Johnny Warez


Ah, yes... the Johnny Warez. These are those games/programs that I make while I'm learning something completely new in programming, just to see if I fully understand a certain concept. The reason why these are here is that some people I know are always itchin' to try anything I make just for the sake of either A) laughing, B) checking out my progress as a coder or C) cause they actually like it (shudder). So... here they are! Most programs are one file and *not* zipped.

Oooh!  I've added an articles section too :)  yay!

And why is geocities such a #$^@$ by not letting me upload exe's???

DISCLAIMER (yah, I gotta add this legal bit in or else I could be in for it...)
    I, Jonathan Mak, am not responsible for any damage that running, downloading, deleting, having, etc. may cause to you, your computer, well, you get the idea.

Quick Jumps:

-=Win95 Section=-
  Lately, I've been learning Win95 programming because, well, if I really wanted to make it anywhere in the game industry, I better the heck know! I've only written three programs so for (two in the form of games, one as a tutorial program). Hope you enjoy them. - This is a program I'm making to help myself learn how to code using Win32. If you are learning Win95 programming too and you are stuck, the source code included may help (or may not) to give you a working version of what you're trying to do. I'm learning Win95 coding from a book now cuz I finally got it from the library :). Anyways, the zip contains three files (source, program, readme).
-2nd revision August 12th, 1998
-3rd revision August 16th, 1998 //added some GDI functionality
-4th revision August 19th, 1998 //added more GDI stuff (i hate enhanced metafiles!!!)

mover.exe - Use the arrow keys to dodge falling '0's. This was made to test my understanding of creating windows and using that STUPID MESSAGE LOOP!!! Compiled with Watcom C/C++ 11.0

timer.exe - Use the mouse to see how many of 'em squares (or critters, as I like to call 'em) you can shoot in 30 seconds. This was made to test my knowledge of the Timers and to see just how inaccurate they were... also more practice for the STUPID MESSAGE LOOP and Win95's STUPID event driven structure. Compiled with Watcom C/C++ 11.0

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-=DOS Section=-
  Good ol' DOS. I wish those days were back... well... we all have to move on <sob>. Anyways, these progies are super old, but I think they still work.

key.exe - Use the arrow keys (make sure numlock is OFF) to move around and grab this flashing number before this flashin' 'B' touches you. Pretty lame but it was my *first* ever game. Made it to see if I understood all the first six chapters of that Pascal book I was learning from ("Using Turbo Pascal" or something like that). Compiled with Turbo Pascal 7.0

amoeba.exe - Use arrow keys (numlock must be OFF) to move, ']' to shoot and '[' to stop. Alt-q to quit. This was made to see if I could make a more complicated game -the second game I ever made in DOS. Compiled with Turbo Pascal 7.0 - Oh! Horrible! This was a project for a grade 7 science class and was thrown together in a week. Ugh! This was horrible... arrow keys to move and space bar to shoot. The input code is really messed, and you will only have some hope of controlling your ship in DOS mode. Pretty bad :) Compiled with Turbo Pascal 7.0 --Zip is about 215KB

There's some others.. but they're really not worth it... ha ha ha, I remember trying to write a demo in a few dayz... heh... it was okay.. only at the time you had to have the *best* computer out there.....

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  These are articles I've written.  Read and enjoy :)

The Art of Computer Game Design (not Chris Crawford's): - This is article came out of talking with a friend (Justin Hust) over ICQ on elements of game design.  We really had something going and we decided to make it into an article.  I did the writing, but the ideas expressed were from a combined effort of both of us.  I hope you find this informative because we put a lot of thought into it.  Synopsis: Four elements (Swarm, Simplicity, Simulation, Story) make up games.  Note: this link just points to the text file (no html formatting)

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Jonathan Mak --Queasy
