Welcome to the NEW #Peppers Website!
This is a complete redesign and I hope you like it!

Steph's Little Corner of the World - This page was made by one of my best friends. She lives in California and I went to visit her last year. Her family was gracious enough to put up with me for *5* months. They made me feel right at home and there is absolutely no way I could ever repay them. Visit this site, maybe Steph will include my picture too since it is a web site with pictures of her friends. =-P

GuiltTRIP - Thisis the web site of my other best friend's band. The name, if you didn'tfigure it out, is GuiltTRIP and they are very popular here in our littletown. They definitely have what it takes to make it big in the music industry,they're just waiting to bust out. Any time now. =-) This site has been underconstruction basically from its inception so some of the links on it don'twork, but there are plenty of pictures of the band and of my best friend,Roger. Visit it if you would like to know more about the band and its members.

Chirag's Web Page - Thisis the web site of Chirag Amin, aka Yabbas. Chirag is a great friend to allof us on #Peppers so please stop by and take a look at his web page.

Eric's (Spyder`) Web Page - Thispage belongs to Eric. Eric has also been one of #Peppers long running regularsso this page is definitely worth a look. Sign his guestbook while you're thereand tell him Trev sent ya. ;-)

Lordsof Pain - This site has everything you will ever need to know aboutthe WWF, WCW, and ECW wrestling organizations. News, pictures, movies, soundclips...everything. If you watch wrestling, like I do, then visit this siteand bookmark it. It is THE wrestling web site.

Mac Gamer - Being the only Macuser on #Peppers, links like this aren't very useful for the other peoplein #peppers, but I'll include it anyway. Want to know about upcoming Macgames or current mac games? Go here. It has news, reviews, opinions andjust about anything else related to gaming on the Mac. Check it out.

Macintosh News Network - MacNN.comhas the most up to date news on the Macintosh scene. News, product reviews,talk back forums and a lot more. This is the place to be for news on everythingMacintosh.

Apple Insider - Everybody loves rumors. This site has rumors on the Macintosh market, upcoming products, news, reviews and more.