A S C I I A r t O n I R C


  1. Download this text file into your mIRC (or other IRC client) directory. With Netscape Navigator, you can use a right mouse click on this link. then select "Save Link As", and specifying the correct directory. Alternately, you can left-click on the link to follow it, and when you see the train, go to the FILE menu and select "Save As".

  2. Type this command in and send to channel just as you would send any other text.

      The Command: /PLAY c:\mirc\train.txt ...

      This command assumes your client directory is c:\mirc - You may have to change that to d:\mirc OR some other directory path.

      The command assumes the ASCII art is in the file named train.txt


  1. The data (.txt) files are mixed in with your program files. This is not a good practice.

  2. Each time you want to send art to a channel, you have to re-type the command

  3. If you decide to share your text files with others, you will have to separate them from other files.
So.....You can get away with doing this for now and come back later if you decide to, or you can take another ten minutes or so and get everything set up nicely :-)
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