The Golden Child's HTML Page.

About this page.

Everything You need to get your page up and running.

  1. Questions to Ask Before You Begin.
  2. HTML Basics.
  3. HTML Editors.
  4. GIF's, JPEG's and other Graphics.
  5. Some Good Examples.
  6. I still need help.

Web pages are being created.

Where to start?

Well, the best spot is just above with step #1, but most of it is worth repeating so here we go. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is just a language that has been agreed upon (somewhat) for use on the world wide web. The language is very structured so it can be used by many different platforms and everyone can get a chance to see what you create. A drawback with this is that everything must follow the HTML standard and this limits what you can do. Most simple things like fonts and alinement of text which can be done very easily with word processors are restricted and somewhat tedious tasks in HTML. It didn't take too long for people to realize this and HTML editors were created to make the design of a web page more like using a word processing program than writing lines of computer code. But we will get to that later.

The single most important thing you need to do before you even begin to learn HTML is to decide what you want to do with your web page (I assume that the need to learn HTML is a desire to create a web page). Organization is key to a good web page, and if you are confused when you start, the result will be a mess. You may simply want a page that says a few words about yourself and how to contact you. You may want a page that tells of the vast services your company provides. Many types of pages can be created with HTML, and there are different tools you will want to use for each. So think about what you need from your page and we'll get started with step one.

This page was created by Gavin O'Toole. All images used are believed to be in the public domain, any image will be removed on request of the owner.
