The following is on the Albertain Hutterites, when asked if i could possibly live as a hutterite, and my views on them in 500 words (497 to be exact)

It is quite questionable in my mind as to whether or not anyone of any social status could move from our socialized way of life to that of the Hutterites. It is quite obvious we enjoy a lifestyle quite different from these peoples, it is also quite certain that many of us have come to accept technology. Accepting technology has allowed us to live with it, and we do enjoy an amazing amount of technology as Canadians. It is hard to even fathom life without the computer (as I write to you now.), it affects our every day life, and where would you be without it?
It is quite clear to me that Hutterite children must be incredibly less social, and less empathetic towards others, as has been said about children adopted by corporations in my readings. The lack of choice freedom and individual thought also seem threatening to what I have become. There is no question in my mind as to whether or not the importance of one can be weighed over that of the group, as I do agree with this though not to the same extent as the Hutterites.
The Hutterite society must be a happy society, on the outside. Though on the inside they must have an amalgamation of repressed feelings. Childhood choices are limited and surely mothers must miss their children, ‘tis only maternal.

All in all, if my parents had stuck me in a Hutterite colony after the age of five I surely would have gone mental! And the age of five is chosen primarily due to the fact that before this, you will accept anything as being normal, if you are presented with it on a daily basis. After the age of five in a normal household, you would have experienced so many instances of spoil that the Hutterite way would be cruel.

Some view the Hutterites as a primitive peoples, from a primitive demeanor. They chose to leave the social world long ago. There is no place for these individuals in the future, what is to become of them when they cannot branch out anymore? There are less and less farmers in the Canadian prairies due to mechanization, the agricultural industry simply does not yield as much profit as it used to.
This brings along yet another fine point, if these individuals are so self sufficient why do they even need to sell their crops? To buy new land? And we all thought they were a sovereign peoples. I view these peoples with respect for sticking to their beliefs but I do not respect them for what their beliefs are, it is completely ignorant. They are preventing their children from having an extremely decent post secondary education, as I’m sure the colony will not pay for all children to become everything that their potential promises. In addition to limiting their children they limit themselves. I may go as far to say that I feel the Hutterites are martyring themselves.