Philip Hediger

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This is the place to find out everything you want to know about me, my personal interests and my professional experience. I was born in 1970 in Switzerland and now I live near Aarau and work in Zurich (details about that are mentioned below).

Personal interests

Travelling I love to travel all over the world, but unfortunately my bank account does not support this activity sufficiently. My favourite destinations are the United States and Australia, as I love to enjoying warm, sunny weather and my knowledge of foreign languages is limited to English.
Photography I frequently take pictures of people, architecture and landscapes. Since I find the most interesting motives on my journeys, I do this mainly on vacation.
Movies First of all, I really like comedies and science fiction movies, but I'm always ready to go to the movie theater for a good thriller or a western.
TV series When it comes to TV entertainment, I stick to science fiction and criminal series. Apart from Star trek, the unbeatable series, in my opinion The X–Files is one of the best series currently on the air (please visit my X–Files homepage). Beside that, I just have time to watch NYPD Blue.


The computer and me

Ever since my school days, I've been interested in computers. Back then, there was, of course, no such thing as computer education at Swiss schools. My math teacher, however, was very skilled in the field of IT and convinced the school to buy four
Sinclair ZX 81s. He then upgraded one of them from 1 kb of RAM to the huge capacity of 4 kb! The occasional opportunities to work on these machines fascinated me from the very first moment on. Right there, I knew that this was what I wanted to do. It was Thursday, April 25, 1985 when I spent the huge amount of CHF 450.-- to purchase the ZX 81's successor, a Sinclair ZX Spectrum with 48 kb RAM. Since there was not too much commercial software available for this model, I had to write my programs myself.

A few years later, I purchased an Atari Mega ST 2 with 2MB RAM which was more than most other computers had at that time. It was rather easy to program this computer using a programming language called GfA BASIC.

By now, I made the step into the world of PCs. I am now concentrating on database development using MS ACCESS. My next steps will include consolidating my knowledge of HTML and JavaScript as well as getting into Visual Basic.


Professional experience

After a Mercantile apprenticeship in the insurance sector, I was trained as a software engineer by
Helvetia Insurance, where I worked in the application development department from 1990 through 1996. Since 1996, I have been working for Credit Suisse in the application development and maintenance department in Zurich. Apart from my work, I am working on MS ACCESS databases, Visual Basic programming and HTML out of personal interest.

In November 1997, I passed the examination of the Oxford International Business English Certificate, 1st level after a 6 month preparation course. On June 18, the examination for the executive level certificate took place, which I also passed.

I am presently looking for an opportunity to expand my work experience by working abroad for some time. Therefore, if you have to offer a job in Australia or in the United States, please contact me. More detailed information about my work experience is available in my resume.


My other web sites

Yes,I admit that I'm responsible for some other sites on the web. I have created them to cover some of my fields of interest. Have a look at the
list of my other home pages or go directly to

Southern England Picture gallery from my vacation in Southern England (August 2001). The site also provides an extensive list of Links.
USA 2000 Information and pictures from my trip to thru the South West of the USA in the year 2000.
The site features my travel log including information about the places I visited, a picture gallery and an extensive list of links.
Ireland 1999 Picture gallery from my vacation in Ireland 1999.
Australia 1998 Information and pictures from my trip to Australia 1998.
I have finally managed to complete the information section which provides some facts about the regions I have visited.
My car Technical specifications and pictures of my new former car which is was so much fun that I just have to show it off all over the world wide web. The site also tells you how all the fun ended on a cold morning in December 1999.
X Files Pictures, sounds, information and links related to my favourite TV series.
Jugendfest Lenzburg
Background information about the Jugendfest in Lenzburg, which is a traditional celebration in my home town, and pictures of the 1998 celebration and the biennially held Freischaren-maneuver.



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