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This web site original came on-line back in 1995 with only one page. Since that time I have added numerous additional pages, files to download (my "Help Guide to Buying a Computer), links (via my Favorite Sites page), page backgrounds, moving graphics, etc, etc, etc. Boy, it has been an exciting ride!

How Did I Build This Site?

When I started creating this site back in 1995, I was unable to find a good (or even fair) HTML editor. Therefore, being able to program I started reading HTML code from various web sites and taught myself HTML (joining HTML Writers Guild in 1998).

To this day I still code HTML by hand using notepad and other text based programs, since I believe it still provides much more control. Plus, I haven't found many HTML editors that have the features I want. :> My web site, as you see it now, initially took me a few weeks to put together (thoughts to finished product).

The various graphics on my site have come from a number of sources, including me (my mind), freebies on the web, friends, etc. In the past few years I have noticed more and more web sites devoted to providing free, good quality graphics for anyone who wants them. I appreciate these sites, because they have helped make my web site what it is today.

What's Coming Next

I will continue to add new (and hopefully exciting/interesting) items to the site, as time permits, so check back often. If you have any comments, suggestions, problems, etc. with my site, please let me know ASAP.

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