My Extended Family
My friend Mario.
Andy, a.k.a. Bullgod10304 to you Hardboardians (in recliner) & Erick Hennig
Your Webmaster hard at work (actually at school, the College of Lake County).
Andy in a Tux.  Ladies, don't all hit this site at once.
Amy, Sergio, Mario and I just hanging out.
Ken, Amy and Sergio, smile for the camera.
A bunch of us at the Smashmouth Concert, in the Aragon Ballroom.
My (not so) little brother Brent, showing off for the camera.
The reason I'm employed...Need I say more?
 My old home at West Group...
Click on the image to enlarge, except on Andy's...You'll probably regret it.  Just kidding!
I'll be adding more, so visit often.

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