
About C++ Some Good Tutorials Games Math and Science Programs Links

About C++

C++ is a great programming language. If you know how you can even do real Windows programming. I am trying to learn C++, which is proving to be a slow process seeing how I don't have much time.

If you want to learn C++ you need a couple of things.


Learn C/C++ Today
From The Ground Up: A Guide to C++ - a great interactive tutorial, it teaches mostly by assuming that you know Turbo Pascal pretty well
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Introduction to C Programming


Sorry, haven't written any games yet. So, here is a great resource to help you write your own games: Ground Up Software

Math and Science Programs

Sorry, none yet.


Programming for Windows 95 Discussion Forum
Internet Resources for Windows Developers
Programmer's Virtual Library
C++ Internet Resources
C Central
C & C++ Resources

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If you have any questions or comments email me at virtuose@geocities.com mailbox