Texture Maker

Make cool textures and background tiles for webpages

Texture Maker, 233Kb

You've seen it, cool backgrounds on people's webpages. Now you can make your own with Teralogic's freeware Texture Maker. Like I did for this webpage.

The trick to making a background is to make one that seamlessly overlaps when tiled. Texture maker first generates a plasma fractal. You can then apply various filters, rotations, and other mathematical gizmos to it to further customize it (you can change the color too). Knowing what you're doing isn't a requirement: just press some buttons to try some effects and get cool textures. As you go along you can make a tilable version based on the fractal just by selecting a few options and pressing a button. A finished background preview lets you know what the texture will look like as a tiled background. Save the ones you like. A brief readme file tells you what to do, and online help is available.

Texture Maker Tip: The tile is saved as a TGA (targa) file. To be a background, this needs to be changed to a GIF or JPG file. You can use the image viewer from BCAD to convert the file. Just load the targa file, and then resave it as a GIF or JPG. You can't use GraphX for this, because it has a bug and can't read files generated with Texture Maker, even though it can read targa files. This is a problem with GraphX, not Texture Maker-- the targa files are normal.

Oh, and check out the cool example textures, already converted into JPG format.

Texture Maker is a DOS program, but you can use a mouse and it has a fully graphical interface. Despite the mathmatical calculations involved, Texture Maker works o.k. on a humble 386 (It works o.k. on an arrogant one too).
