

22nd August 2002 - Cr0no
We all competed each other and as usual KillaX reached top. We also got to see Sgt_Reece in action, and he truly kicks ass. We are trying to get him to play for our clan, and hope he does x_X


1st June 2002 - Cr0no
All members have actually seen each other in person now, so organisation is made much easier. KillaX was fine witht the name of the clan " 3Ds ", we only need aproval from ReToX to use this as our clan tag. Click here to see how it might look like in a game


19th March 2002 - Cr0no
I have just completed the initial website design but there still alot more to do. Everything here still looks abit dull and needs some beautiful graphics, especially the navigation bar... By th way, please try the "Back" and "Forward" buttons underneath this frame... it finally works !!! This website is also fast to load, the whole website is currently 26.5kb , amazing eh?