
Welcome to voidspace!! Chinese here is encoded in Eten (not HKU) , A Big 5 Chinese Viewer is required for reading the Chinese. Most pages are supposed to be readable in ANY WWW browser (even Lynx) in ANY size. Therefore, it may be looked a bit odd. After reading the pages, remember to sign the Guest Book!! ^_^

很 歡 迎 你 來 到 voidspace ! ! 我 希 望 大 部 份 頁 都 可 以 用 任 何 萬 維 網 瀏 覽 器 ( 包 括 Lynx )以 任 何 大 小 觀 看 。 所 以 在 設 計 上 可 能 會 保 守 點 , 不 會 怎 酷 。 當 你 看 完 網 頁 後 , 記 得 在 留 言 冊 中 留 下 你 的 名 字 !! ^_^

During the construction time of these page, I support to port some articles here. Unfortunelately, most of them are in chinese only. Therefore, it will be boring if you don't know chinese or haven't got a chinese viewer. I am very sorry for that and promise will translate most of them to english as soon as possible.

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請 在 留 言 冊 上 留 下 你 評 價 和 意 見!! ^_^

[GeoCities] [HTML 3.2] [Free Speech Now]

Background by BAX Background Generator and Custom Textures. Icons, Button and Horizontal Bar by IconBAZAAR, PixelSite, Ender's Realm Graphics and QBullet Legend

空來 (voidoo) voidoo@post1.com

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最後修改日期: Jan 3, 1997