>|<fstring>.
Like CLEAR, resets the contents to initial values. Also releases any resources connected with the data object.
This may be relevant with internal tables, structures with tabular components as well as table work areas.

Numerical Operations.

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[COMPUTE] <n> = <expression>.
Using Mathematical Functions:
[COMPUTE] <n> = <function>( <m> ).
The blanks between the parentheses and the argument <m> are obligatory.
Functions for all Numeric Data Types: ABS, SIGN, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, FRAC.
Floating-Point functions: COS, SIN, TAN, ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, COSH, SINH, TANH, EXP, LOG, LOG10, SQRT.
Basic Arithmetic Operations:
Operation Using expression Using keyword
Addition <p> = <n> + <m>. ADD <n> TO <m>.
Subtraction <p> = <n> - <m>. SUBTRACT <n> FROM <m>.
Multiplication <p> = <n> * <m>. MULTIPLY <m> BY <n>.
Division <p> = <n> / <m>. DIVIDE <m> BY <n>.
Integer division <p> = <n> DIV <m>. -
Remainder of division <p> = <n> MOD <m>. -
Exponentiation <p> = <n> ** <m>. -
When using mathematical expressions, please note that the operators +, -, *, **, and /, as well as opening and closing parentheses, are ABAP/4 words and must therefore be preceded and followed by blanks.
ADD-CORRESPONDING <fstring1> TO <fstring2>,
SUBTRACT-CORRESPONDING <fstring1> FROM <fstring2>,
MULTIPLY-CORRESPONDING <fstring2> BY <fstring1>,
DIVIDE-CORRESPONDING <fstring2> BY <fstring1>:
Adding Sequences of Fields:
  1. ADD <n1> THEN <n2> UNTIL <nz> GIVING <m>.
    ~ m = n1 + n2 + ... + nz.
  2. ADD <n1> THEN <n2> UNTIL <nz> TO <m>.
    ~ m = m + n1 + n2 + ... + nz.
  3. ADD <n1> THEN <n2> UNTIL <nz> ... ACCORDING TO <sel> GIVING|TO <m>.
    <sel> is generated by SELECT-OPTIONS or RANGE..
  4. ADD <n1> FROM <m1> TO <mz> GIVING <m>.
    <n1> is the first in a sequence of consecutive fields.
    <m1> and <mz> contain the numbers of the first and last fields in this sequence.
Operators Precedence:
The order of evaluation is:
  1. expressions in parentheses
  2. functions
  3. ** (exponentiation)
  4. *, / , MOD, DIV (multiplications, divisions)
  5. +, - (additions, subtractions)

Character Strings Operations.

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Note to the Character Strings Operations.
All the operations marked with '*' process the operands regardless of type as type C - no internal conversion is performed.

<n> can be a variable, must be >0 (no actions if <0), default is 1. LEFT is default.
<str> is a substring to search in <str> and can be a variable. LEFT is default.
If <str> is not found in <c>, SY-SUBRC is set to 4 and <c> is not shifted. Otherwise, SY-SUBRC is set to 0.
<str> can be a variable.
REPLACE <str1> WITH <str2> INTO <c> [LENGTH <len>].
Searches the field <c> for the first occurrence of the first <len> positions of the pattern <str1>. If no length is specified, it searches for the pattern <str1> in its full length. Then, the statement replaces the first occurrence of the pattern <str1> in field <c> with the string <str2>. If a length <len> was specified, only the relevant part of the pattern is replaced.
SY-SUBRC = 0: string replaced; SY-SUBRC = 4: string not replaced.. <str1>, <str2>, and <len> can be variables.

To convert also umlauts the profile parameter abap/locale_ctype must be set and character set must be found.
<str> contains pairs of letters, where the 1st letter of each pair is replaced by the 2nd letter. Can be a variable.

Conversion tables <g1> and <g2> must exist, otherwise Runtime error. Use transaction SPAD to maintain conversion tables TCP00 - TCP02. Some conversion combinations maintained at Runtime for performance reason (e.g. '1110' - HP, '0100' - EBCDIC (IBM 274)).
I, P, F, X fields remain unchanged.

Number format <N> can be '0000' (HP, SINIX,IBM) or '0101' (DEC alpha OSF).
Function module SYSTEM_FORMAT displays system code page and number format.
Source <c> must be C or W type. Target <sc> should be of type X and at least 16 times (for C) or 4 times (for W) as long as source. The method of conversion depends on the text environment of the running ABAP/4 program. The text environment is defined in the user's master record or, as an exception, can be set via SET LOCALE LANGUAGE.
The purpose of this statement is to create an accompanying field <sc> for a character field <c>, which can serve as an alphabetical binary sort key for <c>, which is NOT dependent of platform-specific internal coding of the individual letters.
OVERLAY <c1> WITH <c2> [ONLY <str>].
Overlays all positions in <c1> containing letters which occur in <str> with the contents of <c2>. If omit ONLY <str>, only SPACEs are overwritten.
SY-SUBRC = 0 : at least one character was replaced; SY-SUBRC = 4 : other cases.
SEARCH <c> FOR <str> [<options>].
Searches <c> for the character string in <str>. If successful, SY-SUBRC = 0 and SY-FDPOS = offset. Otherwise SY-SUBRC = 4.
Pattern: Options:
Removes leading blanks. Replaces other sequences of blanks with one blank or removes all blanks if NO-GAPS.
[COMPUTE] <n> = STRLEN( <c> ).
CONCATENATE <c1> ... <cn> INTO <c> [SEPARATED BY <s>].
Trailing blanks ignored. SY-SUBRC = 0 : OK; SY-SUBRC = 4 : result has to be truncated.
SPLIT <c> AT <delimiter> INTO <c1> ... <cn>.
To place all fragments in different target fields, you must specify enough target fields. Otherwise, the last target field is filled with the rest of the field <c> and still contains delimiters.
SY-SUBRC = 0 : All target fields are long enough and no fragment has to be truncated. Otherwise SY-SUBRC = 4.
SPLIT <c> AT <delimiter> INTO TABLE <itab>.
For each part of the character string, the system adds a new table line.
<n> = 0...100. PERCENTAGE ignored when either <c1> or <c2> are not C type.

Logical Operations.

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... <f1> <operator> <f2> ...
All Field Types:
The operands can be database fields, internal fields, literals, or constants; structured data types (compared component by component and nested structures are broken down into elementary fields); internal tables. Fields of different data types can be compared (if they are convertible) after an automatic Type Conversions according to the following hierarchical rules:
One of the operands Other operand Conversion
Fanyto F
Panyto P
D or Tanyto D or T.
Note. Comparison between D and T not supported and causes program termination.
CXto C
CNboth to P
Character Strings and Numeric Strings:
Only for types C and N.
Op. Meaning Case-
True if SY-FDPOS
if true
if false
COContains Only yesincluded <f1> contains only characters from <f2> length of <f1> offset of the first character of <f1> that does not occur in <f2>
CNcontains Not Only yesincluded <f1> contains characters other than those in <f2> offset of the first character of <f1> that does not occur in <f2> length of <f1>
CAContains Any yes? <f1> contains at least one character from <f2> offset of the first character of <f1> that occurs in <f2> length of <f1>
NAcontains Not Any yes? <f1> contains no one character from <f2> length of <f1> offset of the first character of <f1> that occurs in <f2>
CSContains String noignored <f1> contains <f2> offset of <f2> in <f1> length of <f1>
NScontains No String noignored <f1> does not contain <f2> length of <f1> offset of <f2> in <f1>
CPContains Pattern noignored <f1> contains pattern <f2>:
  • * - any character string;
  • + - any single character;
  • #c - the particular character (in upper or lower case);
  • #* - the "*" symbol;
  • #+ - the "+" symbol;
  • ## - the "#" symbol itself;
  • #___ - the trailing blanks.
offset of <f2> in <f1> length of <f1>
NPcontains No Pattern noignored <f1> does not contain pattern <f2> length of <f1> offset of <f2> in <f1>
Bit Structures:
Compares first byte of the <f1> with <f2>, which should have length 1 byte (recommended use as <f2> type X length 1).
Operator Meaning True if
Obits are one bits that are 1 in <f2>, are 1 in <f1> as well
Zbits are zero bits that are 1 in <f2>, are 0 in <f1>
Mbits are mixed from bits that are 1 in <f2>, at least one is 1 an one is 0 in <f1>
Checking Whether a Field Belongs to a Range:
... <f1> BETWEEN <f2> AND <f3> ...
it is short form of
... <f1> GE <f2> AND <f1> LE <f3> ...
Checking for the Initial Value:
... <f> IS INITIAL ...
true if <f> contains the initial value for its type. In general, any field, elementary or structured (field strings and internal tables), contains its initial value after a CLEAR <f> statement is executed.
Checking Selection Criteria:
... <f> IN <sel> ...
If the selection criteria <sel> is attached to <f> with the SELECT-OPTIONS statement the short form can be used:
... <sel> ...
Combine Operators and Operators Precedence:
Priority: NOT AND OR. Equal priority operations are processed from left to right. If one of the component expressions is recognized as true or false, the remaining part is not performing if total expression can be known. Therefore you can improve performance by organizing logical expressions (for example, by placing comparisons which are often false at the beginning of an AND chain and expensive comparisons, such as searches for character strings, at the end).

Lists Processing.

Write Operation.

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WRITE (see transaction LIBS for SAP guidelines using colors, symbols, icons etc. in lists):
WRITE <f> [<formatting options>].
<f> can be: Type-specific output (len=field length):
TypeStandard output lengthJustified
C len left
D 8 left
F 22 right
I 11 right
N len left
P 2*len[+1]right
T 6 left
X 2*len left
Positioning output on the screen:
WRITE AT [/][<pos>][(<len>)] <f>.
<f> can be: If <len> is too short, fewer characters are displayed. Numeric fields are truncated on the left and prefixed with an asterisk (*). All other fields are truncated on the right, but no indication is given that the field is shorter.
Outputting symbols and icons on the screen:
WRITE <symbol-name> AS SYMBOL.
WRITE <icon-name> AS ICON.

<symbol-name> and <icon-name> are system-defined constants which are specified in the include programs <SYMBOL> and <ICON> (<LIST> replaces both the above). The angle brackets are part of the name.
To browse all available icons and symbols use pattern for the WRITE statement in the ABAP/4 Editor. All icons can be viewed using the ICON transaction as well.
Lines and blank lines the screen:
ULINE [AT [/][<pos>][(<len>)]] [NO-GAP].
this is equivalent to WRITE [AT [/][<pos>][(<len>)]] SY_ULINE [NO-GAP].
WRITE [AT [/][<pos>]] SY-VLINE.

or WRITE [AT [/][<pos>]] '|'.
SKIP [<n>].
Note. WRITE / ' '. statement does not output blank line by default. To change default setting use following statement:
Outputting field content as checkbox:
If the first character of <f> is an "X", the checkbox is displayed filled. If the first character is SPACE, the checkbox is displayed blank. The checkboxes that are created by this statement are input enabled by default.
Outputting lines on the screen:
On list output, automatically links certain characters together to form continuous lines or boxes, if there is no space between them: Exactly how each line segment is output (e.g. whether as straight line, corner, T-piece or cross) depends on the adjoining characters.
The include <LINE> (or the more comprehensive include <LIST>) contains the relevant identifiers for lines as constants, e.g. LINE_TOP_LEFT_CORNER, LINE_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_CORNER.
FORMAT <option1> [ON|OFF] <option2> [ON|OFF] ... .
FORMAT <option1>=<var1> <option2>=<var2> ... .
Effective from next output (WRITE or new line) operation until next event or turning OFF. ON = default. <vari> should be of type I. If the <vari>=0, the variable has the same effect as the OFF option. If WRITE statement follows the FORMAT statement, the settings of the WRITE statement overwrite the corresponding settings of the FORMAT statement for the current output.

Define Structure of List.

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List Width:
REPORT <report> LINE-SIZE <n>.
n=0 : standard list. List cannot be wider than 255 (132 for most printers). SY-LINSZ contains the current line size.
To adapt the line size to the current window width, set <n> to SY-SCOLS. SY-SCOLS contains the number of characters of a line of the current window.
Page Length:
REPORT <report> LINE-COUNT <length>[(<n>)].
n - number of reserved for footer lines. length=0 : standard list. SY-LINCT contains the current page length or 0 if standard page.
To adapt the page length to the current window length, set <length> to SY-SROWS. SY-SROWS contains the number of lines of the current window.
Individual Page Header:
   WRITE... .

List processing event that is executed before the first data is output on a new page. Without the addition ... DURING LINE-SELECTION, processed only when generating basic lists, not when creating secondary lists. Only executed before outputting the first line on a new page - not triggered by a NEW-PAGE statement.
During the event TOP-OF-PAGE, you can also fill the system fields SY-TVAR0...SY-TVAR9 with values that should replace eventual placeholders &0...&9 in the standard page header.
Individual Page Footer:
REPORT <report> LINE-COUNT <length>(<n>).
   WRITE... .

END-OF-PAGE processed only if n>0. If you explicitly specify a new page with NEW-PAGE, END-OF-PAGE is ignored.
Page Break:
  • ends the current page and increased SY-PAGNO by 1;
  • does not trigger the END-OF-PAGE event.
  • used to suppress or display the standard header and/or columns headers on all pages to come. default both: WITH for basic and NO for secondary lists;
  • does not affect the display of a page header defined at the event TOP-OF-PAGE.
length=0 : standard list. Can be variable.
n=0 : standard list. Can be variable. Within a list level, that is, if the next page is not the beginning of a new list level, the system ignores the LINE-SIZE option.
Triggers a page break if less than <n> free lines are left on the current list page between the last output and the page footer. <n> can be a variable. Before starting a new page, the system processes the END-OF-PAGE event. RESERVE only takes effect if output is written to the subsequent page. No blank pages are created.
common notes.
  • SCROLL works for completed lists only. If you use SCROLL before the first output statement of a list, it does not affect this list. If you use SCROLL after the first output statement of a list, it affects the entire list, that is, all subsequent output statements as well;
  • While creating a secondary list, a SCROLL statement without INDEX option always refers to the previously displayed list on which the interactive event occurred (index SY-LISTI);
  • Only when creating the basic list does the SCROLL statement refer to the currently created list;
  • You can use the INDEX option to explicitly scroll on existing list levels. To do this, the lists need not be displayed. When the user displays the list again, it is scrolled to the specified position. If the specified list level does not exist, the system sets SY-SUBRC to 8;
  • If, during an interactive event, you want to scroll through the list you are currently creating, use SY-LSIND as the index in the SCROLL statement. Note that a manipulation of SY-LSIND takes effect only at the end of the event on the created list, independent of where you place the statement in the processing block. If you want to set the list level explicitly, you must manipulate SY-LSIND in the last statement of the processing block to make sure that a SCROLL statement within the processing block accesses the correct list;
  • Another way of scrolling interactive lists from within the program is to use the SET USER-COMMAND statement in connection with the corresponding system-defined function codes;
  • SY-SUBRC = 0 : Ok; = 4 : scrolling was not possible (exit boundaries); = 8 : list level does not exist.
vertical scrolling window by window
vertical scrolling by pages
horizontal scrolling to margins
horizontal scrolling by columns
Only the part to the right from {current column|column <n>} will be scrolled horizontally. Applies to the entire current page, and only to it. To set the same scrollable area for all pages of a list, use, for example, at the TOP-OF-PAGE event.
Excludes the line following the statement from horizontal scrolling (for example, title line).
This statement makes sense only if after NEW-LINE NO-SCROLLING no line was output.
Displaying Lists in Dialog Windows.
WINDOW STARTING AT <left> <upper> [ENDING AT <right> <lower>].
Causes the current list (index SY-LSIND) to be displayed in a dialog window. If <upper> = 0, the list appears on a fullscreen. By default, the system uses the values of the lower right corner of the window on which the event occurred. If the width of the dialog window is smaller than the width of the preceding list, the system creates a horizontal scroll bar on the dialog window. To prevent that, you must adapt the width of the secondary list to the width of the dialog window by using the following statement: NEW-PAGE LINE-SIZE <width>.
Dialog window has not a menu bar or a standard toolbar. Standard application toolbar at the lower margin has functions PRI, %SC, %SC+, and RW.
Positioning the output
For the current output position, refer to the system fields
  • SY-COLNO - the current column;
  • SY-LINNO - the current line.
POSITION <column>.
Sets horizontal output position. Se also WRITE AT and SKIP TO LINE for vertical output position.
Subsequent output appears beneath the page header or to the first line of a block of lines defined with the RESERVE, if used. If you specify BACK at the TOP-OF-PAGE event, the system does not set the output position to beneath the entire page header, but only to beneath the standard page header. Any output written now overwrites the self-defined page header specified at TOP-OF-PAGE.
SET TITLEBAR <titlebar> [WITH <f0> <f1> ... <f9>].
Sets a screen title. A set title remains valid within a transaction until you call SET TITLEBAR again. SY-TITLE (can be up to 70 characters long) contains the current screen title. Allows you to build up to 9 parameters into the header, using the variables &1 to &9.
Retrieving List Attributes:
You should use this key word only in exceptional cases (e.g. when editing an 'anonymous' list in a program other than that which generated the list). In all other cases, you should save the relevant values when you generate the list. Take care when attempting to retrieve the list attributes being set up (...INDEX SY-LSIND), since some attributes (number of pages, number of lines, ...) may not have been updated yet.
Returns the number of lines|pages in the list. SY-SUBRC=0 : Ok, <>0 : list does not exists.
Returns the number of the page for the line <nl> in the list. SY-SUBRC=0 : Ok, 4 : line does not exists, 8 : list does not exists.
DESCRIBE LIST PAGE <np> <options> [INDEX <index>].
Returns the attributes of the page <np> in the list. SY-SUBRC=0 : Ok, 4 : page does not exists, 8 : list does not exists. <options>:
  • LINE-SIZE <n> - page width;
  • LINE-COUNT <n> - page length;
  • LINES <n> - number of displayed lines;
  • FIRST-LINE <n> - absolute number of the first line;
  • TOP-LINES <n> - number of lines output by page header processing (i.e. standard title + column headers + TOP-OF-PAGE);
  • TITLE-LINES <n> - number of lines output as standard title lines by page header processing (see NEW-PAGE).
    Note. The value of TITLE-LINES is contained in TOP-LINES;
  • HEAD-LINES <n> - number of lines output as column headers by page header processing (see NEW-PAGE).
    Note. The value of HEAD-LINES is contained in TOP-LINES;
  • END-LINES <n> - number of lines output by page footer processing (see END-OF-PAGE);

Interactive Lists.

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HIDE <f>.
Stores the contents of variable <f> in relation to the current output line (system field SY-LINNO) internally in the so-called HIDE area. <f> must not necessarily appear on the current line.
The system internally stores all lists created in succession by one report program. Therefore, you can access any list from within the program that was created during the current dialog session and has not been deleted by returning to a previous list level.
READ LINE <n> [INDEX <index>]
     [FIELD VALUE <f1> [INTO <g1>] ... <fn> [INTO <gn>]]
     [FIELD VALUE <f1> [INTO <g1>] ... <fn> [INTO <gn>]]

Stores the contents of line from the list on which the event was triggered (list index SY-LISTI, line number SY-LILLI) in the SY-LISEL system field and fills all HIDE information stored for this line back into the corresponding fields.
SY-SUBRC = 0 : Ok; = 4 : line does not exist.
FIELD VALUE uses Conversion Rules (see Source Type C). Fields that do not appear in a line, do not affect the target field. If a field appears several times in a line, the system uses only the first one.
     [INDEX <index>]
- index=SY-LSIND, applied only for LINE <n>
     [LINE FORMAT <fmt1> ... <fmtn>]
- applied for whole line
     [FIELD FORMAT <f1> <fmt11> ... <fmt1m> [... <fn> <fmtn1> ... <fmtnm>]]
     [LINE VALUE FROM <wa>]
     [FIELD VALUE <f1> [FROM <g1>] [... <fn> [FROM <gn>]].
- <f1> means <f1> FROM <f1>
Changes the line of the list taking values from SY-LISEL (or from the <wa> or <gn>). Usually after List Events: AT LINE-SELECTION, AT PFxx, AT USER-COMMAND, where the SY-LISEL is filled. Fills HIDE information.
SY-SUBRC = 0 : Ok; <> 0 : line was not changed.
GET CURSOR FIELD <f> [OFFSET <o>] [LINE <n>] [VALUE <val>] [LENGTH <l>].
Transfers the name of the field on which the cursor is positioned during a user action into the variable <f>. If the cursor is on a field, the SY-SUBRC is 0, otherwise 4. The system transports the names of global variables, constants, field symbols, or reference parameters of subroutines. For literals, local fields, and VALUE parameters of subroutines, the system sets SY-SUBRC to 0, but transfers SPACE as the name.
GET CURSOR LINE <n> [OFFSET <o>] [VALUE <val>] [LENGTH <l>].
Transfers the number of the line on which the cursor is positioned during a user action into the variable <n>. If the cursor is on a list line, the SY-SUBRC is 0, otherwise 4.
Set cursor at begin of field <f> (should be in uppercase), or at column <o> (begin is ). In step loop or in list processing (if the field is displayed on several lines) <n> is needed. In list processing <n> means SY-LILLI.
In list processing <n> means SY-LILLI.
SET CURSOR <column> <line>.
<column> and <line> are absolute position on the current screen.
Event Control for Interactive Lists:
SET PF-STATUS <status> [EXCLUDING <function>|<itab>] [IMMEDIATELY].
Sets user-defined <status> for all subsequent list levels until you set another status. SY-PFKEY - status of the current list. <status> is SPACE to set system status. <function>, type C(4), (or list of functions in the <itab>) - function code(s) to be deactivated in the <status>. IMMEDIATELY changes the status of the currently displayed list (SY-LISTI) within the processing block of the interactive event. Without this option, the system changes the status of the current secondary list (SY-LSIND) that is displayed only at the end of the processing block.
Messages in Lists:
Messages are stored and maintained in the T100 "Messages" table by
  1. Language key - type C(1);
  2. Application area (or message Id) - type C(2);
  3. Message number - type C(3).
REPORT <report> MESSAGE-ID <id>.
Specifies <id> for use in <report> statically.
MESSAGE <type><number>[(<id>)] [WITH <f1>...<f4>] [RAISING <exception>].
MESSAGE ID <fid> TYPE <ftype> NUMBER <fnumber> [WITH <f1>...<f4>] [RAISING <exception>].
Specifies message dynamically (2nd statement - at runtime: <fid>, <ftype>, <fnumber> - variables). <f1>...<f4> replace placeholders in the message text: the '&' - one after the other; the '&i' - according to the number. Use '&&' to display the '&' symbol in the message. Up to 4 placeholders are allowed, each can place up to 50 characters.
RAISING is allowed only for a function module.
When executing the statement, the following system variables are set: SY-MSGID - message ID; SY-MSGTY - message type; SY-MSGNO - message number.
Message Type:
I - Info Dialog window 'Press Enter to continue'.
W - Warning Status window 'Correction possible'.
= E for Lists Processing
E - Error Status window 'Correction required'.
= A for Processing of basic list,
returns to the previous list level for a secondary list.
A - Abend Dialog window 'Transaction terminated'.
X - eXit Status window = A, but transaction terminated with short dump
S - Success Status window 'Message on next screen'.

Predefined System Codes.

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Predefined and assigned to the different elements of the status.
CodeMenuStatus Element -
Standard Toolbar
Function KeyDescription
%PC List   Shift-F8 Write list to file
PRI List Ctrl-P Print displayed list
%EX List Shift-F3 Exit processing
RW Edit F12, Esc Cancel processing
%SC Edit Ctrl-F Search pattern
%SC+ Edit Ctrl-G Continue search
BACK Goto F3 Back one level
P--   F21 Scroll to first window page
P-   F22 Scroll to previous window page
P+   F23 Scroll to next window page
P++   F24 Scroll to last window page
      F10 Places the cursor into the menu bar to select a menu function
Predefined, but not set as status functions.
Can be assigned to any empty status element.
PF<nn> Event AT PF<nn>
PP<n> Scroll to top of list page <n>
PP-[<n>]Scroll backward 1 or <n> pages
PP+[<n>]Scroll forward 1 or <n> pages
PS<n> Scroll to column <n>
PS-- Scroll to first column of the list
PS-[<n>]Scroll left by 1 or <n> columns
PS+[<n>]Scroll right by 1 or <n> columns
PS++ Scroll to last column of the list
PZ<n> Scroll to line <n>
PL-[<n>]Scroll backward to first line of the page or by <n> lines
PL+[<n>]Scroll forward to last line of the page or by <n> lines
/.... For other system commands
Tips and tricks:

Internal Tables Processing.

Identifying Table Lines.

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Internal Table Index:
The sequential number of a table line. Created and managed automatically by the system. Can be used with the DELETE, INSERT, MODIFY, LOOP, and READ TABLE statements, specified either as literal or as variable. After processing a particular line of an internal table, the SY-TABIX generally contains the index of that line.
Internal Table Key:

Filling Table.

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Appending Lines:
APPEND [{<wa>|INITIAL LINE} TO] <itab>.
Appends a new line to table. For tables with a header line the source area can be omitted. After statement, the SY-TABIX contains the index of the appended line.
APPEND LINES OF <itab1> [FROM <idx1>] [TO <idx2>] TO <itab2>.
Appends lines from one table to another table. Default appends entire table. After statement, the SY-TABIX contains the index of the last appended line. About 3 to 4 times faster than appending lines line by line in a loop.
APPEND [<wa> TO] <itab> SORTED BY <f>.
Inserts the new line so that the internal table <itab> is sorted in descending order by the field <f>. If you use the SORTED BY option, the table can contain only the number of lines specified in the OCCURS parameter. If you add more lines than specified, the last line is discarded. This is useful for creating ranked lists of limited length (e.g. "Top Ten"). For ranked lists containing more than 100 entries, use instead the SORT for performance reasons.
Inserting Lines:
INSERT [{<wa>|INITIAL LINE} INTO] <itab> [INDEX <idx>].
Inserts a new line into table. For tables with a header line the source area can be omitted. With INDEX option, the new line is inserted before the line which has the index <idx>. After the insertion, the new entry has the index <idx> and the index of the following lines is incremented by 1.
If the table consists of <idx> - 1 entries, the system appends the new entry after the last existing table line. If the table has less than <idx> - 1 entries, the system cannot insert the entry: SY-SUBRC = 4. If success, SY-SUBRC = 0.
Use INSERT without the INDEX option is allowed only within a LOOP - ENDLOOP loop by inserting the new entry before the current line (i.e. the line which has the index returned by SY-TABIX).
INSERT LINES OF <itab1> [FROM <idx1>] [TO <idx2>] INTO <itab2> [INDEX <idx>].
Inserts lines from one table into another table. Default inserts entire table. Can be up to 20 times faster than inserting lines line by line in a loop.
Collecting Lines:
COLLECT [<wa> INTO] <itab>.
If a table entry with the same standard key does not exists (all non-numeric fields), the COLLECT has the same effect as the APPEND. If exists, the COLLECT adds the contents of the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the numeric fields in the existing entry. SY-TABIX contains the index of the processed line.

Reading Table.

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Reading Single Lines:
READ TABLE <itab> [INTO <wa>] INDEX <idx>.
Reads the single line with index <idx> into <wa> (or into header line, if omitted). This is the fastest method.
  • <idx> <= 0 : runtime error;
  • <idx> > table size : SY-SUBRC = 4;
  • <idx> found : SY-SUBRC = 0, SY-TABIX = <idx>.
Reads the first line with a particular standard key, which should be placed in the table work area (works only for internal tables with header line).
  • entry found : SY-SUBRC = 0, SY-TABIX = <idx>;
  • entry not found : SY-SUBRC <> 0;.
Reads the first line with <key>.
  • entry found : SY-SUBRC = 0, SY-TABIX = <idx>;
  • entry not found : SY-SUBRC <> 0;.
Key definition for internal tables:
....WITH KEY <k1> = <f1> ... <kn> = <fn> ...
The self-defined key consists of the table components <k1>...<kn>. If the data type of <fi> is not compatible to the data type of <ki>, then <fi> is converted to the type of <ki>. You can specify an offset and length for any component you use in the key. You can set key fields at runtime by replacing <ki> with (<ni>). The key field is the contents of the field <ni>. If <ni> is blank at runtime, the system ignores this key field. If <ni> contains an invalid component name, a runtime error occurs.
....WITH KEY = <value> ...
Defines entire line as key (will be converted if necessary).
....WITH KEY <value> ...
The system compares the (left-justified) beginning of a line with <value>. <value> cannot contain an internal table or a structure containing an internal table. In contrast to the above two options, the comparison is processed using the data type of <value>.
  • BINARY SEARCH - performs a binary search instead of the standard sequential search (much faster). Table must be sorted.
    • SY-SUBRC = 0 : entry found, SY-TABIX = index of the found entry;
    • SY-SUBRC = 4 : entry not found, SY-TABIX = index of the next largest entry, output area remains unchanged;
    • SY-SUBRC = 8 : entry not found, the key is greater than last table entry, SY-TABIX = (number of all entries + 1), output area remains unchanged.
  • TRANSPORTING {<f1> ... <fn>|NO FIELDS} - only transports selected fields to the target area.
  • COMPARING {<f1> ... <fn>|ALL FIELDS} - reads single line with key or index into the target area. After reading the line, the components specified in fields list are compared to the corresponding components of the target area:
    • SY-SUBRC = 0 : line is read and the contents of the compared fields are the same;
    • SY-SUBRC = 2 : line is read, but the contents of the compared fields are not the same;
    • SY-SUBRC = 4 : no line was read.
LOOP Processing:
LOOP AT <itab> [INTO <wa>] [FROM <n1>] [TO <n2>] [WHERE <condition>].

<itab> is read line by line into <wa> or into the table work area. For each line read, processed the statement block between LOOP and ENDLOOP. Within the statement block, SY-TABIX contains the index of the current line. The loop ends as soon as all lines of the table have been processed. After the ENDLOOP statement: Restriction the number of lines to be processed: Note. The FROM and TO options restrict the number of lines which the system has to read. The WHERE option only prevents unnecessary filling of the work area. With the WHERE option, the system must read all lines. To improve performance, you should use the FROM and TO options as much as possible. It can be also beneficial to leave the loop with the EXIT statement instead of using the WHERE option.
Calculating Totals:
Can be used only in LOOP - ENDLOOP block. A component of an internal table line may not be another table. In an AT - ENDAT block, calculates totals for the numeric fields (I, F, P) of all lines in the current line group and writes them to the corresponding fields in the work area. Outside an AT - ENDAT block - do it for lines of the internal table in each loop pass. Therefore, SUM should be used only in AT - ENDAT blocks.
Using Control Levels for Groups of Lines (AT ... ENDAT Events):
AT <line>.

The <line> condition:
<line> Meaning
FIRST First line of the internal table
LAST Last line of the internal table
NEW <f> Beginning of a group of lines with the same contents in the field <f> and in the fields left of <f>
END OF <f> End of a group of lines with the same contents in the field <f> and in the fields left of <f>
<f> can be:
  • table field name;
  • table field name with Offset/Length specification;
  • field symbol. If it does not point to a valid component, a runtime error occurs;
  • (<name>) instead of <f> (See also). The <name> contains the name of the field <f>. If <name> is empty at runtime, the system ignores the control break criterion. If it contains an invalid component name, a runtime error occurs.
Cannot be used together with the WHERE restriction of a LOOP.
Immediately after AT:
  • All default key fields [on the right of <f>] are filled with '*';
  • All other fields [on the right of <f>] are cleared;
  • If SUM used then appropriate control totals are inserted in numeric fields;
  • After AT the old contents of LOOP output area are restored.

Modifying Table.

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MODIFY <itab> [FROM <wa>] [INDEX <idx>] [TRANSPORTING <f1> ... <fn> [WHERE <condition>]].
Modifies the line in the table. For tables with a header line the source area can be omitted. With INDEX option, will be modified the line which has the index <idx>. In this case: SY-SUBRC = 4 if no line with <idx> exists; SY-SUBRC = 0 - success.
Use MODIFY without the INDEX option is allowed only within a LOOP - ENDLOOP loop by modifying the current line (i.e. the line which has the index returned by SY-TABIX).
With the TRANSPORTING option, the system transports only the components <f1> ... <fn> from the work area into the internal table. Strongly recommended suppress unnecessary transports of fields which are internal tables itself. You can specify a component dynamically by writing (<name>). In this case, the system reads the name of the component from field <name> at runtime. An invalid component name leads to a runtime error.
WHERE <condition> with the TRANSPORTING option determines all the lines of the table into which the components <f1> ... <fn> are to be transported. First operand should be a component of the internal table's line structure. WHERE cannot be used together with the INDEX option.
WRITE <f>[+<o1>][(<l1>)] TO <itab>[+<o2>][(<l2>)] INDEX <idx>.
Variant of WRITE TO. Overwrites the section of the line of the <itab> that has index <idx>. Does not affect header line. Does not recognize the structure of table lines. Return codes: SY-SUBRC = 4 - no line with <idx> exists; SY-SUBRC = 0 - success. If <idx> <= 0 - runtime error.
Deleting lines:
DELETE <itab>.
Deletes current line in LOOP - ENDLOOP (that is line which have index SY-TABIX). After the first line has been deleted, the current line and its assignment to the contents of SY-TABIX can be undefined. To process further lines within this loop, use only statements with the INDEX option.
DELETE <itab> INDEX <idx>.
Deletes line with the index <idx>. Return codes: SY-SUBRC = 4 - no line with <idx> exists; SY-SUBRC = 0 - success.
Deletes adjacent duplicates entries. Return codes: SY-SUBRC = 0 - at least one entry was deleted; SY-SUBRC = 4 - otherwise. Without the COMPARING option, the contents of the standard key fields must be the same.
DELETE <itab> [FROM <n1>] [TO <n2>] [WHERE <condition>].
Deletes selected entries. At least one of three criteria should be used. First operand in WHERE should be a component of the internal table's line structure. Return codes: SY-SUBRC = 0 - at least one entry was deleted; SY-SUBRC = 4 - otherwise.

Clearing Table.

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You can check whether an internal table is empty using logical expression:
... <itab> IS INITIAL ...

REFRESH <itab>.
Empties internal table.
CLEAR <itab>[].
Empties internal table without clearing the table work area.
CLEAR <itab>.
Empties internal table that has no table work area (header line).
Clears the table work area if the table has it.
FREE <itab>.
Empties internal table and releases reserved memory without clearing the table work area.

Other Operations With Internal Table.

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SORT <itab> [<order>] [AS TEXT]
  [BY <f1> [<order>] [AS TEXT] ... <fn> [<order>] [AS TEXT]].
<order>: ASCENDING (default) or DESCENDING. Sorts by standard or self-defined (if BY defined) key. The system uses the options you specify before BY as a default for all fields specified behind BY. The options that you specify after individual fields overwrite for these fields the options specified before BY.
<f1> ... <fn> can be: Without the option AS TEXT, the system sorts character fields binarily and according to their platform-dependent internal coding. With the option AS TEXT, the system sorts character fields alphabetically according to the current text environment. By default, the text environment is set in the user's master record. As an exception, you can set the text environment with the SET LOCALE LANGUAGE. The option AS TEXT frees you from converting a character field into a sortable format before sorting. Such a conversion is only necessary, if you want to AS TEXT before BY influences only the character fields in the sort key. If you specify AS TEXT after a field name, this field must be of type C. Sorting is not stable. This means that the old sequence of lines with the same sort key may not necessarily be retained. If there is not enough space for sorting in the main memory, the system writes data into a temporary external file. The name of this file is defined in the SAP profile parameter DIR_SORTTMP.
Searching Internal Tables for Character String:
SEARCH <itab> FOR <str> [<options>].
Options and patterns like searching string for string. No type conversion is performed also (the entire table line is treated as character string). <itab> is always table, not header line, if even the table has header line. In addition to SY-SUBRC and SY-FDPOS, SY-TABIX is set to found line index.
Logical Expressions:
... <itab1> {EQ|=|NE|<>|><|GE|>=|LE|<=|GT|>|LT|<} <itab2> ...
The first criterion for comparing internal tables is the number of lines they contain. The more lines an internal table contains, the larger it is. If two internal tables contain the same number of lines, they are compared line by line, component by component. If components of the table lines are themselves internal tables, they are compared recursively. If you use operators other than the equality operator, the system stops the comparison as soon as it finds a pair of components which are not equal and returns the result. In the case of internal tables with a header line, you can use square brackets ([]) after the table name to distinguish the table body from the table work area.
Assignment Operator:
MOVE <itab1> TO <itab2>.
[COMPUTE] <itab2> = <itab1>.
Copies entire contens of internal table that has not header line.
MOVE <itab1>[] TO <itab2>[].
[COMPUTE] <itab2>[] = <itab1>[].
Copies entire contens of internal table with header line.


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RANGES <range> FOR <f>.
This is a short form of
    LOW LIKE <f>,
    HIGH LIKE <f>,
END OF <range>.

Creates a selection table <range> which refers to the column of database field <f> or to an internal field <f>. The <range> has the same structure as Selection Options internal table, but the are not part of the selection screen and are not linked to a database table.
  • I - inclusion;
  • E - exclusion.
Logical operators:
  • EQ, NE, GT, GE, LE, LT, CP, NP - if HIGH is empty;
  • BT (between), NB (not between) - if HIGH is not empty.
  • Single value - if HIGH is empty;
  • Lower limit - if HIGH is not empty.
Upper limit or empty

Selection Screens.


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PARAMETERS <parm>[(<length>)] <type> [<decimals>].
Creates a parameter <parm>. The additions length, type, and decimals are the same as for DATA. Cannot have type F. Comments on the left side of the input fields can be changed using Selection Texts.
Other additions:

Selection Options.

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SELECT-OPTIONS <selopt> FOR <fgt;.
Creates a selection table <selopt> for the column <f> of a database table or for an internal field <seltab>. The database table must be declared with TABLES. The <selopt> name can be up to 8 characters. Cannot have type F. Comments on the left side of the input fields can be changed using Selection Texts.
The <selopt> has the same format as RANGE tables. Additions the same as for PARAMETERS: Specific additions:

Selection Screen Formatting.

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Generates <n> blank lines, where <n> = 1..9, 1 is default.
Generates an underline.
<format> is [[/]<pos>](<len>): "/" generates a new line and therefore is not allowed inside BEGIN OF LINE...END OF LINE. (<len>) without <pos> uses current position and only allowed inside BEGIN OF LINE...END OF LINE. <pos> can be a number (in this case it is relative to the frame if inside BEGIN OF BLOCK WITH FRAME...END OF BLOCK) or POS_LOW|POS_HIGH.
SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT <format> <text> [FOR FIELD <f>|<selopt>] [MODIF ID <key>].
Writes <text>: FOR FIELD option has as a result, if the user requests help on the comment on the selection screen, the help text for the assigned field is displayed.
Places several elements on a single line. Note that the selection text (name of the parameter or text element) is not displayed when this option used. To display a selection text COMMENT option must be used.
<pos> can be a number (in this case it is relative to the frame if inside BEGIN OF BLOCK WITH FRAME...END OF BLOCK) or POS_LOW|POS_HIGH.
Creates a logical block. Blocks can be nested. Only 5 blocks with frames can be nested. NO INTERVALS displays all SELECT-OPTIONS within the block as with NO INTERVALS addition; inherited by subordinate blocks with frames and does not by subordinates blocks without frames.

Selection Screen Events.

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Executes a processing block before the selection screen is processed. In this block you initialize the selection screen. This is also the only possibility to change the default values of parameters or selection criteria defined in logical databases. You can find out the names of the internal fields you want to change either by examining the logical database SAPDB<ldb> itself (with the transaction SLDB or by choosing Tools->ABAP/4 Development Workbench->Development->Programming environ.->Logical databases), or by retrieving the technical information of that field.
Executes a processing block after the system has finished processing the selection screen. If an error|warning message is sent from this processing block, the system displays the selection screen again and all input fields can be changed.
AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON <parm>|<selopt>.
Executes a processing block after the system has finished processing the <parm>|<selopt>. If an error|warning message is sent from this processing block, the system displays the selection screen again and only this input field can be changed.
Executes a processing block at the end of processing Multiple Selection Window -> of the <selopt>. Can be used to check the entries in the internal table <selopt>. Both the E and W messages are sent in dialog window.
Executes a processing block after the system has finished processing the <block>. If an error|warning message is sent from this processing block, the system displays the selection screen again and only the input fields in the <block> can be changed.
Executes a processing block after the system has finished processing the <radi>. If an error|warning message is sent from this processing block, the system displays the selection screen again and only the radiobutton group <radi> can be changed.
The possible entries button \/ automatically appears next to the input field for <parm>|<selopt> when it is selected on the selection screen. Executes a processing block which allows user to choice a value from a list when user presses the button or F4. Can be used only in report programs, not in a logical database program.
Executes a processing block which displays a help text when user presses F1 or the button ? on the selected <parm>|<selopt>. Can be used only in report programs, not in a logical database program.
Executes a processing block during the PBO of a selection screen for each ENTER. For example, here can be applied a modifications to the screen:
To change at runtime attributes of screen fields. SCREEN is memory table which automatically created and maintained by system (with header line). The structure of the SCREEN:
NAME 30Name of the screen field
GROUP1 3 Modification group 1
GROUP2 3 Modification group 2
GROUP3 3 Modification group 3
GROUP4 3 Modification group 4
ACTIVE 1 Visible and ready for input
REQUIRED 1 Mandatory
INPUT 1 Ready for input
OUTPUT 1 For display only
INTENSIFIED 1 Highlighted
INVISIBLE 1 Supressed
LENGTH 1 Output length is reduced
DISPLAY_3D 1 Displayed with 3D frames
VALUE_HELP 1 Displayed with value help
To activate a field attribute, set its value to 1. To deactivate it, set it to 0. If ACTIVE = 0, then system sets INVISIBLE = 1 and INPUT = 0, and user can neither see the field nor enter values into it.

Field Symbols.

Defining Field Symbols.

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Field symbols are placeholders for existing fields. A field symbol does not physically reserve space for a field, but points (like a pointer in C) to a field which is not known until runtime of the program. But Field Symbols are not real equivalent to pointers in the sense of variables which contain a memory address and can be used without the contents operator. You can only work with the data object to which a field symbol points. A field must first be assigned to field symbol before working with it in the program. Assignments to field symbols may extend beyond field boundaries. This allows effective access to regularly stored data. At runtime, the system performs checks to prevent erroneous assignments outside the defined data areas: Field symbols cannot point to addresses outside these areas. If the system encounters this at runtime, it stops processing the program.
Note. Certain system information, such as the control blocks of internal tables, is also stored in the DATA storage area. Therefore, despite the runtime checks, you may unintentionally overwrite some of these fields and cause subsequent errors (e.g. destruction of the table header).
Defining Field Symbols for Internal Fields.
FIELD-SYMBOLS <FS> [<type>].
For field symbols, the angle brackets are part of the syntax.
<type>Syntax check for field assignment.
No type specification,
System accepts any field type and uses all attributes and structure of the field for the <FS>
TYPE TABLE System accepts only an internal table uses all attributes of the table for the <FS>
TYPE C, N, P, X System accepts only an appropriate field type. The <FS> inherits field length (and DECIMALS for P)
LIKE <f>
TYPE <user-defined-type>
System accepts only completely compatible field type.
Defining Structured Field Symbols.
Defines a structured <FS> which points initially to the field <f> (this assignment can be changed later). The <FS> inherits the structure of <fstring>, which can be any field string or a structure defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. <fstring> and <f> must be specified without quotation marks. Specification at runtime is not allowed. If <fstring> contains no components of type I or F, <f> can be any internal field with at least the same length as the structure <fstring>. If <f> is shorter than <fstring>, an error occurs during the syntax check. This will be also while assigning later in program. Dynamic assignment causes a runtime error. If <fstring> contains components of type I or F (that is this structure is aligned), then the data object must also be aligned accordingly, otherwise a runtime error occurs.
Defining Local Field Symbols.
If <fstring> id defined in a subroutine or function module then each time the subroutine or function module is called, no field is assigned to the local field symbol, even if an ASSIGN was executed the previous time.

Assigning Data Objects to Field Symbols.

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Assigning Data Objects.
Static Assignment: Dinamic Assignment:
Assigning Field Symbols to Other Field Symbols.
Static Assignment: Dinamic Assignment:
Assigning Components of Field Strings.


Branches and Loops.

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IF <condition1>.
    <statement block>
ELSEIF <condition2>.
    <statement block>
    <statement block>
CASE <f>.
  WHEN <f1>.
    <statement block>
  WHEN <f2>.
    <statement block>
    <statement block>

Unlimited nesting is allowed. An EVENT keyword may not be inside of block.

DO [<n> TIMES] [VARYING <f> FROM <f1> NEXT <f2>].
    <statement block>
[CHECK <condition>.
    <statement block>]
WHILE <condition> [VARY <f> FROM <f1> NEXT <f2>].
    <statement block>
[CHECK <condition>.
    <statement block>]

Unlimited nesting is allowed. An EVENT keyword may not be inside of block.
<n> can be literal or a variable. If <n> <=0, the system does not process the loop.
SY-INDEX contains the number of times the loop has been processed.
<f>, <f1>, <f2> must be a series of equidistant fields of the same type and length in memory. In the first loop pass, <f1> is assigned to <f>; in the second loop pass <f2> is assigned to <f>; and so on. Several VARYING|VARY options can be used in one DO|WHILE statement. If you change the control variable <f> inside the DO loop, the system changes the corresponding field <fi> automatically. If loop processed more times than the number of variables <fi>, this may result in a runtime error.

Terminating Loops.
Terminates a loop pass immediately without any condition, continues with the next loop pass.
Acts in following sequence:
  1. Terminates a loop entirely without any condition and continues the processing after the closing statement (ENDDO, ENDWHILE, ENDSELECT). Within nested loops, leaves the current loop;
  2. Leaves the current AT processing block and branches to the processing block of the next occurring event;
  3. Leaves any processing block (except of AT events) immediately and branch to the output screen;
  4. Terminates a subroutine without any condition.
CHECK <condition>.
Acts in following sequence:
  1. For a loop, if the condition is false, skips all the remaining statements in the current statement block and continues with the next loop pass;
  2. For GET event, if the condition is false, equivalent to REJECT. (Leaves the processing block of a GET event and processes the next GET event at the same hierarchical level of the logical database.);
  3. For processing block, if the condition is false, leaves the processing block and branches to the processing block of the next occurring event;
  4. For a subroutine, if the condition is false, terminates the subroutine.


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All statements between two event keywords or between an event keyword and a FORM statement are a processing block. When an event occurs, the system processes the processing block after the corresponding event keyword. Each statement in an ABAP/4 report program is part of a processing block or a subroutine. Statements which do not follow an event keyword or a FORM-ENDFORM block are automatically part of the processing block of the default event START-OF-SELECTION.
Note. All statements between an ENDFORM statement and an event keyword or between an ENDFORM statement and the end of the program are never processed. Do not place any statements there. Place all subroutines at the end of your program.

Events that occur at runtime of a report program which
    uses logical databases, or
    has selection screens and processes tables (exept GET events):
Point before the selection screen is displayed.
Point after processing user input on the selection screen while the selection screen is still active.
Point after processing the selection screen and before accessing database tables using a logical database.
GET <table> [FIELDS <f1> <f2> ...].
Point at which the logical database (LDB) offers a line of the database table <table>. The LDB reads all columns from all database tables which are not designated for field selection in the LDB and which are superior to <table> on the access path of the LDB, even if GET for these tables are not specified. However, only the data of tables declared by TABLES can be accessed. From tables that are not declared by TABLES system reads only the key fields (the LDB needs the key fields to built up the access path).
GET <table> LATE [FIELDS <f1> <f2> ...].
Point after processing all tables which are hierarchically subordinate to the database table <table> in the structure of the logical database.
Point after processing all lines offered by the logical database.
The following events occur during the processing of the output list of a report program:
Events Control in Interactive Lists.
Terminating Events Processing Blocks:
Leaves any processing block immediately and branches to the END-OF-SELECTION processing block.
REJECT [<dbtab>].
  • Leaves the processing block of a GET event and processes the next GET event of a superior hierarchical level of the logical database <dbtab>
  • Leaves the processing block of a GET event and processes the next GET event at the same hierarchical level of the logical database.
See also:


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Source Code Modules.

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Using Macros.
DEFINE <macro>.
Defines <macro>. The <statements> can contain up to 9 placeholders: &1, &2, ... &9.
<macro> [<p1> <p2> ... <p9>].
Calls <macro> (System replaced macro during generation of the program). Macro can call another macro, but cannot call itself.
Using Include Programs.
INCLUDE <name_of_include_program>
Inserts the source code <name_of_include_program> into the ABAP/4 program during the syntax check and during generation.
  • INCLUDE statement must be whole on one line and only on this line;
  • The INCLUDE program must consist of complete statements (and comments);
Service report RSINCL00 can be used to generate reference list for included programs.


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Defining Subroutines.
FORM <subroutine> [<parameters>].

Calling Subroutines.
Internal subroutines have the source code in the calling ABAP/4 program:
PERFORM <subroutine> [<parameters>].
PERFORM (<subrname>) [<parameters>].
Specifies the subroutine name at runtime.
PERFORM <subroutine> ON COMMIT [LEVEL <n>].
Calls the subroutine later on a first encountered COMMIT WORK statement. The subroitine is called only once even if call performed many times. LEVEL <n> (literal or constant, default is 0) defines order of execution of subroutines on COMMIT WORK. The subroutines are called in ascending level order, or in order of calls if level the same.
External subroutines have the source code in another ABAP/4 program:
PERFORM <subroutine>(<program>) [<parameters>] [IF FOUND].
PERFORM <subroutine> IN PROGRAM <program> [<parameters>] [IF FOUND].
IF FOUND - call subroutine only if found in program, otherwise skip call.
PERFORM (<subrname>) IN PROGRAM (<progname>) [<parameters>] [IF FOUND].
Specifies the subroutine and/or program names at runtime.
PERFORM <idx> OF <form2> ... <formn>.
Calls a subroutine that has index <idx> (literal or variable) from the list.
Passing Data to/from Subroutines.
Declaring Data as Common Part.
    <data declaration>

<name> is needed if several common parts used. It is better way to use common parts placed in INCLUDE. Table work areas defined in TABLES are common automatically.
[TABLES <list of internal tables with or without header line>]
[USING <list of parameters - all data types (including internal tables) and|or field symbols>]
[CHANGING <list of parameters - all data types (including internal tables) and|or field symbols>]

Actual parameters can be specified with variable offset and length specifications.
Methods of Passing Data Using Parameters:
By Reference.
FORM ...  [USING <fi1> ... <fin>] [CHANGING <fo1> ... <fon>] ...
PERFORM ... [USING <ai1> ... <ain>] [CHANGING <ao1> ... <aon>] ...
In this case USING and CHANGING are equivalent.
By Value.
FORM ...  USING ...  VALUE(<fii>) ...
PERFORM ... USING ...   <aii> ...
New local object <fii> created and processed for each call.
By Value and Result.
FORM ...  CHANGING ...  VALUE(<fii>) ...
PERFORM ... CHANGING ...   <aii> ...
New local object <fii> created and processed for each call. Only when the subroutine has completed successfully, system pass the current value of <fii> to <aii>. If the subroutine processing is stopped because of a dialog message, the actual parameter <aii> remains unchanged.
Typing Formal Parameters:
Type of a formal parameter can be specified in the FORM statement using TYPE <type> or LIKE <object> after this parameter in the TABLES, USING, or CHANGING lists. While PERFORM system checks types compatibility of the actual and formal parameters. The compatibility rules are the same as for Field Symbols assignment. There are no type conversions. If types are incompatible, the system outputs an error message during the syntax check for internal subroutine calls or reacts with a runtime error in the case of external subroutine calls.
Passing Fields Strings:
To pass a field string into subroutine and access components of this field string in this subroutine - type of the field string must be specified. For internal subroutines - directly, for external - also in the program where the called subroutine placed (can be done using Type Groups, Includes or ABAP/4 Dictionary Structures).
Passing Internal Tables:
Can be passed after TABLES (always be Reference), USING or CHANGING. Type must be specified also for access components separately (as for Field Strings). If actual parameter table has no header line, but formal parameter table with header line, the header line will be automatically created in the subroutine for this table.
Defining Local Data in Subroutines.
Dynamic Local Data Types and Objects.
TYPES, DATA - define automatic objects that newly created for each call and deleted after exit.
Static Local Data Types and Objects.
STATICS - defines static objects that initialized for first call and keep their values after exit.
LOCAL <f>.
Preserves the value of a global data object from being changed inside a subroutine (for example, a work area of a database table defined using TABLES). Instead a local copy of the <f> used inside of subroutine.
Terminating Subroutines.

Function Modules.

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Import parameter:
Import interface
Pass data from the calling program to the function module. Cannot be overwritten, even when passed by reference.
Export parameters:
Export interface
Pass data from the function module back to the calling program. Always optional.
CHANGING parameter:
Change interface
Passed by reference or by value and result. Act simultaneously as import and export parameters. They change the value passed to the function module and return it to the calling program.
Table parameters:
Table interface
Internal tables. Treated like changing parameters and are always passed by reference.
Exceptions interface
Used to handle error scenarios which can occur in function modules.
Proposal - default value for optional parameters.
Reference field|structure, Reference type - used for typing of formal parameters.
Calling Function Modules:
CALL FUNCTION <module_name>
    [EXPORTING <f1> = <a1> ... <fn> = <an>]
    [IMPORTING <f1> = <a1> ... <fn> = <an>]
    [CHANGING <f1> = <a1> ... <fn> = <an>]
    [TABLES <f1> = <a1> ... <fn> = <an>]
    [EXCEPTIONS <e1> = <r1> ... <en> = <rn> [ERROR_MESSAGE = <rE>] [OTHER = <rO>]].
EXPORTING - the formal parameters must be declared as import parameters in the function module.
IMPORTING - the formal parameters must be declared as export parameters in the function module.
EXCEPTIONS - <ri> is a numeric literal that is assigned to SY-SUBRC if the exception is raised. <rE> is used for additional exception ERROR_MESSAGE if a message of types A, E was issued in the function module without RAISING option.
OTHERS - used to handle all exceptions that are not specified explicitly in the list. The same number <ri> can be used for several exceptions.
Programming Function Modules:
FUNCTION <module_name>
    RAISE <exception>.
    MESSAGE ... RAISING <exception>.
If an internal subroutine is needed, the program code of internal subroutines can be placed directly behind the ENDFUNCTION statement of a module. This subroutines can be called from all modules of the function group, but for clarity, should be called only from the function module behind which it is written.
To create internal subroutines that can be called from all modules of one function group <fgrp>, use special INCLUDE programs L<fgrp>F<xx>. You can open these INCLUDE programs easily by double clicking their names in the main program SAPL<fgrp> after selecting Main program on the Function Library->Maintain Function Modules screen.

See also:
