Michael Vincent Juan Labayog
   ~    Hypr Jrny-mn





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        This is the navigational section for the family pictures. Just click on the occasion you want to surf and then view all the pics in it. Feel free to download the pictures in it and save it for your files. Save it in a floppy to save on your hard disk space and then label the floppy disk.

    Instructions on downloading: Just point to the picture with your cursor and then right click, then save. You can rename each picture if you want. Each set will be posted on a limited time. Request for previous pics will be emailed to Michael. If you go to the Yahoo Page, just click on the Back Arrow to go back to my Main Photo Page menu.

    All pictures are exclusive property of Michael J. LABAYOG. Any distribution,  publishing, or modification of these pictures are strictly prohibited without the express or written consent of Michael J. Labayog.

Email me at :   Hyprjrnymn@yahoo.com


   OCCASION                                                      Date Posted        Last Day of Posting

My Graduation Class of 1999 - B.S.Cmp.E.       Jan, 2000                                            

Dad's 80th Birthday                                             Jan, 2000                                            

Millenium Celebration 2000 / Benjie's B-day     Feb, 2000                                            

James & Frances' New Pool                                Feb. 2000                                            

RAIDERS - AFC CHAMPIONS 2002 Season Pics               Silver & Black Forever!     

RAIDERS - Superbowl Party Pics and Dad's 83rd B-Day               Jan. 26, 2003         

Reno - Boreal Ski Resort Pics                         February 2003