
RFToolbox is a wonderful program released in 1987 by Teledyne Microelecronics. The program runs under DOS or a DOS box under Windows or Windows95. The program is free and is actually a set of programs used for RF designs. This doesn't seem to be in too many places on the World Wide Web, so I put this page up to correct that shortage.

rftool.zip Here's the file. It's 98K (216K when Unzipped).

Below are all of the DOS screens from Teledyne Microelectronics' "RF TOOLBOX" - a still-very-useful program from 1987.

This giveaway program is very well written. It looks like it may have been written in BASIC or FORTRAN and was compressed somehow by a company known as "The Software Bottling Company Of New York." This company may have developed "Screen Management Subroutines Compatible" using FORTRAN.

Charlie Bindert, CIO of Red Horse Internet (2009)
Charlie is an experienced business strategist, software developer and entrepreneur with 20+ years in the technology and publishing areas. During the past 4 years, Charlie has served as an independent e-business consultant specializing in web business strategy, development and marketing with a strong focus in the travel industry. He has worked as staff and consultant for Austin Travel, Hearst Business Media, and his own software development company, Bottleworks Development. Under Charlie's direction, Bottleworks' software won 7 Readers Choice Awards for product design, functionality and performance. Before, Bottleworks, Charlie co-founded The Software Bottling Company and served as its Vice President of Product Management. Under Charlie's direction, Software Bottling pioneered software interface design tools and code generation technologies for the emerging PC software marketplace.

Charlie was Vice President & Co-Founder of Software Bottling Company of New York.
(Computer Software industry)
March 1983 - June 1990 (7 years 4 months)

¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦         ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦     ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦   ¦¦  ¦¦    ¦  ¦¦¦¦¦          ¦
¦            ¦     ¦      ¦     ¦      ¦   ¦   ¦¦ ¦¦   ¦ ¦   ¦  ¦              ¦
¦            ¦     ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦     ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦    ¦    ¦     ¦  ¦  ¦  ¦¦¦¦¦          ¦
¦            ¦     ¦      ¦     ¦      ¦   ¦     ¦     ¦   ¦ ¦  ¦              ¦
¦            ¦     ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦      ¦     ¦    ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                       M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S                        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                          ¦¯    ¦        ¦ ¦     _   _                        ¦
¦                       ¦¯ ¦¯   ¯¦¯¦¯¦¦¯¦ ¦ ¦¯¦¦¯¦ ¯_¯                         ¦
¦                       ¦  ¦     ¦ ¦_¦¦_¦ ¦ ¦_¦¦_¦_¯ ¯_ TM                     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                Today's Slide Rule for RF & Microwave Designers               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦

                            Press [ESC] to Exit, any other key to continue. . .

                         ???   COPYRIGHT NOTICE   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                   RF TOOLBOX TM (7/87) -  IBM (R) / MS DOS                   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                 (C) Copyright Teledyne Microelectronics 1987                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦         Users are encouraged to copy and share this set of programs          ¦
¦         with others, providing no price is charged for the software          ¦
¦         and no alterations are made to the files on this disk.               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦         This  set of programs is provided "as is" without  warranty          ¦
¦         of  any kind, either expressed or implied,  including,  but          ¦
¦         not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or          ¦
¦         fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the          ¦
¦         results  and performance of the program is assumed  by  the          ¦
¦         user. Should the program prove defective, the user  assumes          ¦
¦         the  entire  cost  of all necessary  servicing,  repair  or          ¦
¦         correction.                                                          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                            Press [ESC] to Exit, any other key to continue. . .

                             ???   MAIN MENU   ???

¦                                      ¦                                       ¦
¦   1. Cascade Noise Figure and Gain   ¦   8.  Noise Figure Measurement        ¦
¦                                      ¦                                       ¦
¦   2. Resistive Attenuator Values     ¦   9.  Noise Figure Calculations       ¦
¦                                      ¦                                       ¦
¦   3. Inductance, Reactance, and Q    ¦   10. TSS with Detector Input         ¦
¦                                      ¦                                       ¦
¦   4. Capacitance, Reactance, and D   ¦   11. TSS with pre-Detection Gain     ¦
¦                                      ¦                                       ¦
¦   5. Resonance and Tuning Range      ¦   12. Power Level Conversions         ¦
¦                                      ¦                                       ¦
¦   6. VSWR Conversions                ¦   13. Registration Information        ¦
¦                                      ¦                                       ¦
¦   7. VSWR Reduction by Attenuation   ¦   14. Teledyne Information            ¦
¦                                      ¦                                       ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦    Enter your choice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14    ¦
¦    Please press [F1] for program information if you are a new user.          ¦
                                               Press [F1] Help, [ESC] Quit. . .

                        ???   GENERAL INFORMATION   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Fields in which you may enter data are highlighted.                        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Use the arrow keys to move within fields or between fields.                ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   You may change any entry by using the editing keys.                        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   To complete any entry and move to the next field, you may press [Enter]    ¦
¦   or use one of the arrow keys.  If the last character you enter is also     ¦
¦   the last space in the field, movement to the next field is automatic.      ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   [F1] brings "Help" from most screens in the program.                       ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   [F10] calculates results based upon current screen data.                   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   [Esc] always takes you back to the previous level in the program.          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   If you have a hard disk, you may install this program by copying ALL       ¦
¦   the files to the disk.  A new subdirectory named TOOLBOX is recommended.   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                       Press [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

                        ???   GENERAL INFORMATION   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  A negative number is an acceptable input in many parts of the program.      ¦
¦  Just type the "-" sign as the first character of the entry.                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  The program performs rather strict error-checking of all inputs, and in     ¦
¦  particular may appear balky when you are modifying a number that is         ¦
¦  already negative. If you have difficulty, it is sometimes easiest to delete ¦
¦  the number using the [Del] key and to begin again with the minus sign.      ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  Many screens use some of the 10 Special-Function keys to modify input       ¦
¦  values or to change the form of the calculation.  These keys are indicated  ¦
¦  in brackets, like this: [F1].  Watch for notes on each screen telling which ¦
¦  keys are active.                                                            ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  To print a record of your work, you may press the [ALT] and [p] keys        ¦
¦  simultaneously at any time.  A copy of the current input data and the       ¦
¦  resulting calculated values are sent to your printer.  This print function  ¦
¦  also reruns the calculation.  You need not be concerned about forgetting    ¦
¦  to calculate before printing.  The program always does this for you.        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                       Press [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

                        ???   GENERAL INFORMATION   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  You are encouraged to share copies of this program.  Be certain to copy     ¦
¦  all files on the disk.  The program will not run if any files are missing.  ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  This program loads memory-resident overlays before it runs (and removes     ¦
¦  them when you exit).  Although unlikely, these overlays may conflict with   ¦
¦  other memory-resident software that you have installed.  Any reports of     ¦
¦  such difficulty will be appreciated.                                        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  Press keys BRIEFLY to move around in the program.  Holding down a key for   ¦
¦  too long may cause you to skip more than one screen at a time.              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  If you attempt to print with [ALT]+[p] while your printer is not on line,   ¦
¦  the program will wait 60 seconds for you to remedy the situation.  If the   ¦
¦  printer does not become available within this time, the program will        ¦
¦  time out and return you to the operating system.                            ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  The screen display truncates numbers, while the printout rounds them.       ¦
¦  A difference of 1 in the last place may sometimes be seen, and is normal.   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                       Press [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

                   ???    Cascade Noise Figure and Gain    ???

¦      Enter Noise Figure and Gain in dB:                                      ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       +---------------+     +---------------+     +---------------+          ¦
¦       ¦ NF =   0.0 dB ¦     ¦ NF =   0.0 dB ¦     ¦ NF =   0.0 dB ¦          ¦
¦ IN o--¦               +-----¦               +-----¦               +-+        ¦
¦       ¦ A  =   0.0 dB ¦     ¦ A  =   0.0 dB ¦     ¦ A  =   0.0 dB ¦ ¦        ¦
¦       +---------------+     +---------------+     +---------------+ ¦        ¦
¦       +-------------------------------------------------------------+        ¦
¦       ¦ +---------------+     +---------------+     +---------------+        ¦
¦       ¦ ¦ NF =   0.0 dB ¦     ¦ NF =   0.0 dB ¦     ¦ NF =   0.0 dB ¦        ¦
¦       +-¦               +-----¦               +-----¦               +-o OUT  ¦
¦         ¦ A  =   0.0 dB ¦     ¦ A  =   0.0 dB ¦     ¦ A  =   0.0 dB ¦        ¦
¦         +---------------+     +---------------+     +---------------+        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦      Composite noise figure =   0.00 dB, or            as a pure ratio.      ¦
¦      Total System Gain      =   0.00 dB, or            as a pure ratio.      ¦
¦      You may press [F2] to start over in the ratio mode.                     ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

                ???  HELP for CASCADE NOISE FIGURE and GAIN  ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Enter data for as many as six stages.                                      ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Press [F10] to calculate after you have entered your data.                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Unneeded stages should be left at their default values, and will have      ¦
¦   no effect on the calculation.                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Press [ALT]+[p] at any time to print the current data and results.         ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Pressing [F2] toggles the program between the dB input mode and the        ¦
¦   ratio input mode.  You must start in the desired mode, as existing input   ¦
¦   data is discarded when the mode is changed.                                ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Your computer cannot work with numbers outside the approximate range       ¦
¦   of plus or minus 10^38.  If you enter data that requires calculation       ¦
¦   beyond this range, a math overflow will occur, and you will be forced      ¦
¦   to exit the program.                                                       ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

                        ???   Pi and T ATTENUATORS   ???
¦   Resistors shown are EXACT.  --  Press [F6] to see  1 %  values.            ¦
¦                                     17.61 O                                  ¦
¦     Pi Attenuator:     o----------/\/\/\----------o      Press [F2] for      ¦
¦                                ¦          ¦              T  Attenuator       ¦
¦                       Input    \          \   Output                         ¦
¦                                /          /                                  ¦
¦                       292.40 O \          \         292.40 O                 ¦
¦                                /          /                                  ¦
¦                                ¦          ¦                                  ¦
¦                        o--------------------------o                          ¦
¦   INPUT DATA:                        ¦    Results with EXACT parts:          ¦
¦   Desired Z(in)  =      50.0 Ohms    ¦    Actual Z(in)  =      50.0 Ohms     ¦
¦   Desired Z(out) =      50.0 Ohms    ¦    Actual Z(out) =      50.0 Ohms     ¦
¦   Desired Attenuation =  3.00  dB    ¦    Actual Attenuation =  3.00  dB     ¦
¦   Specify attenuation and press [F10] to calculate resistor values.          ¦
¦   Z(in) and Z(out) may also be specified.   They need not be equal.          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
             Press [F1] Help, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

                      ???   Pi and T Attenuator Help   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   [F2] switches the calculation between Pi and T modes.  Press any time.     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   [F6] causes resistors to be displayed as calculated, or as the nearest     ¦
¦   standard RETMA one, five, or ten percent value.  You may press [F6]        ¦
¦   repeatedly to cycle into the desired mode.                                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   The "Results" section shows theoretical performance with the resistor      ¦
¦   values that are displayed. You must add allowance for component variation. ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   If you request an impossible attenuator, the program shows the lowest      ¦
¦   attenuation obtainable for your I/O impedances.  Enter a slightly greater  ¦
¦   attenuation value and rerun the calculation.                               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   The program calculates ATTENUATION.  Remember that this is different from  ¦
¦   insertion loss when input and output impedances are unequal.               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   If you wish to work with very low impedances, input your desired I/O       ¦
¦   values in milliohms, and consider the results to be in the same units.     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

                   ???     INDUCTANCE, REACTANCE and Q     ???

¦  Initially,                                ¦                                 ¦
¦  Enter 2 of 3:               Set Units:    ¦   Resultants:                   ¦
¦  Frequency:    0.000 HERTZ         [F2]    ¦                                 ¦
¦                                            ¦                                 ¦
¦  Inductance:   0.000 HENRY         [F3]    ¦                                 ¦
¦                                            ¦                                 ¦
¦  Reactance:    0.000 OHMS          [F4]    ¦                                 ¦
¦  Optionally,                               ¦                                 ¦
¦  Enter any 1:                Set Units:    ¦   Resultants:                   ¦
¦  Q:            0.000                       ¦                                 ¦
¦                                            ¦                                 ¦
¦  R(series):    0.000 OHMS          [F5]    ¦                                 ¦
¦                                            ¦                                 ¦
¦  R(parlel):    0.000 OHMS          [F6]    ¦                                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

                ???   HELP for INDUCTANCE, REACTANCE and Q   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   The top half of the screen solves the well-known relation:                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                           X(l) = 2 * Pi * F * L                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Where X(l) is inductive reactance, F is frequency, and L is Inductance.    ¦
¦   Entering any two quantities allows calculation of the third.               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   The bottom half of the screen solves the relations between Q and the       ¦
¦   equivalent series or parallel resistance.  Entering any one value gives    ¦
¦   the other two:                                                             ¦
¦                  Q = X(l) / R(s)    and    Q = R(p) / X(l)                   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Notice you can use function keys [F2]-[F6] to change the input units.      ¦
¦   The units "cycle" as you press the associated key.  Press repeatedly at    ¦
¦   any time until you have the units you want.  The calculation reruns        ¦
¦   whenever you change units.  The program can use output multipliers from    ¦
¦   "ATTO" (10^-18) through "TERA" (10^12).  You may see some of these         ¦
¦   uncommon output units if you cycle through unlikely input values.          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

                   ???    CAPACITANCE, REACTANCE and D     ???

¦  Initially,                                ¦                                 ¦
¦  Enter 2 of 3:                Set Units:   ¦   Resultants:                   ¦
¦  Frequency:     0.000 HERTZ         [F2]   ¦                                 ¦
¦                                            ¦                                 ¦
¦  Capacitance:   0.000 FARAD         [F3]   ¦                                 ¦
¦                                            ¦                                 ¦
¦  Reactance:     0.000 OHMS          [F4]   ¦                                 ¦
¦  Optionally,                               ¦                                 ¦
¦  Enter any 1:                 Set Units:   ¦   Resultants:                   ¦
¦  D            0.00000                      ¦                                 ¦
¦                                            ¦                                 ¦
¦  R(series):     0.000 OHMS          [F5]   ¦                                 ¦
¦                                            ¦                                 ¦
¦  R(parlel):     0.000 OHMS          [F6]   ¦                                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

               ???   HELP for CAPACITANCE, REACTANCE and D   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   The top half of the screen solves the well-known relation:                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                         X(c) = 1 / (2 * Pi * F * C )                         ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Where X(c) is capacitive reactance, F is frequency, and C is Capacitance.  ¦
¦   Entering any two quantities allows calculation of the third.               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   The bottom half of the screen solves the relations between D and the       ¦
¦   equivalent series or parallel resistance.  Entering any one value gives    ¦
¦   the other two:                                                             ¦
¦                  D = R(s) / X(c)    and    D = X(c) / R(p)                   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Notice you can use function keys [F2]-[F6] to change the input units.      ¦
¦   The units "cycle" as you press the associated key.  Press repeatedly at    ¦
¦   any time until you have the units you want.  The calculation reruns        ¦
¦   whenever you change units.  The program can use output multipliers from    ¦
¦   "ATTO" (10^-18) through "TERA" (10^12).  You may see some of these         ¦
¦   uncommon output units if you cycle through unlikely input values.          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

                     ???   RESONANCE and TUNING RANGE   ???

¦  For fixed tuned or starting frequency,     ¦                                ¦
¦  Enter 2 of 3 below:          Set Units:    ¦   Resultants:                  ¦
¦  Frequency #1:   0.000 HERTZ         [F2]   ¦                                ¦
¦                                             ¦                                ¦
¦  Inductance:     0.000 HENRY         [F3]   ¦                                ¦
¦                                             ¦                                ¦
¦  Capacitance:    0.000 FARAD         [F4]   ¦                                ¦
¦  For tuning by capacitance, ?--------[F5]   ¦                                ¦
¦  Enter 1 of 2 below:                        ¦   Resultants:                  ¦
¦  Frequency #2:   0.000 HERTZ                ¦                                ¦
¦                                             ¦                                ¦
¦  Capacitance:    0.000 FARAD                ¦                                ¦
¦                                             ¦                                ¦
¦  Resulting Max/Min required of capacitor:   ¦                                ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

               ???   HELP for RESONANCE and TUNING RANGE   ???
   The top half of the screen solves the resonance formula:                   ¦
                      F = 1 / ( 2 * Pi * ( L * C )^.5 )                       ¦
   Where F is frequency, L is inductance and C is capacitance.                ¦
   Entering any two quantities allows calculation of the third.               ¦
   The bottom half of the screen is used for calculations at a second         ¦
   frequency, the other end of a tuning range.  Use F5 to select tuning with  ¦
   either L or C.  (Tuning by C uses same L at F2 and vice versa.)  Enter     ¦
   one unknown at the second frequency and the other is calculated.           ¦
   Notice you can use function keys [F2]-[F4] to change the input units.      ¦
   The units "cycle" as you press the associated key.  Press repeatedly at    ¦
   any time until you have the units you want.  The calculation reruns        ¦
   whenever you change units.  The program can use output multipliers from    ¦
   "ATTO" (10^-18) through "TERA" (10^12).  You may see some of these         ¦
   uncommon output units if you cycle through unlikely input values.          ¦
                                                Press any key to continue. . .

                   ???  VSWR and RETURN LOSS CONVERSIONS  ???

¦      Input any ONE value:                               ¦   Equivalents:     ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      VSWR (as a ratio)                  0.000 : 1       ¦      0.000 : 1     ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      VSWR in dB                         0.000  dB       ¦      0.000  dB     ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Return loss in dB                  0.000  dB       ¦      0.000  dB     ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Transmission loss in dB            0.000  dB       ¦      0.000  dB     ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Voltage reflection coefficient     0.000           ¦      0.000         ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Transmitted power in percent        0.00   %       ¦      0.00    %     ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Reflected power in percent          0.00   %       ¦      0.00    %     ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

                     ???   HELP for VSWR CONVERSIONS   ???
¦  The seven quantities shown are all related by simple equations.             ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  For example, given the return loss, a :                                     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  VSWR (as a ratio)              = (a + 1) / ( a - 1 )                        ¦
¦  VSWR in dB                     = 20 * log ( VSWR )                          ¦
¦  Return loss in dB              = 20 * log ( a )                             ¦
¦  Voltage reflection coefficient = 1 / a                                      ¦
¦  Transmitted power in percent   = 100% * ( 1 - Voltage Reflection Coeff.^2 ) ¦
¦  Reflected power in percent     = 100% - Transmitted Power %                 ¦
¦  Transmission Loss in dB        = -(10 * log ( Transmitted power % / 100% )  ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  (All logs are to the base 10.)                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  The order of calculation depends upon which quantity is initially given.    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  For details, see any standard text.  For example:                           ¦
¦  Reference Data For Radio Engineers, Fifth Edition Page 22-6                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  Use arrow keys to move between fields.  Use [Enter] or [F10] to calculate.  ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

                  ???   REDUCTION of VSWR by ATTENUATION   ???
¦      SPECIFY any 2 out of 3 Factors:                                         ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                 +--------+                   ¦
¦                                                 ¦        ¦                   ¦
¦                INPUT  >--------/\/\/\/\---------¦  LOAD  ¦                   ¦
¦                                                 ¦        ¦                   ¦
¦                                                 +--------+                   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                 0.000 : 1        0.000  dB        0.000 : 1                  ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦               Input VSWR       Attenuation      Load VSWR                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦      You may convert other units into VSWR using screen #6.                  ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

             ???   HELP for REDUCTION of VSWR by ATTENUATION   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  The calculation is done using the relationships:                            ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             G  =  20 * log ( (VSWR - 1) / (VSWR + 1) )                       ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             G (at input) = G (at load)  -  2 * A(o)                          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  Where:     G = Voltage Reflection Coefficient in dB (negative)              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             A(o) = Attenuation in dB (taken as positive)                     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  VSWR may be expressed in many equivalent forms.  If your known data is not  ¦
¦  in terms of VSWR, you may use selection #6 (from the main menu) to convert. ¦
¦  If your load is known in terms of impedance, then simply take:              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             VSWR  =  Z(l) / Z(o),   for Z(l) > Z(o), or                      ¦
¦             VSWR  =  Z(o) / Z(l),   for Z(o) > Z(l).                         ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  That is, if your desired system impedance is 50 ohms, and your load is 100  ¦
¦  ohms, then the load VSWR is 2.  VSWR is also 2 if the load is 25 ohms.      ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

                      ???   NOISE FIGURE MEASUREMENT   ???
¦     Enter data in any of the four areas at left:                             ¦
¦                                         ¦   Noise Figure derived             ¦
¦     Y factor, dB                 0.00   ¦   from a Diode noise source:       ¦
¦                                         ¦                                    ¦
¦     Excess-noise ratio, dB       0.00   ¦   NF(db) =                         ¦
¦     Y factor, dB                 0.00   ¦   Noise Figure derived             ¦
¦                                         ¦   from a Hot/Cold noise source:    ¦
¦     T(hot), Degrees Kelvin     373.20   ¦                                    ¦
¦                                         ¦                                    ¦
¦     T(off), Degrees Kelvin     290.00   ¦   NF(db) =                         ¦
¦                                         ¦                                    ¦
¦     T(cold) Degrees Kelvin      77.30   ¦                                    ¦
¦     NF(db)                       0.00   ¦   T(eff) =                   °K.   ¦
¦     T(eff) Degrees Kelvin         0.0   ¦   NF(db) =                         ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

                  ???   HELP for NOISE FIGURE MEASUREMENT   ??
¦ The formulas used are:                                                       ¦
¦                               Excess-noise ratio                             ¦
¦ NF(ratio)    =                ------------------                             ¦
¦                                      Y-1                                     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                              T(hot)       Y * T(cold)                        ¦
¦                             --------  -  -------------                       ¦
¦                              T(off)         T(off)                           ¦
¦ NF(ratio)    =              --------------------------  + 1                  ¦
¦                                      Y-1                                     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                      T(eff)                                                  ¦
¦ NF(ratio)    =     ---------- + 1,      T(eff)  =  290 * ( NF(ratio) - 1 )   ¦
¦                       290                                                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦ Notice that you may change the default temperatures in the formula for       ¦
¦ measurement by the hot/cold method.                                          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦ All formulas are from Noise in Receiving Systems, by Raoul Pettai, published ¦
¦ by John Wiley and Sons.  Especially see: Chapter Eleven.                     ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

                      ???   NOISE FIGURE CALCULATIONS   ???

¦      SPECIFY any 3 out of 4 Factors:                    ¦   Resultants:      ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Indicated signal level,      dBm       0.0         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Output (S+N)/N Ratio,         dB     0.0           ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      System Noise Bandwidth,    Hertz      0.000 x10^   ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      System Noise Figure,          dB     0.0           ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

                         ???   Noise Figure Help   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   This calculation is based upon the relationship:                           ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                            Q1              Ps                                ¦
¦               N.F. =   ---------  *  --------------                          ¦
¦                         Q2 - Q1        k * T * B                             ¦
¦   Where:                                                                     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   N.F. =  System noise figure (as a ratio)                                   ¦
¦   Q1   =  System power output with signal generator off                      ¦
¦   Q2   =  System power output with signal generator on                       ¦
¦   Ps   =  AVAILABLE signal power with generator on                           ¦
¦   k    =  Boltzmann's constant, 1.38 * 10^-23 joules per degree Kelvin       ¦
¦   T    =  Reference temperature, taken as ˜ 290 degrees Kelvin               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   "Indicated Signal Level" is the reading of a signal generator calibrated   ¦
¦   for power into a matched load, not the true power into the load (which     ¦
¦   usually is unknown).  See Proceedings of the IRE for July of 1950, pages   ¦
¦   890 through 896.                                                           ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

             ???   TSS TRADE-OFFS for DETECTOR-INPUT SYSTEMS   ???

¦      SPECIFY any 4 out of 5 Factors:                    ¦   Resultants:      ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Detector Millivolts/Milliwatt, K       0.0         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Detector Dynamic Resistance,  Rv       0.0         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Amplifier Noise Figure,       dB     0.0           ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Post detector Bandwidth,   Hertz      0.000 x10^   ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      System TSS,                  dBm      0.0          ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Detector Quality factor                            ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦      Amplifier Noise Figure as a Ratio                  ¦                    ¦
¦                                                         ¦                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

                             ???   TSS Help   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       The formula used in this calculation is shown below.  See chapter      ¦
¦       two of Microwave Receivers with EW Applications, by James B. Tsui,     ¦
¦       for a full discussion of the subject.                                  ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                            3.22 * ( B * F )^.5 * 10^-7                       ¦
¦                P(tss)  =  -----------------------------                      ¦
¦                                       M                                      ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       Where P(tss)  is RF power in milliwatts at TSS                         ¦
¦             B       is video bandwidth in Hertz                              ¦
¦             F       is video Noise Figure, expressed as a ratio              ¦
¦             M       is the detector figure of merit                          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       For the detector:         M  =  ß/(r)^.5                               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       Where ß       is detector sensitivity in volts/watt                    ¦
¦             r       is detector effective source resistance                  ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

              ???   TSS CALCULATION with PRE-DETECTION GAIN   ???
¦   Enter all five Amplifier Factors, and one set of Detector Specifications:  ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                       ¦\                           ¦\                        ¦
¦     RF amplifier      ¦¦¦\        Detector         ¦¦¦\    Video Amplifier   ¦
¦                       ¦¦¦¦¦\                       ¦¦¦¦¦\                    ¦
¦        In  o----------¦¦¦¦¦¦>----------------------¦¦¦¦¦¦>--------o Out      ¦
¦                       ¦¦¦¦¦/          ¦            ¦¦¦¦¦/                    ¦
¦                       ¦¦¦/          +---+          ¦¦¦/                      ¦
¦                       ¦/            ¦/ \¦          ¦/                        ¦
¦                                     +---+                                    ¦
¦     Gain         0.0   dB             ¦                                      ¦
¦     N.F.         0.0   dB           -----     N.F.         0.0   dB          ¦
¦     Bandwidth    0.000 x 10^0 Hz     ---      Bandwidth    0.000 x 10^0 Hz   ¦
¦                                       ?                                      ¦
¦   Enter either:                                ¦  Or:                        ¦
¦   Detector  mV/mW  =    0.0 and Ohms =    0.0  ¦  Quality factor =    0.00   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

          ???   HELP for TSS CALCULATION with PRE-DETECTION GAIN   ???
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Noise Figure and Bandwidth ahead of the detection system may all be        ¦
¦   specified, in addition to the performance of the detector itself and of    ¦
¦   the post-detection video amplifier.                                        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Press [F10] after you have entered your data to calculate the TSS of       ¦
¦   the system.  The program will prompt if any data is missing or             ¦
¦   inconsistent.                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   The calculation is based on the work of W. J. Lucas, as reported in        ¦
¦   Proceedings of the IEEE, 113, 1321-1330 (1966).                            ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   The specific form of the equations used is that presented by James B.      ¦
¦   Tsui, in his book Microwave Receivers with EW Applications, Published      ¦
¦   by John Wiley and Sons.  These equations are also given on the             ¦
¦   following screen.                                                          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Press [ALT]+[p] at any time to print the current data and results.         ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                       Press [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

                      ???   POWER LEVEL CONVERSIONS   ???

¦   Select direction with [F2]                                                 ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦               FROM: >>>-------?     TO:                               [F2]   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             0.000     dB  =                          Power ratio             ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             0.000     dB  =                          Voltage ratio           ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             0.000    dBm  =              WATTS       Absolute                ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             0.000   dBµV  =              VOLTS       Absolute                ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             0.000    dBm  =              VOLTS       across  50 ohms         ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Enter data on as many lines as you wish.  Lines are independent.           ¦
 Press [F1] Help, [F9] Clear, [F10] Calculate, [ALT]+[p] Print, [ESC] Quit. . .

                  ???   HELP for POWER LEVEL CONVERSIONS   ???

¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Each of the five lines shown on the screen does an independent             ¦
¦   conversion.                                                                ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   You may enter dB values on any or all of the five lines.                   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Negative dB values are permitted.                                          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   When you press [F10], all of the lines recalculate.                        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Zero is a valid input for the bottom three conversions.                    ¦
¦   You will see a result on these lines whenever the program runs.            ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Notice that you can change the resistance value at which the               ¦
¦   dBm-to-volts conversion runs.  Default is 50 ohms, but you can set         ¦
¦   anything between 1 and 999 ohms.  The value reverts to 50 when you         ¦
¦   switch screens or use [F9] to clear.                                       ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                                                 Press any key to continue. . .

¦                          TELEDYNE MICROELECTRONICS                           ¦
¦                         Custom Hybrid Microcircuits                          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦    If you wish to register your copy of "RF TOOLBOX", please fill out and    ¦
¦    mail the form  provided  on  this  disk  named  REGISTER.DOC.   If you    ¦
¦    register,  you are  entitled to free upgrades for one year and will be    ¦
¦    notified of other design tools available in the future.                   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦    Of course, we're glad to hear comments, suggestions about enhancements    ¦
¦    or additions,  and even about complaints,  incompatibilities and bugs.    ¦
¦    Please direct all correspondence to the address below.                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                          Teledyne Microelectronics                           ¦
¦                                "RF TOOLBOX"                                  ¦
¦                            12964 Panama Street                               ¦
¦                           Los Angeles, CA  90066                             ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                               (213)870-9831                                  ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             Press [F2] to print a copy of the registration form.             ¦
                                 Press any other key to return to the menu. . .

¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             TO READ INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . Press any key.              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             For a printed copy. . . . . . . . . . . Press [F2].              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

                          TELEDYNE MICROELECTRONICS
     Leader in the Science of Microelectronics Packaging and Production

   Want  to  determine  how our products, services  and  capabilities  can
   support your design and production requirements? It's easy. There's  no
   need  for complex inquiry forms. Simply provide us with what  you  have
   already  prepared: circuit schematics, weight and  volume  requirements
   and,   if  you  have  them,  a  component  list,  screening  and   test
   specifications.  We'll evaluate your requirements and  provide  pricing
   and  delivery  information.  Your inquiry will  be  handled  in  strict
   confidence. Our sensitivity to security, nondisclosure policies and our
   ability to protect proprietary data is another feature of our services.
   Whether  your  application is a new system, or you wish to  improve  an
   existing  product, contact us as early as possible in your  development
   schedule... the sooner, the better.

                           CUSTOM MICROELECTRONICS

 o Memory Hybrids     o Microprocessor Hybrids      o Chip Carrier Assy.
 o Medical Hybrids    o Signal Conversion Hybrids   o Modular Assemblies
 o Display Modules    o Gate Array Hybrids          o High Power Hybrids
 o Substrates         o Fiber-Optic Hybrids         o Severe Environments
 o Subsystems         o Analog/Digital Hybrids      o High Frequency (MIC)
       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .


   PARAMETERS                     THICK FILM     THIN FILM       CO-FIRED

   o Lines & Spaces (Minimum)     0.010"         0.001"          0.010"
       Special                    0.005"

   o Multilayer                   8-10 Layers    In Development  Yes

   o Resistors                                                   N/A
       Value Range                1-10 Megohms   1-200 K Ohms
       Tolerance                  +/-0.5%        +/-0.01%
       Stability                  2%             0.1%
       Tracking Stability         25 ppm         2 ppm
       Temperature Coefficient    +/-100 ppm/°C  +/-0 to 25 ppm/°C
       Temp Coefficient Tracking  200 ppm/°C     10 ppm/°C
       High Frequency             Thru 10 GHz    Thru 26 GHz

       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

   PARAMETERS                     THICK FILM     THIN FILM       CO-FIRED

   o Usages
       Specialty Chips            Yes            Yes             N/A
       Ladder Networks            Yes            Yes             N/A
       Resistor Arrays            Yes            Yes             N/A
       Daughter Boards            Yes            Yes             N/A
       Hybrid Microcircuits       Yes            Yes             Yes
       Custom Electronic Modules  Yes            Yes             Yes
       SEM Modules (MIL-M-28787)  Yes            Yes             Yes

   o Technologies                 Noble &        Deposition:     Low or
                                  Non-Noble      Sputtering      High
                                  Alloys         or Vacuum       Temperature

       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

                           CUSTOM PACKAGING CAPABILITIES

   Analog      Bipolar  and  FET  transistor  circuits,  linear IC's, ASIC's,
               power supply  PWM controllers,  Signal Conversion,  monitoring
               and supervisory circuits, resistor ladder network arrays, etc.

   Power       Black-box-design   or  build-to-specification  switching   and
   Supply      linear power supplies, linear regulators, PWM Switch  drivers,
               power converters, etc.

   High-Power  Power   bridges  (FET  or  bipolar):  Single  or   multiphase,
               rectifier   diode   power   packs,   inverters,    regulators,
               intensifiers,    converters,   servoactuators,    controllers,
               sensors,   pulse  or  positioning  regulators  and   switches,
               drivers, exciters, relays, etc.

               Performance:    Power dissipation densities of 200 W/sq in
                               Thermal impedance of 0.5°C/W
                               Currents to 75 amps
                               400 W Maximum average power, 4 KW peak

   Digital     TTL, CMOS, ECL, PAL's, PLD's, semicustom and custom multi-chip
               build-to-specification or black-box-design hybrids.
       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

   Memory      Large static or dynamic RAM's ROM's, EEPROM's, UVEPROM's, etc.

   Analog/     A to D, D to A converters, digital signal processing circuits,
   Digital     etc.

   High        50  MHz  through  26  GHz RF, Microwave  and  SAW  hybrids  in
   Frequency   standard,  multicavity  or connectorless  grounded  microstrip
               (CGM tm) configurations.

               Log amps, mixers, up converters, down converters, attenuators,
               filters, transmitters, receivers, synthesizers, switches, etc.

               Radar/Sonar  output  stages,  RF/microwave  transmitters   and
               receivers, signal processors and amplifiers.

   Signal      Coders, decoders and combinations.

   Medical     Ultra-low  power  hybrids  for  implantable   life-sustaining,
               therapeutic and diagnostic applications.

       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

   Displays    Dot matrix and alpha-numeric, monochrome, multi-color or  full

               LED, LCD, EL and plasma technologies.

               Flat  panel information instrumentation, CRT  replacement  and
               helmet  mounted applications with integral  modularized  drive
               and control circuitry and optical filters.

   Optical     Fiber-optic links:  transmitter-modulator/receiver-demodulator

               Focal plane diode arrays, integral address, control and  drive

               Laser data transmitters and receivers.

               Data   annotation   and  readout  devices   for   photographic
               applications,  target  designators, range  finders  and  night
               vision goggle applications.

       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

   Severe         Specialized hermetic MIL-SPEC Class "B" or Class "S"
   Environment    Packaging:

                     High-Temperature (250°C)
                     High-Shock (50,000 Gs)
                     High-Pressure (3,500 psi)
                     High-Radiation (10 MegRADs Si)

   Radiation/  Black-box-design or build-to-print hardness critical packaging
   Tempest/    for all levels of integration.

   Modular     For analog, digital, high-frequency, medical, power  supplies,
   Assemblies  information display, optical-electronic and severe environment
   and         hardened applications.
               Standard electronic module formats (MIL-M-28787)

               Custom  PCB, MATRIX, and chip carrier SMT packaging  including
               rigid-flex assemblies.
       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                      +-------------------------------+                       ¦
¦                      ¦                               ¦                       ¦
¦                      ¦   TELEDYNE MICROELECTRONICS   ¦                       ¦
¦                      ¦                               ¦                       ¦
¦                      +-------------------------------+                       ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                             12964 Panama Street                              ¦
¦                       Los Angeles, California   90066                        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                    (213) 822-8229    =    (213) 870-9831                     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦         "Leader in the Science of Hybrid Packaging and Production"           ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦

       Press [F2] to print,  [Any Key] Next screen,  [ESC] Previous screen. . .

¦                          TELEDYNE MICROELECTRONICS                           ¦
¦                         Custom Hybrid Microcircuits                          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦    If you wish to register your copy of "RF TOOLBOX", please fill out and    ¦
¦    mail the form  provided  on  this  disk  named  REGISTER.DOC.   If you    ¦
¦    register,  you are  entitled to free upgrades for one year and will be    ¦
¦    notified of other design tools available in the future.                   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦    Of course, we're glad to hear comments, suggestions about enhancements    ¦
¦    or additions,  and even about complaints,  incompatibilities and bugs.    ¦
¦    Please direct all correspondence to the address below.                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                          Teledyne Microelectronics                           ¦
¦                                "RF TOOLBOX"                                  ¦
¦                            12964 Panama Street                               ¦
¦                           Los Angeles, CA  90066                             ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                               (213)870-9831                                  ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦             Press [F2] to print a copy of the registration form.             ¦
                     Press [ESC] to EXIT to DOS, any other key to continue. . .

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